SQL Server 2016

  1. Occurs when the sort operation on an executing query does not fit into memory. This event is not generated for sort operations ...
  2. Occurs when the state of an active mirrored route (i.e. a route containing a mirror address that is currently being used ...
  3. Occurs when the user specifies a different resulting XSD type in a query, than the one that was used to promote the path ...
  4. Occurs when there is a connectivity issue between the cluster and the Availability Group resulting in a failure to renew ...
  5. Occurs when there is a wait on a SQLOS controlled resource. Use this event to track resource waits that occur during task ...
  6. Occurs when there is insufficient memory to process the build input of a hash join. This results in either a hash recursion ...
  7. Occurs when you use a feature that will be removed from a future version of SQL Server, but will not be removed from the ...
  8. Occurs when you use a feature that will be removed from future version of SQL Server, but will not be removed from the next ...
  9. Occurs when you use a feature that will be removed from the next major release of SQL Server. For greatest longevity of your ...
  10. ODBCBCP.dll is not compatible with 'ODBC Driver for SQL Server' driver. Please configure 'SQL Server' driver for the DSN ...
  11. ODBCBCP.dll is not compatible with 'SQL Server Native Client' driver. Please configure 'SQL Server' driver for the DSN or ...
  12. of (randomly picked) input data will be copied in a new spreadsheet for training set. The remaining {1}% will be copied in ...
  13. of (randomly picked) input data will be copied in a new spreadsheet, labeled "{1}". The remaining {2}% will be copied in ...
  14. Offline database file(s) have been overwritten while being reverted to online state from a database snapshot. The reverted ...
  15. Old style RAISERROR (Format: RAISERROR integer string) will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this ...
  16. OLE DB or ODBC Subscribers cannot subscribe to article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!' because the article has a timestamp ...
  17. OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned "%3!s!" with data type "%4!s!", which should be type "%5!s!". ...
  18. OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supported the schema lock interface, but returned "%3!s!" for "%4!s!". ...
  19. OLE DB provider '%1!s!' cannot be used for distributed queries because the provider is configured to run in single-threaded ...
  20. OLE DB provider '%1!s!' for linked server '%2!s!' returned data that does not match expected data length for column '%3!s!.%4!s!'. ...
  21. OLE DB provider '%1!s!' for linked server '%2!s!' returned truncated data for column '%3!s!.%4!s!'. The actual data length ...
  22. OLE task allocator failed to initialize. Heterogeneous queries, distributed queries, and remote procedure calls are unavailable. ...
  23. On a domain controller, you cannot use the built-in Windows service accounts (Local Service or Network Service) as service ...
  24. On a new installation of PowerPivot for SharePoint, you must install and deploy solutions to the farm. Application solutions ...
  25. On a previous page of this wizard, you selected the '{0}' existing dimension. This dimension cannot be used unless one of ...
  26. On a previous page of this wizard, you selected the '{0}' existing dimension. This dimension cannot be used unless the '{1}' ...
  27. On a previous page of this wizard, you selected the '{0}' measure group. This measure group cannot be used unless one of ...
  28. On a previous page of this wizard, you selected the '{0}' measure group. This measure group cannot be used unless the '{1}' ...
  29. One more more cluster nodes have names with 15 characters or more. To continue, rename any cluster nodes that have names ...
  30. One of the friendly names that you specified is already being used. Make sure that none of the existing tables have any of ...
  31. One of the friendly names that you specified is already being used. Make sure that none of the existing tables have any of ...
  32. One of the parameters in the EntityParameterCollection is null or empty. A name must begin with a letter and contain only ...
  33. One of the partitions of index '%1!s!' for table '%2!s!'(partition ID %3!s!) resides on a filegroup ("%4!s!") that cannot ...
  34. One of the temporary files could not be created. Check that the TempFilePath property is valid or that the TEMP environment ...
  35. One of the types specified in WITH RESULT SETS clause has been modified after the EXECUTE statement started running. Please ...
  36. One of the {0} properties for the {1} does not match the Hierarchy BaseEntity property. If Hierarchy is present, {0} must ...
  37. One of the {0} properties of the {1} references the {2}, which is a hidden Attribute. This property should reference a non-hidden ...
  38. One of the {0} properties of the {1} references the {2}, which is a non-aggregate Attribute. This property must reference ...
  39. One of the {0} properties of the {1} references the {2}, which is an aggregate Attribute. This property must reference a ...
  40. One of the {0} properties of the {1} references the {2}, which is not a filter Attribute. This property must reference a ...
  41. One of the {0} properties of the {1} references the {2}, which is not an aggregate Attribute. Based on the Path used to reach ...
  42. One of the {0} properties of the {1} references the {2}. Based on the Path used to reach the {2}, this property can only ...
  43. One of the {0} properties of the {1} references the {2}. Based on the Path used to reach the {2}, this property can only ...
  44. One or more articles in the publication are configured to have non-overlapping partitions that are unique for each subscription, ...
  45. One or more audits failed to start. Refer to previous errors in the error log to identify the cause, and correct the problems ...
  46. One or more data source views are not listed because they do not contain tables. An empty data source view cannot be used ...
  47. One or more databases in availability group '%1!s!' are not synchronized. On a synchronous-commit availability replica, ALTER ...
  48. One or more dimensions do not have a data source view. The Time Intelligence Wizard can only be run if a data source view ...
  49. One or more dimensions do not have a source table. The source table for the dimension must be generated before you can run ...
  50. One or more dimensions do not have a source table. The Time Intelligence Wizard can only be run if a source table is present ...
  51. One or more Distributed Replay client computers that work together with a Distributed Replay controller to simulate concurrent ...
  52. One or more error occurred. There should be more specific errors preceding this one that explains the details of the errors. ...
  53. One or more errors have occurred in the tasks that are in the package. To see the OnError messages, click View Overview to ...
  54. One or more errors occurred while adding components to the tree. The following components may not have been added to the ...
  55. One or more errors occurred while attempting to retrieve metadata information for InMemory Rowset. Check other errors for ...
  56. One or more event sessions failed to reconcile their runtime states. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify ...
  57. One or more event sessions failed to start. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause, and correct ...
  58. One or more Execute Package tasks are using a project reference. To make the package compatible with the package deployment ...
  59. One or more files do not match the primary file of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation ...
  60. One or more full text catalogs are used by this database. Do you want to locate the full text catalogs? (Click No to skip ...
  61. One or more full text catalogs used by database '{0}' were not found. The database has been attached without the missing ...
  62. One or more items named '{1}' were found in the project file '{0}'. These items normally should not be specified in the project ...
  63. One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. Restoration will not ...
  64. One or more of the options (%1!s!) are not supported for this statement. Review the documentation for supported options. ...
  65. One or more of the selected measures are currently used in a PivotTable. Are you sure you want to permanently delete the ...
  66. One or more of the selected measures are currently used in a PivotTable. Are you sure you want to permanently delete the ...
  67. One or more of the server network addresses lacks a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). To start mirroring without using ...
  68. One or more of the status thresholds are not valid. The KPI status thresholds can contain only numbers and must be in the ...
  69. One or more pages on the Utility Administration node have failed to initialize and load data. Please close Microsoft SQL ...
  70. One or more PowerPivot for SharePoint servers are a different version. These servers will be unavailable until they are patched ...
  71. One or more recovery units belonging to database '%1!s!' failed to generate a checkpoint. This is typically caused by lack ...
  72. One or more remote partitions have been selected. Queries that require redirection to the underlying data source will be ...
  73. One or more rows deleted in table '%1!s!' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set ...
  74. One or more rows inserted in table '%1!s!' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set ...
  75. One or more rows to be inserted in the batch insert procedure for table %1!s! were present in MSmerge_contents; merge replication ...