SQL Server 2016

  1. Occurs when a statement that contains a cursor declaration is compiled into an execution plan, but before the cursor is opened. ...
  2. Occurs when a statement-level recompilation is required by any kind of batch. This includes stored procedures, triggers, ...
  3. Occurs when a stored procedure is inserted into the procedure cache. Use this event together with other sp_cache_* events ...
  4. Occurs when a stored procedure is not found in the procedure cache. Frequent occurrences of this event could indicate that ...
  5. Occurs when a stored procedure is removed from the procedure cache. Use this event together with other sp_cache_* events ...
  6. Occurs when a stored procedure is retrieve from the procedure cache. Use this event along with other sp_cache_* events to ...
  7. Occurs when a successful connection is made to the Server. This event is fired for new connection or when connections are ...
  8. Occurs when a successful connection to the Server is reported to Windows using the User Access Logging API. This event is ...
  9. Occurs when a T-SQL statement or stored procedure waits more than one second for a memory grant or when the initial attempt ...
  10. Occurs when a tape mount request is received. Use this event class any time you want to monitor tape mount requests and their ...
  11. Occurs when a task has been blocked longer than the time that is specified by the sp_configure blocked process threshold ...
  12. Occurs when a type convert issue affects the plan. The expression value indicates the conversion that can cause inaccurate ...
  13. Occurs when a user has logged out of (logged off) the Server. This event is required in traces that will be used for Replay ...
  14. Occurs when a value() method is used in a query, specifying a sql type that differs from the type specified during selective ...
  15. Occurs when an ALTER TABLE ADD column operation results in an UPDATE that affects every row. This event signals a potentially ...
  16. Occurs when an attempt to acquire a lock generates a deadlock. This event is raised for each participant in the deadlock. ...
  17. Occurs when an executed query is missing a join predicate. Use this event to identify a query that may perform slowly because ...
  18. Occurs when an execution plan is created for a query or batch without using the provided plan guide. Use this event to identify ...
  19. Occurs when an execution plan that contains a cursor is discarded. Use this event to troubleshoot cursor performance issues. ...
  20. Occurs when an execution plan that contains a cursor is recompiled. Use this event to troubleshoot cursor performance issues. ...
  21. Occurs when an expression is not natively supported in batch processing mode and a wrapper of row-by-row evaluation is used. ...
  22. Occurs when an Extended Events session is started. To avoid duplicate (or secondary) existing_connection events when other ...
  23. Occurs when an object was altered by the ALTER statement. This event is raised two times for every ALTER operation. The event ...
  24. Occurs when an object was created by the CREATE statement. This event is raised two times for every CREATE operation. The ...
  25. Occurs when an object was deleted by the DROP statement. This event is raised two times for every DROP operation. The event ...
  26. Occurs when an OLEDB Call to a remote provider returns an error. Use this event to view the Hresult returned from failed ...
  27. Occurs when an operation is performed that is related to query notification subscriptions. Use this event to monitor when ...
  28. Occurs when an operation is performed that is related to the parameter tables that are used in query notifications. Use this ...
  29. Occurs when an operator outputs significantly more rows than estimated by the Query Optimizer. Use this event to identify ...
  30. Occurs when any of the data or log files for a database changes size. Use this event to monitor changes to the size of database ...
  31. Occurs when background activity to support query notifications is performed. Use this event to track subscription time-outs, ...
  32. Occurs when background task for moving history data of memory-optimized temporal table from internal history table to history ...
  33. Occurs when background task for moving history data of memory-optimized temporal table from internal history table to history ...
  34. Occurs when background task for moving history data of memory-optimized temporal table from internal history table to history ...
  35. Occurs when batch operator runs out of granted memory and initiates spilling to disk of another partition of in-memory data. ...
  36. Occurs when clustered index on the table was rebuilt. This event is raised three times for ALTER index rebuild operation ...
  37. Occurs when index and column statistics are automatically updated. This event can be generated multiple times per statistics ...
  38. Occurs when matrix restore recovery has completed. It may not occur if there are no in-doubt transactions with commit outcomes ...
  39. Occurs when Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Engine creates and populates a cursor from the execution plan created by a ...
  40. Occurs when Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine creates and populates a cursor from the execution plan created by a cursor ...
  41. Occurs when new extents are allocated during index building. Use this event to indentify how extents are used by an index. ...
  42. Occurs when operations are performed related to the query templates used by the Database Engine to share information about ...
  43. Occurs when Resource Governor detects that a query has exceeded the CPU threshold that is specified for REQUEST_MAX_CPU_TIME_SEC. ...
  44. Occurs when Service Broker determines the routing for a message. A message is classified for either local, remote, or delayed ...
  45. Occurs when Service Broker is unable to retain a received message that should have been delivered to a service in this instance. ...
  46. Occurs when sp_repl_generateevent is called. this event is an internal repl event for tracing repl stored procedures. The ...
  47. Occurs when sp_trace_generateevent is called. Use this event to monitor user-defined events in your application code during ...
  48. Occurs when SQL Server 2005 executes an XQuery. This event class provides the static type of the XQuery expression. In case ...
  49. Occurs when SQL Server calls on OLEDB provider for a distributed query or remote stored procedure. Use this event to monitor ...
  50. Occurs when SQL Server calls on OLEDB provider for a distributed query or remote stored procedure. Use this event to monitor ...
  51. Occurs when SQL Server calls on OLEDB provider for a distributed query or remote stored procedure. Use this event to monitor ...
  52. Occurs when SQL Server compiles a SQL Statement. Include the Showplan All for Query Compile event class to identify the Showplan ...
  53. Occurs when SQL Server compiles a SQL Statement. Include the Showplan All for Query Compile event class to identify the Showplan ...
  54. Occurs when SQL Server compiles a SQL Statement. Include the Showplan XML For Query Compile event class to identify the Showplan ...
  55. Occurs when SQL Server compiles a SQL Statement. Include the Showplan XML For Query Compile event class to identify the Showplan ...
  56. Occurs when SQL Server executes a SQL Statement. Include the Showplan XML event class to identify the Showplan operators. ...
  57. Occurs when SQL Server executes a SQL Statement. Include the Showplan XML Statististics Profile event class to identify the ...
  58. Occurs when SQL Server executes a SQL Statement. Include the Showplan XML Statististics Profile event class to identify the ...
  59. Occurs when SQL Server executes an XQuery. This event class provides the static type of the XQuery expression. In case of ...
  60. Occurs when SQL Server initializes an OLEDB provider for a distributed query or remote stored procedure. Use this event to ...
  61. Occurs when the batch operation to build a hash table encounters low memory condition and switches to row mode operation. ...
  62. Occurs when the failover validates the readiness of replica as a primary. For instance, the failover validation will return ...
  63. Occurs when the memory communication buffers for a query with multiple Parallelism operators become full, resulting in one ...
  64. Occurs when the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Engine compiles a SELECT statement associated with a cursor into an execution ...
  65. Occurs when the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Engine executes a Transact-SQL statement that is not supported by server ...
  66. Occurs when the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine compiles a SELECT statement associated with a cursor into an execution ...
  67. Occurs when the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine executes a Transact-SQL statement that is not supported by server cursors ...
  68. Occurs when the optimizer cannot get enough join selectivity information. Use this event to look at the queries where spatial ...
  69. Occurs when the optimizer cannot use a filtered index due to parameterization. For each such index an event is fired. The ...
  70. Occurs when the optimizer times out either due to spending too much time or hitting a memory limit. Use this event to look ...
  71. Occurs when the permissions to change the owner of a database is checked. This happens when the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement ...
  72. Occurs when the permissions to change the owner of schema object (such as a table, procedure, or function) is checked. This ...
  73. Occurs when the request for a lock was canceled, such as when the query requesting the lock was canceled. Use this event ...
  74. Occurs when the server determines a state change in term of session recovery on a connection resilency-enabled connection. ...
  75. Occurs when the server memory usage increases or decreases by more than either 1 megabyte (MB) or 5% of the maximum server ...