SQL Server 2016

  1. login_correlation_id as a hash of {servername, host, appname, client mac address, client process id, client driver name}. ...
  2. Looks for user-defined databases that have a collation different from the master or model databases. It is recommended that ...
  3. Lookup does not reference all cache connection manager index columns. Number of joined columns in lookup: %1!d!. Number of ...
  4. LOOKUPCUBE=1= Cube Name , Numeric Expression =Returns the value of an MDX expression evaluated over another specified cube ...
  5. LSN %1!s!, specified as the new low end point for change table cleanup must represent the start_lsn value of a current entry ...
  6. LSN %1!s!, specified as the new low end point for the change table associated with capture instance '%2!s!', is not within ...
  7. L[ogger classid_or_progid;config_string Optional. Associates a logger with the execution of a SSIS package. The following ...
  8. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  9. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-sensitive, supplementary characters ...
  10. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-sensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  11. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-sensitive, width-sensitive, supplementary characters ...
  12. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  13. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-sensitive, supplementary characters ...
  14. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-sensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  15. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-sensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  16. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-sensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-sensitive, supplementary characters ...
  17. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-sensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-sensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  18. Macedonian-FYROM-100, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  19. Macedonian-FYROM-90, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  20. Macedonian-FYROM-90, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-sensitive, supplementary characters ...
  21. Macedonian-FYROM-90, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-sensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  22. Macedonian-FYROM-90, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  23. Macedonian-FYROM-90, case-sensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  24. Main database version is different then project database version so the upgrade operation cannot be performed. Please run ...
  25. Maintenance Plan '{0}' contains multiple subplans. You can execute them individually by selecting their associated jobs under ...
  26. Make predictions by mapping an external data source to an existing mining model and specifying which columns in external ...
  27. Make sure a literal value is assigned to the parameter "{0}" or it is referenced to a variable with matching variable name ...
  28. Make sure you have sufficient storage to bring your data back. Bringing your data back incurs an Azure egress cost. Do you ...
  29. MakeColumnsDistinct flag can only be placed within a container that does not generate update views. Mark GenerateUpdateViews ...
  30. Managed Backup is currently turned off and current configurations will not take effect unless it is on. Click help for more ...
  31. Managed Service Account '{0}' provided for '{1}' is either not valid, not linked to this machine or cannot be used for this ...
  32. Managed Service Account is not suppported on this operating system. To continue, provide a valid account for SQL Server service. ...
  33. Managed service accounts are not supported on this operating system or as part of cluster installation. To continue, provide ...
  34. Management Service is not currently available. Please retry the operation later. If the problem persists, contact customer ...
  35. Management Studio could not delete the record of the subscription at the Publisher. Do you want to delete this subscription ...
  36. Management Studio must connect to the following server instances to save the log shipping configuration. Specify how to connect ...
  37. Managing DTS packages in SQL Server Management Studio requires the SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services (DTS) runtime. ...
  38. Manual edits to the query text will be lost. The query text will be refreshed to match the column selection. Do you want ...
  39. Manual failover is possible only when the operating mode is High safety (synchronous). To failover manually, change the operating ...
  40. Many DBCC commands that were available in prior releases have been replaced with DMVs and DMFs, or no longer exist; therefore, ...
  41. Many system tables that were undocumented in prior releases have changed or no longer exist; therefore, using these tables ...
  42. Many-to-many dimension %{name/} is included in the local cube, but none of the measures from its intermediate measure group ...
  43. Many-to-many dimension %{name/} is included in the local cube, but there are dimensions common to its measure group %{mg_name/} ...
  44. Many-to-many: Facts are recorded in local currencies. The conversion is applied at the cube level with multiple target currencies. ...
  45. Many-to-one: Facts are recorded in local currencies. The conversion is applied at the cube level to the corporate currency. ...
  46. Map '{0}' {1} '{2}' {3} MapColorPaletteRule Palette value '{4}' was detected in the report. SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services ...
  47. Map '{0}' {1} '{2}' {3} MapColorPaletteRule Palette value '{4}' was replaced by '{5}'. SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services ...
  48. Map backgrounds and geocoding is unavailable from Bing as Office isn't allowed to connect to the Internet. You can change ...
  49. Map logins and users to management data warehouse administrator, reader, and writer roles. The reader role is used for reports, ...
  50. Mapping fragments cannot be joined. Ensure every mapping fragment maps a key on which it should be joined with one of the ...
  51. Mark the selected table as a Date table to enable dedicated date filtering in reports that you create in applications like ...
  52. Mark the selected table as a Date table to enable dedicated date filtering in reports that you create. You must select a ...
  53. Master and Transaction copy of Vertipaq Table: '%{IMBITableName/}' encountered inconsistencies while committing Tabular Metadata ...
  54. Master can only be restored and fully recovered in a single step using a full database backup. Options such as NORECOVERY, ...
  55. Master processing node does not expect this partition information (partitionId='%{strPartId/}') to be included in auxiliary ...
  56. Master processing node expects different number of partitions included in auxiliary processing node response; expected:%d{ExpCount/} ...
  57. Master processing node must receive all expected partitions information from auxiliary processing node response accordig ...
  58. Master table versions between Vertipaq Table '%{IMBITableName/}' and Tabular Metadata storage encountered unexpected inconsistencies ...
  59. MAT/PIT export/import encountered a failure for memory optimized table or natively compiled module with object ID %1!s! in ...
  60. Matching policy rule has not been run. To view the matching rule run result, Click the play button, and wait for the matching ...
  61. Materialized view articles cannot be created for publications with the properties allow_sync_tran, allow_queued_tran, or ...
  62. Matrix transaction couldn't commit because the task is aborted. The task is aborted either because of cancel instruction ...
  63. Matrix transaction operation is not allowed because the transaction doesn't allow forward progress, the transaction will ...
  64. Max server memory specified - %1!s! MB is greater than the buffer pool extension size - %2!s! MB. Buffer pool extension would ...
  65. Maximum allowed file path length is exceeded. The file path length should not exceed %d characters, excluding the extension. ...
  66. Maximum event size is smaller than configured event session memory. Specify a larger value for maximum event size, or specify ...
  67. Maximum number of columns in an index cannot be more than {0} and must be greater than 0. Please verify the value for option ...
  68. Maximum number of key columns in index cannot be more than maximum number of columns in index. Please verify values for options ...
  69. Maximum size of primary index of table '%1!s!' is %2!s! bytes. CREATE XML INDEX requires that such size should be limited ...
  70. Maximum size of the panel when auto sizing is enabled. The size must be specified in percent of the viewport if the panel ...
  71. Maximum value '{0}' for Scale facet must be less than or equal to the maximum value '{1}' for Precision Facet in '{2}' type. ...
  72. MaximumLength descriptor in the descriptor file on path {0} is invalid. The schema table does not contain a column with the ...
  73. MDSModelDeploy Commands: listservices Return a list of all service instances. listmodels Return a list of all models. listversions ...
  74. MDX execution succeeded but the results of execution could not be recognized as a cell set. *$*Click here*$* to hide this ...
  75. MeasureGroupDimension '%{name/}' in measure group '%{mgname/}' does not have property 'ShareDimensionStorage' set to 'Shared'. ...