One or more PowerPivot for SharePoint servers are a different version. These servers will be unavailable until they are patched or upgraded to the same version as the deployed solution. Current solution version should be: {0}.
One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. Restoration will not ...
One or more of the options (%1!s!) are not supported for this statement. Review the documentation for supported options. ...
One or more of the server network addresses lacks a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). To start mirroring without using ...
One or more pages on the Utility Administration node have failed to initialize and load data. Please close Microsoft SQL ...
One or more PowerPivot for SharePoint servers are a different version. These servers will be unavailable until they are patched ...
One or more PowerPivot for SharePoint servers are a different version. These servers will be unavailable until they are patched ...
One or more publications include tables with identity columns. At least one table has a larger identity range assigned to ...
One or more remote partitions have been selected. Queries that require redirection to the underlying data source will be ...
One or more rows deleted in table '%1!s!' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set ...