SQL Server 2016

  1. Level '%{level/}' in hierarchy '%{hier/}' in table '%{table/}' has the Column property set to column '%{column/}' which has ...
  2. Level '%{level/}' in hierarchy '%{hier/}' in table '%{table/}' has the Column property set to column '%{column/}', which ...
  3. Level of event compression. 0 means no compression except dictionary encoding, 10 is higest compression. Not all intermediate ...
  4. Levels in hierarchy should be unique numbers . Valid level in hierarchy values are integers greater than or equal to 1. The ...
  5. LEVELS=4= Numeric Expression =Returns the level whose zero-based position in a dimension is specified by a numeric expression. ...
  6. Linked tables might not be updated because of conflicting data types or duplicate values in a column. Ensure that the data ...
  7. LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method '{0}' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression. ...
  8. LINREGINTERCEPT=1= Set , Numeric Expression , Numeric Expression ]=Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns ...
  9. LINREGPOINT=1= Numeric Expression , Set , Numeric Expression , Numeric Expression ]=Calculates the linear regression of a ...
  10. LINREGR2=1= Set , Numeric Expression , Numeric Expression ]=Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns R (the ...
  11. LINREGSLOPE=1= Set , Numeric Expression , Numeric Expression ]=Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the ...
  12. LINREGVARIANCE=1= Set , Numeric Expression , Numeric Expression ]=Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the ...
  13. List of Analysis Services endpoints used for automated data refresh of Office 14 PowerPivot workbooks and for supporting ...
  14. List of table names that should be tuned. Names are separated by commas. If only one database is specified through the -D ...
  15. Listener configuration changes were completed but listening status of the corresponding TCP provider could not be determined ...
  16. Listening has not been started on the endpoint '%1!s!' found in metadata. Endpoint operations are disabled on this edition ...
  17. Listing snapshots is only supported in flat mode (no delimiter). Consider setting BlobRequestOptions.UseFlatBlobListing property ...
  18. listmodels Return a list of all models. Usage: MDSModelDeploy listmodels -service Options: -service : Specifies the service ...
  19. listversions Return a list of all versions for the specified model. Usage: MDSModelDeploy listversions -model -service Options: ...
  20. listversions Return a list of all versions for the specified model. Usage: MDSModelDeploy listversions -model -service Options: ...
  21. Lithuanian, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort ...
  22. Lithuanian, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  23. Loading the list of access control entries for registry keys and directories to apply in order to configure the SQL Server ...
  24. Loads data from a file directly into a SQL Server database table. Data cannot be transformed while it is being inserted into ...
  25. Loads data into an ADO.NET-compliant database that uses a database table or view. Load data into a new or existing table. ...
  26. Loads data into an OLE DB-compliant relational database, such as SQL Server. Many types of databases are OLE DB-compliant. ...
  27. Loads data into unprocessed partitions or tables. Hierarchies, relationships, and calculated columns for affected tables ...
  28. Loads data into worksheets or named ranges in Microsoft Excel workbooks. For example, update departmental reports that are ...
  29. Local availability replica for availability group '%1!s!' has not been granted permission to create databases, but has a ...
  30. Local certificate was not found in local certificate store. Make sure you configured an existing certificate in the local ...
  31. Local cube access requires that all dimensions of this cube also be set to enable ReadDefinition, do you want to continue? ...
  32. Local cube access requires that all dimensions of this cube also be set to enable ReadDefinition. If you disable this dimension's ...
  33. Local directory '%1!s!' is used for tempdb in a clustered server. This directory must exist on each cluster node and SQL ...
  34. Local instances are installed using SQL Server Setup installation media. After the software is installed, you use the configuration ...
  35. Local login mapped to linked login '%1!s!' on server '%2!s!' is invalid. Drop and recreate the linked login before upgrade. ...
  36. Local login mapped to remote login '%1!s!' on server '%2!s!' is invalid. Drop and recreate the remote login before upgrade. ...
  37. Local mode reports only support the current user's credential when connecting to data sources. Set the data source option ...
  38. Local report processing requires FullTrust Code Access Security permissions, which is unavailable to the calling code. Grant ...
  39. LocalDB is a lightweight version of the SQL Server Express Database Engine that has the same programmability features, yet ...
  40. localhost' or '.' cannot be used because it can be confusing which machine 'localhost' refers to local to console machine, ...
  41. Locating the input column named "[%1!s!].[%2!s!]" failed with error code 3!8.8X!. The input column was not found in the input ...
  42. Locating the SQL Server Browser service component failed with Windows Installer return code '{0}'. The component ID: '{1}'. ...
  43. Location '%1!s!' is not accepting creation of new Azure SQL Database Servers of version '%2!s!' at this time. This location ...
  44. Lock Pages In Memory (LPIM) feature was not enabled on the 32-bit installation. However, LPIM privilege exists for engine ...
  45. Lock Pages In Memory (LPIM) feature was not enabled on the 64-bit installation. However, LPIM privilege exists for engine ...
  46. Log backup for database "%1!s!" on a secondary replica failed because a synchronization point could not be established on ...
  47. Log backup for database "%1!s!" on a secondary replica failed because the last backup LSN ( 2!s!) from the primary database ...
  48. Log backup for database "%1!s!" on secondary replica failed because the new backup information could not be committed on ...
  49. Log file '%1!s!' does not match the primary file. It may be from a different database or the log may have been rebuilt previously. ...
  50. Log files, offline files, restoring files, and defunct files for database snapshots should not be specified. "%1!s!" is not ...
  51. Log scan process failed in processing a ddl log record. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause ...
  52. Log Scan process failed in processing log records. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause ...
  53. Log settings do not exist for subscriber server '%1!s!', subscriber db '%2!s!', webserver '%3!s!'. Use sp_addmergelogsettings ...
  54. Log shipping backup agent %1!s! has verified log backup file '%2!s!.wrk' and renamed it as '%3!s!.trn'. This is an informational ...
  55. Log shipping is supported on Enterprise, Developer and Standard editions of SQL Server. This instance has %1!s! and is not ...
  56. Log was backed up. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), first LSN: %4!s!, last LSN: %5!s!, number of dump ...
  57. Log was restored. Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), first LSN: %4!s!, last LSN: %5!s!, number of dump devices: ...
  58. Logarithmic scale recalculate the values shown in the Minimum, Maximum, boxes as powers of LogarithmBase for the value axis, ...
  59. Login '%1!s!' is aliased or mapped to a user in one or more database(s). Drop the user or alias before dropping the login. ...
  60. Login '%1!s!' owns one or more multiserver jobs. Ownership of these jobs can only be assigned to members of the %2!s! role. ...
  61. Login '{0}' has no access to the selected default database. Click OK to continue without permitting access to the the default ...
  62. Login failed due to insufficient privileges you are not associated with any of the three DQS roles (DQS Administrator, DQS ...
  63. Login failed due to timeout; the connection has been closed. This error may indicate heavy server load. Reduce the load on ...
  64. Login failed for user '%1!s!' because the account is currently locked out. The system administrator can unlock it. %2!s! ...
  65. Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: Password change failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because ...
  66. Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: Password change failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because ...
  67. Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: Password change failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because ...
  68. Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: Server is in script upgrade mode. Only administrator can connect at this time.%2!s! ...
  69. Login failed for user '%1!s!'. Reason: Server is in single user mode. Only one administrator can connect at this time.%2!s! ...
  70. Login failed. The number of simultaneous users already equals the %1!s! registered licenses for this server. To increase ...
  71. Login failed. The number of simultaneous users has already reached the limit of %1!s! licenses for this '%2!s!' server. Additional ...
  72. Logins cannot be scripted by using a service security ID (SID) from Microsoft Azure SQL Database to a local instance of SQL ...
  73. Logins that have sysadmin privileges on this instance of SQL Server are administrators on the utility control point. To grant ...
  74. Logins" are server level objects and can not be dropped first since the source and destination are the same server. Dropping ...
  75. Logins" are server level objects and can not be dropped first since the source and destination are the same server. Dropping ...