SQL Server 2016

  1. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) , page ID %6!s!, row ID %7!s!. Column ...
  2. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), data extents %6!s!, pages %7!s!, mixed ...
  3. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), index extents %6!s!, pages %7!s!, ...
  4. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!, row %7!s!: Row contains ...
  5. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!): At least one record on page %6!s! ...
  6. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!): Errors found in off-row data with ...
  7. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!): Page %6!s! could not be processed. ...
  8. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!): The ghosted record count in the header ...
  9. Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!): The record count in the header (%6!s!) ...
  10. Object of type '{0}' does not implement the expected component editor interface. Verify that the component editor is installed ...
  11. Object specified in a client request is not an aggregation design object. Only aggregation design objects are allowed for ...
  12. Object {0} has referenced SERVERPROPERTY('LCID'). In SQL Server 2005 or later versions, SERVERPROPERTY('LCID') returns the ...
  13. Object {0} runs a FOR XML query that executes in AUTO mode, which returns references to derived table aliases. Under compatibility ...
  14. Object {0} uses the NO_LOG or TRUNCATE_ONLY in the BACKUP LOG command which is not supported for database compatibility level ...
  15. Objects exposing CLR type columns are not allowed in distributed queries. Use a pass-through query to access the remote object ...
  16. Objects exposing columns with CLR types are not allowed in distributed queries. Please use a pass-through query to access ...
  17. Objects highlighted in bold have been renamed to avoid name conflicts with existing local objects. Review the imported calculations, ...
  18. Occurs after a SQL statement is compiled. This event returns an XML representation of the estimated query plan that is generated ...
  19. Occurs after a SQL statement is compiled. This event returns an XML representation of the estimated query plan that is generated ...
  20. Occurs after a SQL statement is executed. This event returns an XML representation of the actual query plan. Using this event ...
  21. Occurs at the end of hash processing if there is insufficient memory to process the build input of a hash join. Use this ...
  22. Occurs at the end of query processing for queries with memory grant over 5MB to let users know about memory grant inaccuracies ...
  23. Occurs during an online index build process to indicate the progress of the build operation. Each stage of an online index ...
  24. Occurs during updating secondary's recovery forks stack. After deleting extra entries in the secondary stack but before copying ...
  25. Occurs during updating secondary's recovery forks stack. After updating the stack but before saving the recovery LSN in the ...
  26. Occurs every month on day {DayOfMonth} every {TimeInterval} {TimeIntervalUnit} between {StartTimeOfDay} and {EndTimeOfDay} ...
  27. Occurs every time that SQL Server executes a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. Use this event to monitor if a ...
  28. Occurs every {Frequency} month(s) on day {DayOfMonth} of that month every {TimeInterval} {TimeIntervalUnit} between {StartTimeOfDay} ...
  29. Occurs every {Frequency} week(s) on {DayOfWeekList} every {TimeInterval} {TimeIntervalUnit} between {StartTimeOfDay} and ...
  30. Occurs every {WeekOfMonth} {DayOfWeek} of every {Frequency} month(s) every {TimeInterval} {TimeIntervalUnit} between {StartTimeOfDay} ...
  31. Occurs for all statements that check for the ALTER TRACE permission. Statements that check for ALTER TRACE include those ...
  32. Occurs immediately before QVM context is serialized and shipped, and immediately after it is received and deserialized. Use ...
  33. Occurs immediately before QVM context is serialized and written back, and immediately after it is received and deserialized. ...
  34. Occurs simultaneously with the Lock:Deadlock event class. The Deadlock Graph event class provides an XML description of the ...
  35. Occurs when 'prepareCallback' has been called for a data migration transaction, and the transaction has successfully committed. ...
  36. Occurs when a background job has terminated abnormally. This condition may require the attention of a system administrator. ...
  37. Occurs when a BEGIN TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...
  38. Occurs when a BEGIN TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...
  39. Occurs when a COMMIT TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...
  40. Occurs when a COMMIT TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...
  41. Occurs when a connection is made to an OLE DB provider. This event collects properties from the remote provider from several ...
  42. Occurs when a cursor is converted to a different cursor type because the requested cursor does not support the statement ...
  43. Occurs when a database reports a fault to the availability replica manager which will trigger a replica restart if the database ...
  44. Occurs when a distributed query is run and collects information corresponding to the provider connection. This event class ...
  45. Occurs when a DML operation that is intended to overwrite only part of a large column value is forced to rewrite the entire ...
  46. Occurs when a fine-grain lock is converted into a coarser-grain lock, such as when a row lock is converted into an object ...
  47. Occurs when a lock is acquired on an object. Use this event to troubleshoot data contention issues that are caused by locks ...
  48. Occurs when a lock on an object has been released. Use this troubleshoot data contention issues that are caused by locks ...
  49. Occurs when a page is added to the suspect_pages table in the msdb database. This event is issued asynchronously from the ...
  50. Occurs when a phase of DBCC CHECK is finished. Use This event to collect the number and time of page latch and IO latch waits. ...
  51. Occurs when a phase of DBCC CHECK is finished. Use this event to collect the number of logical, physical, and read-ahead ...
  52. Occurs when a phase of DBCC CHECK is finished. Use this event to collect the number of messages a DBCC CHECK thread has sent ...
  53. Occurs when a plan is created for a query or batch that includes a plan guide. Use this event to determine when plan guides ...
  54. Occurs when a PROMOTE TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...
  55. Occurs when a PROMOTE TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...
  56. Occurs when a query accesses a column that does not have statistics available that could have been useful for query optimization. ...
  57. Occurs when a query plan is removed from the plan cache and the historical statistics for the object are about to be destroyed. ...
  58. Occurs when a query tries to get more memory grant during execution. Failure to get this additional memory grant may cause ...
  59. Occurs when a query uses a bitmap filter and the bitmap filter is disabled. Use this event to troubleshoot performance problems ...
  60. Occurs when a queue monitor starts an activation stored procedure, sends a QUEUE_ACTIVATION notification, or when an activation ...
  61. Occurs when a record is added to the SQL Server transaction log. This is a very high volume event that will affect the performance ...
  62. Occurs when a request for a lock times out because another transaction holds a blocking lock on the required resource. The ...
  63. Occurs when a request for a lock times out because of a blocking lock that is being held by a different resource. This event ...
  64. Occurs when a request to load an assembly is executed. This can be useful when troubleshooting a query that uses CLR, when ...
  65. Occurs when a request to load an assembly is executed. Use this event to troubleshoot queries that are running common language ...
  66. Occurs when a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...
  67. Occurs when a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...
  68. Occurs when a SAVE TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...
  69. Occurs when a SAVE TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...
  70. Occurs when a Service Broker message cannot be delivered. This can occur for several reasons, such as the target Service ...
  71. Occurs when a Service Broker queue monitor starts an activation stored procedure, sends a QUEUE_ACTIVATION notification, ...
  72. Occurs when a SQL Server transaction begins, completes, rolls back or executes a savepoint. Use this event to monitor transaction ...
  73. Occurs when a statement in a batch (including stored procedures) recompiles. This event should be used in SQL Server 2005 ...
  74. Occurs when a statement in a batch (including stored procedures) recompiles. This event should be used starting in SQL Server ...
  75. Occurs when a statement is defined for a cursor, the cursor properties are set, and the cursor is populated. Use this event ...