SQL Server 2016

  1. Performance trace redirection is specified more than once for the current batch. The last specified location will be used. ...
  2. Performs data cleaning tasks such as standardizing data, correcting data, and providing missing values. Uses fuzzy matching ...
  3. Performs functions that are not provided by the standard Integration Services tasks. For example, move processing logic from ...
  4. Performs operations on files and directories in the file system. For example, copy a source file to the local file system ...
  5. PERIODSTODATE=1=[ Level , Member ]=Returns a set of members (periods) from a specified level starting with the first member ...
  6. Permission object for '{0}' cube dimension will be removed. As a result, all the cube attribute permissions defined will ...
  7. Permission to create a trace is denied. Only members of the server administrator role can create or subscribe to traces without ...
  8. Permission to create the trace is denied because the user does not have server administrator permissions or permission to ...
  9. Permissions for system stored procedures, server scoped catalog views, and extended stored procedures cannot be changed in ...
  10. Permissions on server scoped catalog views or system stored procedures or extended stored procedures can be granted only ...
  11. Physical CPU id %1!s! has been hot added to node id %2!s! as logical CPU id %3!s!. This is an informational message only. ...
  12. Pie/Doughnut chart type - 'CollectedThresholdUsePercent' custom attribute can be set to values \'true\' or \'false\' only. ...
  13. Pie/Doughnut chart type - When 'CollectedThreshold' custom attribute is set in percentage the value should be in range from ...
  14. PivotKeyValue is not valid. In an UnPivot transform with more than one unpivoted DestinationColumn, the set of PivotKeyValues ...
  15. Place the background image in the center of the canvas, maintaining the original size and aspect ratio. Any area of the image ...
  16. Plan guide '%1!s!' matched statement after it was parameterized automatically by FORCED or SIMPLE parameterization, but the ...
  17. Please check the version of the database and instance of the server, which the SSIS service configuration is referencing ...
  18. Please close the active connection(s) before detaching the database, or select the {0} option to drop all current connections. ...
  19. Please delete any Personally Identifiable Information(PII) in the email content. Microsoft may contact you about any issues ...
  20. Please make sure that SQL Server Integration Services is running and there is no runtime error of the package. More runtime ...
  21. Please make sure that the service account is integrated with Azure Active Directory before using it to configure Stretch. ...
  22. Please provide only one column in SELECT AUTOSUGGESTEDTOKEN(basetable_columnname). It's required if you call KEYWORDSMATCHPREFIX ...
  23. Please refresh to see the data for this Power View sheet. You can set properties in the Connection Properties dialog so that ...
  24. Please select the new Excel sheet from the drop-down list box. Any white space in the Excel sheet name may have been replaced ...
  25. Please select the type of server to which the new template will be applied, and then type the template name. Use the Events ...
  26. Please wait while the Report Server Database Configuration wizard configures the database. This might take several minutes ...
  27. PMML 2.1 consistency error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). A '%{tag/}' object with the same name ('%{name/}') was already ...
  28. PMML 2.1 consistency error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). An Interval is only supported for continuous data fields ...
  29. PMML 2.1 consistency error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). An object of type '%{tag/}' identified by '%{name/}' is ...
  30. PMML 2.1 consistency error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). DiscrStats is only supported for discrete or discretized ...
  31. PMML 2.1 consistency error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). NumericInfo is only supported for continuous data fields. ...
  32. PMML 2.1 consistency error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). The '%{attr/}' attribute of the '%{objName/}' object was ...
  33. PMML 2.1 consistency error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). The '%{tag/}' element is supported only if it contains exactly ...
  34. PMML 2.1 parsing error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). A required attribute, '%{attr/}', was not found for the tag ...
  35. PMML 2.1 parsing error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). The '%{attr/}' attribute of the '%{tag/}' tag has an unexpected ...
  36. PMML 2.1 parsing error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). The '%{child/}' child tag is required, but was not found inside ...
  37. PMML 2.1 structural error(line '%{Line/}', column '%{Column/}). The '%{tagSecond/}' element is only supported after the '%{tagFirst/}' ...
  38. Point in time restore stops the restoration of the transaction log entries after a specified point in time. You can specify ...
  39. Point-in-time recovery is not possible unless the primary filegroup is part of the restore sequence. Omit the point-in-time ...
  40. Policy '{0}' has been violated by '{1}'. This transaction will be rolled back. Policy condition: '{2}' Policy description: ...
  41. Polish, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  42. Polish, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  43. Possible data truncation on output parameter, "%1!d!". The task cannot determine the datetime type of the output parameter ...
  44. Possible data truncation on parameter, "%1!d!". To prevent truncation, use a string variable instead of a datetime variable ...
  45. Possible inconsistent state in the distribution database: dist_backup_lsn {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}, dist_last_lsn {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. ...
  46. Post migration row size exceeds the row size limit of memory-optimized tables. Here are the top 5 largest columns defined ...
  47. Post-online processing for availability group '%1!s!' has been terminated. Either post-online processing has already completed, ...
  48. Potential data loss may occur due to inserting data from input column "%1!s!" with data type "%2!s!" to external column "%3!s!" ...
  49. Potential runtime violation of table {0}'s keys ({2}): Columns ({1}) are mapped to EntitySet {3}'s properties ({4}) on the ...
  50. Power BI Integration. Press tab to configure report server as client app with Azure Active Directory to interact with Power ...
  51. Power View couldn't find the external connection '{0}'. Please check the Existing Connections list to make sure the connection ...
  52. Power View failed to connect to the data source. Please check the connectivity of the data source and click Refresh to retry. ...
  53. Power View isn't running in elevated mode, so some features may not work. Learn how to enable trusted applications (http ...
  54. Power View may run a bit slowly on your computer's current configuration. Upgrading your hardware to include more memory ...
  55. Power View needs data to work with. Select a range of cells that contain data and then on the Insert tab click Power View. ...
  56. Power View requires a current version of Silverlight. Please install or update Silverlight and then click Reload to try again. ...
  57. Power View was not able to complete the action due to a query failure. This can happen if the structure of your data has ...
  58. PowerPivot automatically generated this measure by adding a field to the Values area of the Field List in Excel. The field ...
  59. PowerPivot cannot insert a PivotTable or PivotChart into the Excel window because Excel is performing another operation. ...
  60. PowerPivot data is stored inside an Excel workbook and visualized through the data presentation features of that workbook. ...
  61. PowerPivot data object '%{name/}', of type '%{typename/}', was not created or loaded because the StorageEngineMode configuration ...
  62. PowerPivot for Excel delivers self-service analysis functionality to Excel users. When used with PowerPivot for SharePoint, ...
  63. PowerPivot for Excel has identified a potential security concern. You are about to recover the metadata of the PowerPivot ...
  64. PowerPivot for Excel is in the middle of an action that blocks interaction with Data Models. Please try again later, when ...
  65. PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 Configuration is missing prerequisites: An unsupported SharePoint version was detected. SharePoint ...
  66. PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 Configuration is missing prerequisites: An unsupported SharePoint version was detected. SharePoint ...
  67. PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 Configuration is missing prerequisites: SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Edition is required. For ...
  68. PowerPivot for SharePoint 2016 Configuration is missing prerequisites: An unsupported SharePoint version was detected. SharePoint ...
  69. PowerPivot for SharePoint 2016 Configuration is missing prerequisites: SharePoint 2016 Enterprise Edition is required. For ...
  70. PowerPivot for SharePoint adds features at the farm level, site collection level, and administrative level in Central Administration. ...
  71. PowerPivot for SharePoint depends on built-in services and features to support PowerPivot data access within the farm. Use ...
  72. PowerPivot has been unable to open the Excel fieldlist for you. To use the Excel fieldlist select a pivottable in Excel, ...
  73. PowerPivot is currently performing an operation. The Excel window cannot be closed until the operation is completed. Click ...
  74. PowerPivot is currently performing an operation. This window cannot be closed until after this operation has been completed. ...
  75. PowerPivot objects cannot be created or manipulated when the StorageEngineMode configuration property is set to 'Traditional' ...