SQL Server 2016

  1. One or more rows to be inserted in the batch insert procedure for table %1!s! were present in MSmerge_tombstone; merge replication ...
  2. One or more rows to be updated for table %1!s! contain changes in the column %2!s!, which is used in one or more filters; ...
  3. One or more rows updated in table '%1!s!' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set ...
  4. One or more schedules were not deleted because they are being used by at least one other job. Use "sp_detach_schedule" to ...
  5. One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold %1!s!:%2!s! for the publication %3!s!]. Check the status of subscriptions ...
  6. One or more subscriptions has exceeded the threshold %1!s!:%2!s! for the publication %3!s!]. Check the status of subscriptions ...
  7. One or more subscriptions have been marked inactive. Drop and re-create all subscriptions for this node that are failing ...
  8. One or more tables are still associated with the data source that is being deleted. Remove the associated tables before deleting ...
  9. One or more translations of the %{property/} attribute have a caption column that is not valid because the data type is not ...
  10. One or more unsupported Transact-SQL elements exist in the stored procedure. Click Next to see a full list of unsupported ...
  11. One or more unsupported Transact-SQL elements exist in the user defined function. Click Next to see a full list of unsupported ...
  12. One or more worksheets were truncated at row number {0}. To work with large datasets, consider using parameterized queries ...
  13. One row in this grid represents statistics for all plans with a given plan_fingerprint value. This is a plan_handle from ...
  14. One row in this grid represents statistics for all plans with a given plan_fingerprint value. This is a sql_handle from an ...
  15. One row in this grid represents statistics for all plans with a given plan_fingerprint value. This is a statement_end_offset ...
  16. One row in this grid represents statistics for all plans with a given plan_fingerprint value. This is a statement_start_offset ...
  17. One-to-many: Facts are recorded in one currency. The conversion is applied at the cube level with multiple target currencies. ...
  18. OnInitialize is used for advanced customization of the My Application Model (MyApplication). 'Startup code for your specific ...
  19. Online addition of CPU resources cannot be completed. A software non-uniform memory access (soft-NUMA) configuration was ...
  20. Only %1!s! out of %2!s! rows were updated in the batched update procedure for table %3!s!; other rows could not be updated ...
  21. Only 'DTS horizontal partitions' and 'no DTS horizontal partitions' are valid 'status' values because the publication allows ...
  22. Only a constant expression is allowed for the '%{ArgumentIndex/}' argument of the function '%{FunctionName/}' at line %d{Line/}, ...
  23. Only a constant expression that returns a positive number is allowed in the third argument of a Top or Bottom function. The ...
  24. Only a nested table column with a KEY column inside is allowed in an association prediction function. See line %d{Line/}, ...
  25. Only a nested table column with a KEY SEQUENCE column can be used in a sequence prediction function. The error occurred at ...
  26. Only a non-negative integer constant in the range of 0, 2000000000 is allowed for SKIP expression at line %d{Line/}, column ...
  27. Only a non-negative integer constant in the range of 0, 2000000000 is allowed for TOP expression at line %d{Line/}, column ...
  28. Only a predictable column (or a column that is related to a predictable column) can be referenced from the mining model in ...
  29. Only a scalar column reference is allowed for argument '%{ArgumentIndex/}' of the function '%{FunctionName/}' at line %d{Line/}, ...
  30. Only a single filegroup can be specified while creating partition scheme using option ALL to specify all the filegroups. ...
  31. Only a table column reference is allowed for the '%{ArgumentIndex/}' argument of the function '%{FunctionName/}' at line ...
  32. Only a top-level column or a nested table column with a KEY TIME column inside can be used in a time series prediction function. ...
  33. Only an expression that returns a table is allowed as the parameter of the Exists function. The error occurred at line %d{Line/}, ...
  34. Only an expression that returns a table is allowed in the first argument of a Top or Bottom function. The error occurred ...
  35. Only available when compiled_object_type is Stored Procedure or Trigger. Then it is the object_id of the object being removed ...
  36. Only BIN2 collations are supported on indexes of memory-optimized tables. You must select a valid collation during table ...
  37. Only dbo or members of dc_admin can install or upgrade instmdw.sql. Contact an administrator with sufficient permissions ...
  38. Only DegenerateMeasureGroupDimension is allowed in Measure Groups when database compatibility level is greater than 1103. ...
  39. Only EntityTypeMapping and QueryView elements are allowed when the EntityType name is not specified on the EntitySetMapping. ...
  40. Only Latin1 (ANSI) code pages are supported for CHAR and VARCHAR columns. Data type of these columns will be changed to NCHAR ...
  41. Only lengths of User Name column, Package Name column, Task Name column and Machine Name column can be changed. All other ...
  42. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can modify a %1!s! that does not have a job with a proxy account defined. ...
  43. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role can perform this operation. Contact an administrator ...
  44. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role, or the owner of the subscription can drop ...
  45. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role, db_owner fixed database role, or the creator of the subscription can change ...
  46. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role, members of the db_owner fixed database role, and owners of subscriptions ...
  47. Only members of the sysadmin or db_owner or db_ddladmin roles can perform this operation when Change Data Capture is enabled ...
  48. Only natively compiled inline table-valued functions can be used for security predicates on memory optimized tables. Table ...
  49. Only one action (Copy, Delete, Dump, Encrypt, Exists, Move, Sign, FCreate, FDelete, FRename, FExists, FDirectory) is allowed. ...
  50. Only one clustered index can be created on table ' '. Change the Clustered property setting on index ' ' before creating ...
  51. Only one Log Reader Agent or log-related procedure (sp_repldone, sp_replcmds, and sp_replshowcmds) can connect to a database ...
  52. Only one of the parameters, @dynamic_snapshot_jobid or @dynamic_snapshot_jobname, can be specified with a nondefault value. ...
  53. Only one statement can be used as input parameter to sp_showmemo_xml. Modify the input parameter and re-run the stored procedure. ...
  54. Only one-to-many relationships are supported for parent-child dimensions. The '%{table/}' table contains many-to-many relationships ...
  55. Only positive constant integer values are allowed as the periodicity value of the forecasting model. Use 0 for no periodicity ...
  56. Only PrimitiveTypes may be used as constant value types. DbConstantExpression cannot be created using an instance of type ...
  57. Only push subscription are supported for Azure SQL Servers. Go back to previous screen and select "Run all agents at the ...
  58. Only roles will be copied to the destination database, leaving members intact. This operation can result in addition or deletion ...
  59. Only SysAdmin is allowed to create the catalog of Integration Services. Contact the administrator of the SQL Server Instance ...
  60. Only the attributes in the currently selected attribute group will be copied. To copy all attributes, first select the "All ...
  61. Only Unique or Primary Key constraints can be created on computed columns, while Check, Foreign Key, and Not Null constraints ...
  62. Only UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraints can be created on computed columns, while CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, and NOT NULL constraints ...
  63. Only UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraints can be created on computed columns, while CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, and NOT NULL constraints ...
  64. Only UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraints can be created on computed columns, while CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, and NOT NULL constraints ...
  65. Only use private networks for Matrix communications. If no private networks are found, bricks will be prevented from communicating ...
  66. Only user-defined configuration is evaluated, and no tuning is performed. Tuning options are not considered in evaluative ...
  67. Only users who are members of the following roles can perform this operation: sysadmin fixed server role; dbowner or dbcreator ...
  68. Open a new email in Outlook and append a shortcut query file, which contains information about the active connection, model, ...
  69. Open a Web site, list, or folder in order to access items inside that container, and use shared schedules that are available ...
  70. Open replica operation on database '%1!s!' (ID %2!s!) of Windows Fabric partition ID '%3!s!' failed. For more information, ...
  71. Open replica operation on database '%1!s!' (ID %2!s!) of Windows Fabric partition ID '%3!s!' has been cancelled. This is ...
  72. Open the column mapping editor and select an input (case) table and connect the input table columns to the mining structure ...
  73. Open the package to run in SSIS Designer or select the package in Solution Explorer. You can also configure a project to ...
  74. Open worksheets that contain MDS data will remain but the associated connection will be lost. Are you sure you want to delete ...
  75. Opening a file for writing failed. The file already exists and cannot be overwritten. If both the AllowAppend property and ...