SQL Server 2016

  1. Migration for VSA scripts can not be done on 64 bit platforms due to lack of Visual Tools for Applications designer support. ...
  2. Minimum value '{0}' specified for '{1}' in type '{2} is not valid. Minimum value must be always less than the maximum value. ...
  3. Mining structure column {0} has content type of {1} that is not supported by Microsoft Association or Microsoft Naïve Bayes ...
  4. MiningStructurePermission and MiningModelPermission objects are not supported for Analysis Services instances that are deployed ...
  5. MiningStructurePermission and MiningModelPermission objects are not supported for Business Intelligence Semantic Model databases ...
  6. MinLength/MaxLength constraints can only be specified with a datatype of "string", "number", "bin.hex", or "bin.base64". ...
  7. Missing assembly metadata element for extension factory class '{0}' to produce extension interface '{1}' for metadata element ...
  8. Missing default value for '{0}' in type '{1}'. Default value must be specified because the '{0}' is specified as constant. ...
  9. Missing expected Report Manager application defined in the configuration. Please re-run the Configuration Tool to set up ...
  10. Missing Index Details from {0} The Query Processor estimates that implementing the following index could improve the query ...
  11. Missing join Predicate Event Class Deprecation of "Old Style" JOIN Syntax: Only A Partial Thing DOC : Please strive to use ...
  12. Missing Prerequisite: Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5. If you have already installed Microsoft Office 2010 Beta 1, please uninstall ...
  13. Missing retry event data. In order to let the error-retry handler handles the retry event, you need to provide an ErrorRetryData ...
  14. Missing system administrator account. To continue, provide at least one Windows account to provision as a SQL Server system ...
  15. Missing XML collection name. If XML schema or XML catalog properties are provided, XML collection name must be provided as ...
  16. Modern-Spanish, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort ...
  17. Modern-Spanish-100, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  18. Modern-Spanish-100, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-sensitive, supplementary characters ...
  19. Modern-Spanish-100, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-sensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  20. Modern-Spanish-100, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  21. Modern-Spanish-100, case-sensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  22. Modification of these policies is not permitted for Data-tier Applications. Please modify these policies from the Managed ...
  23. Modifications to tables where a primary key column has property '{0}' set to '{1}' are not supported. Use '{2}' pattern instead. ...
  24. Modify your application as required to account for the changes in results of FOR XML AUTO queries that include derived tables ...
  25. Modifying the collation of a database is not allowed when the database contains memory optimized tables or natively compiled ...
  26. Modifying the {0} property of the {1} object is not allowed. You must drop and recreate the object with the desired property. ...
  27. Module %1 cannot load DLL %2 to call entry point %3 because of error %4. The product requires that DLL to run, but the DLL ...
  28. Module %1 loaded DLL %2, but cannot find entry point %3 because of error %4. The named DLL could not be found on the path, ...
  29. MOLAP partition with the Name='%{name/}' Id='%{id/}' cannot have aggregations built on top of ROLAP dimension except at the ...
  30. Monetary data values from -2^63 (-922,337,203,685,477.5808) through 2^63 - 1 (+922,337,203,685,477.5807), with accuracy to ...
  31. Month over month growth % allows you to view the data for the current period as a percentage of the same period in the previous ...
  32. Month over month growth allows you to view the difference in the data for the current period and the same period in the previous ...
  33. More than 255 columns were specified in the COMPUTE clause, and this metadata cannot be sent to a SQL Server version 6.5 ...
  34. More than one Analysis Services database file has been found in the current directory. On the command line, specify the Analysis ...
  35. More than one dataset, data region, or grouping in the report has the name {3}'. Dataset, data region, and grouping names ...
  36. More than one method, property or field was found with name '%1!s!' in class '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!'. Overloaded methods, ...
  37. More than one report parameter in the report has the (case-insensitive) name {1}'. Report parameter names that only differ ...
  38. More than one schedule named "%1!s!" is attached to job "%2!s!". Use "sp_detach_schedule" to remove schedules from a job. ...
  39. More than one value has been specified for HoldoutMaxCases. Specify a single integer value for the maximum cases parameter. ...
  40. More than one value has been specified for HoldoutMaxPercent. Specify a single long value for the maximum percentage parameter. ...
  41. Move the selected columns to the left and keep them visible while the rest of the table scrolls. You must select the columns ...
  42. Moves data between sources and destinations while transforming and cleaning. Data can be moved between tables and files while ...
  43. MS DTC initialization failed because the transaction manager address is invalid. The protocol element used to carry address ...
  44. MSI product provider is used before fully initialized. Cannot retrieve a product property '{0}' without valid Product Code. ...
  45. MSXML 3.0 is now the underlying engine that is used to process XPath expressions that are used within OPENXML queries. MSXML ...
  46. MTD=1=[ Member ]=Returns a set of members from the Month level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending ...
  47. Multidimensional to tabular view: Attribute '%1' of the dimension '%2' is splitted on multiple columns because it has member ...
  48. Multidimensional to tabular view: Attribute '%1' of the dimension '%2' is splitted on multiple columns because of OrderBy ...
  49. Multidimensional to tabular view: calculated members of attribute hierarchy '%1' of dimension '%2' are ignored because it ...
  50. Multidimensional to tabular view: calculated members of attribute hierarchy '%1' of dimension '%2' are ignored because the ...
  51. Multidimensional to tabular view: calculated members of attribute hierarchy '%1' of dimension '%2' are ignored because the ...
  52. Multidimensional to tabular view: default member of attribute hierarchy '%1' of dimension '%2' is ignored because it's calculated ...
  53. Multidimensional to tabular view: Hierarchy '%1' of dimension '%2' is not exposed because one of its levels refers to the ...
  54. Multidimensional to tabular view: Key attribute '%1' of dimension '%2' is ignored and used only as artificial key because ...
  55. Multidimensional to tabular view: New table '%1' is created for non-aggregatable attribute '%2' because of calculated members ...
  56. Multidimensional to tabular view: Not all columns of the table '%1' are added to attribute relationship tree because some ...
  57. Multidimensional to tabular view: Relationship from measure group '%1' to dimension '%2' is not exposed because it has granularity ...
  58. Multidimensional to tabular view: Table for measure group '%1' is renamed to '%1 (Measures)' because there's already dimension ...
  59. Multiple columns are specified in an aggregated expression containing an outer reference. If an expression being aggregated ...
  60. Multiple command bindings with GUID "{0}" and id {1} were found on type extension "{2}" for the connected data source version. ...
  61. Multiple commands to Restore,Synch,Attach,Create database or Alter database with name='%{objectName/}' or ID='%{objectId/}' ...
  62. Multiple conditions were specified for the '%{attr/}' parent attribute. Only one condition can be specified for parent attributes. ...
  63. Multiple entry points with the name "%1!s!" were found during the migration of %2!s!. Migration might need to be completed ...
  64. Multiple entry points with the name "{0}" were found during the migration of "{1}". Remove multiple entry points to ensure ...
  65. Multiple entry points with the name "{0}" were found during the migration of {1}. Remove multiple entry points to ensure ...
  66. Multiple file names cannot be specified on a connection when the Retain property is TRUE. Vertical bars were found on the ...
  67. Multiple instances of SQL server are installed on this computer. Renter the command, specifying the -s parameter with the ...
  68. Multiple Key Time columns were found in mining structure for the '%{modelname/}' time series model. A mining structure containing ...
  69. Multiple non-key columns were detected in the sequence table in the '%{modelname/}' model. The Microsoft Sequence Clustering ...
  70. Multiple result generating commands not allowed when using client side For XML. Set client-side-xml to false or execute the ...
  71. Multiple sequence key columns were detected in the sequence table in the '%{modelname/}' model. The Microsoft Sequence Clustering ...
  72. Multiple TEXT/NTEXT, IMAGE, VARCHAR(MAX)/NVARCHAR(MAX) or VARBINARY fields are not supported where at least one of the tags ...
  73. Multiple types with the name '{0}' exist in the EdmItemCollection in different namespaces. Convention based mapping requires ...
  74. Multiple Variation objects for column '%{column/}' in table '%{column/}' have been marked as IsDefault. Please select a single ...
  75. Multiplicity conflicts with the referential constraint in Role '{0}' in relationship '{1}'. Because all of the properties ...