SQL Server 2016

  1. Recovery for availability database '%1!s!' is pending until the secondary replica receives additional transaction log from ...
  2. Recovery for database '%1!s!' is being skipped because it requires an upgrade but is marked for Standby. Use RESTORE DATABASE ...
  3. Recovery intervals above %1!s! minutes not recommended. Use the RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE statement to force this configuration. ...
  4. Recovery is unable to defer error %1!s!. Errors can only be deferred in databases using the full recovery model and an active ...
  5. Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database '%1!s!' (%2!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. ...
  6. Recovery of any in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has completed. ...
  7. Recovery of database '%1!s!' (%2!s!) detected possible identity value inconsistency in table ID %3!s!. Run DBCC CHECKIDENT ...
  8. Recovery of database '%1!s!' (%2!s!) is %3!s!% complete (approximately %4!s! seconds remain). Phase %5!s! of 3. This is an ...
  9. Recursive calls of PublishingQueue.CallFunctionWhileAutosubscribing are not supported. While autosubscribing for "{0}", ...
  10. Recursive calls of PublishingQueue.CallFunctionWhileAutosubscribing are not supported. While autosubscribing for '{0}', ...
  11. Recursive references are not allowed on the right hand side of an EXCEPT operator in the recursive part of recursive CTEs. ...
  12. REDISTRIBUTE and REDUCE hints expect the first join condition to be an equality comparison of columns with directly comparable ...
  13. REDISTRIBUTE hint requires the join predicate to be a conjunctive boolean expression with respect to the first comparison ...
  14. Redoing of logged operations in database '%1!s!' failed to reach end of log at log record ID %2!s!. This indicates corruption ...
  15. Reduced the number of threads in the merge process and number of connections to Publisher and Subscriber, since the network ...
  16. Reference Scan is not due to be run on this database at this time. Reference Scan needs to be run once per delete_scan_period. ...
  17. Reformats the data from the input into a temporary index, which is then used for seeking with the supplied seek predicate. ...
  18. Refresh failed on {0} because the connection couldn't be found in the database. Try refreshing the entire database or server ...
  19. Refresh failed on {0} because the role couldn't be found in the database. Try refreshing the entire database or server instead. ...
  20. Refresh failed on {0} because the table couldn't be found in the database. Try refreshing the entire database or server instead. ...
  21. Refresh operation for workbooks created with earlier version of PowerPivot is not available. Please upgrade your workbook ...
  22. Refresh the data that was imported from external data sources. Data must be imported into the PowerPivot window before it ...
  23. Regenerating an existing model item cannot be reversed. It is highly recommended that you save your model. Do you want to ...
  24. Register to receive e-mail notification of product updates and upcoming releases specific to SQL Server 2016 Express. This ...
  25. Registration information about the Data Flow task could not be retrieved. Confirm that this task is installed properly on ...
  26. Registry root hive must be 'LocalMachine'(specified root hive is {0}) when trying to update a remote machine's {1} registry. ...
  27. Registry value contains an invalid SQLUserInstance.dll file path. Verify that the Local DB feature of SQL Server Express ...
  28. RegQueryValueEx is requesting too much buffer space (%ld bytes); The performance counter registry entries may be incorrect ...
  29. Regular relationships in the current database between non-linked (local) dimensions and linked measure groups cannot be edited. ...
  30. Reinitialized full-text %1!s! population for table '%2!s!' (table ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!') after a temporary failure. ...
  31. Reject value cannot be empty if the reject type is specified. Please specify the reject value or remove the reject type and ...
  32. Related objects cannot be loaded using the {0} merge option. Relationships cannot be created when one object was retrieved ...
  33. Relationship '%{name/}' between columns '%{fromTable/}[%{fromColumn/}]' and '%{toTable/}[%{toColumn/}]' has CrossFilterDirection ...
  34. Relationship '%{name/}' between columns '%{fromTable/}[%{fromColumn/}]' and '%{toTable/}[%{toColumn/}]' has the TO end cardinality ...
  35. Relationship '%{name/}' between columns, '%{fromTable/}[%{fromColumn/}]' and '%{toTable/}[%{toColumn/}]' has an invalid type. ...
  36. Relationship from column '%{dimension/}'[%{column/} has an invalid %{from/} to %{to/} multiplicity and is not supported. ...
  37. Relationship is required between table '%{maintable/}' with editable column '%{editableattribute/}' and its Override table ...
  38. Relationship to the reference dimension '%{refdimname/}' when using Analysis Services in Tabular mode must have Materialization ...
  39. Relationship to the reference dimension '%{refdimname/}' when using Analysis Services in Tabular mode should have Materialization ...
  40. Relationship to the reference table '%{refdimname/}' must have the Materialization property set to Indirect because '%{dimname/}' ...
  41. Relationship to the reference table '%{refdimname/}' should have the Materialization property set to Regular because '%{dimname/}' ...
  42. RelationshipEnd with role '%{role/}' under dimension '%{dimensionname/}' has invalid multiplicity value. Databases with the ...
  43. RelationshipEnd with role '%{role/}' under dimension '%{dimensionname/}' has non unique attibute with the ID of '%{id/}' ...
  44. Relationships could not be detected between the selected tables. The query might produce an unexpected result set. Do you ...
  45. Rem comment Optional. Places comments on the command prompt or in command files. The comment argument is optional. The value ...
  46. Remote Blob Storage is already enabled on the target database. Attempt to enable Remote Blob Storage on that database will ...
  47. Remote Publishers must use a password when automatically connecting to the Distributor to perform replication administrative ...
  48. Remote server '%1!s!' is not an Azure SQL Database V12 (or higher) server. A database can only be stretched to an Azure SQL ...
  49. Remote tables are not updatable. Updatable keyset-driven cursors on remote tables require a transaction with the REPEATABLE_READ ...
  50. REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE with value set to OFF_WITHOUT_DATA_RECOVERY is not supported at table creation. Please retry using a ...
  51. Remove patch examples: NOTE: You must run SetupPatch.exe from the cached uninstallation folder located at %programfiles%\Microsoft ...
  52. Remove the PowerPivot service application identity from Administrators security group on the local computer. For more information ...
  53. Remove the PowerPivot service application identity from Administrators security group on the local computer. For more information ...
  54. Remove the use of BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } WITH PASSWORD and BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } WITH MEDIAPASSWORD commands. Replace ...
  55. Removing a variable "{0}" and adding one with the same name but different type can not be processed in the same batch. Please ...
  56. Removing the configuration will fail if there are blob records registered in the Remote BLOB Store (RBS) system or the RBS ...
  57. Removing the domain '{0}' will delete its composite domain rules and/or remove the domain from the reference data schema. ...
  58. Removing the formula from the column leaves it with a data type that is disallowed in indexes and relationships. Do you want ...
  59. Removing this attribute from the list also removes any data associated with this attribute (such as, the filter expression) ...
  60. Removing this instance of SQL Server from the SQL Server Utility stops the SQL Server Utility collection set. Any other collection ...
  61. REMSERVER will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to ...
  62. RENAME ENTITY statement failed. The old database or schema name '{0}' and the new database or schema name '{1}' are different. ...
  63. Renaming a column failed on history table '%1!s!' because it is not supported operation on system-versioned tables. Consider ...
  64. Renaming check constraint '{0}' for article '{1}' to '{2}' because article '{3}' is already replicating an object of the ...
  65. Renaming default constraint '{0}' for article '{1}' to '{2}' because article '{3}' is already replicating an object of the ...
  66. Renaming foreign key constraint '{0}' for article '{1}' to '{2}' because article '{3}' is already replicating an object of ...
  67. Renaming index key '{0}' for article '{1}' to '{2}' because article '{3}' is already replicating an object of the same name. ...
  68. Renaming multiple objects in the same command is not supported. Please re-send the rename operations in multiple commands. ...
  69. Renaming trigger '{0}' for article '{1}' to '{2}' because article '{3}' is already replicating an object of the same name. ...
  70. Repair has invalidated the differential bitmap for database %1!s!. The differential backup chain is broken. You must perform ...
  71. Repair installation errors in the program. This option fixes missing or corrupted files, shortcuts, and registry entries. ...
  72. Repair operations cannot be performed on the MSSQLSYSTEMRESOURCE database. Consult Books Online topic "Resource Database" ...
  73. Repair statement not processed. One or more files in the database are read-only and must be made writeable in order to run ...
  74. Repair: Converted forwarded record for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), ...
  75. Repair: Deleted FILESTREAM file "%1!s!" for column ID %2!s!, for object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc ...