SQL Server 2016

  1. Member from dimension '%{name/}' could not be found. This may be because of a stale dimension cache. Re-running the query ...
  2. Member Mapping specified is not valid. The type '{0}' of member '{1}' in type '{2}' is not compatible with '{3}' of member ...
  3. Members cannot be deleted from this model version. The model contains at least one entity that is the target of a sync relationship. ...
  4. Members cannot be deleted from this model version. The model contains at least one entity that is the target of a sync relationship. ...
  5. Members in a changing dimension move over time to different locations within a hierarchy. To enable Analysis Services to ...
  6. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for SQL Server FullText ...
  7. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for SQL Server Launchpad ...
  8. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the associated instance ...
  9. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the associated instance ...
  10. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the associated instance ...
  11. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the associated instance ...
  12. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the login account for the specified instance ...
  13. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the logon account for the associated instance ...
  14. Members in this group have the access and privileges to be assigned as the login account for service broker external activator ...
  15. Memory cannot be allocated for the expression "%1!s!". There was an out-of-memory error while creating an internal object ...
  16. Memory cannot be allocated for the Expression objects. An out-of-memory error occurred while creating the array of Expression ...
  17. Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed or created when the session TRANSACTION ISOLATION ...
  18. Memory usage of the server process as used in calculating cleaner memory price. Equal to counter Process\PrivateBytes plus ...
  19. MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two nonempty partitions containing a columnstore index cannot be ...
  20. MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two partitions on different filegroups cannot be merged if either ...
  21. Merge completed after processing %1!d! data change(s) (%2!d! insert(s), %3!d! update(s), %4!d! delete(s), %5!d! conflict(s)) ...
  22. Merge data definition language (DDL) error: Dropping a column used in a row filter or a join filter is not allowed. To drop ...
  23. Merge of existing transaction version map file '%{fileName/}' to lazy master version map failed with error code=%d{ErrorCode/}. ...
  24. Merge Policy condition that qualified these rowgroups for MERGE. It can be either 'Removing deleted rows' or 'Merging multiple ...
  25. Merge replication does not allow filters that reference dynamic functions that take one or more parameters. Check the function ...
  26. Merge replication upgrade is not complete until the snapshot agent is run for the publisher and the merge agent run for all ...
  27. Merge Replication WebSync reconciler failed to synchronize because an invalid internal phase transition from %1!s! to %2!s! ...
  28. Merge request for transaction range %1!s!, %2!s! on database '%3!s!' was not scheduled. The checkpoint files represented ...
  29. Merge table articles do not support different values for the @source_object and @destination_object parameters of sp_addmergearticle. ...
  30. Message cannot be formatted because of an internal error, invalid format string or the presence of formatting characters ...
  31. Messages are delayed on dialog {0}:{1} to service {2} and broker instance {3}. The messages encountered the following routing ...
  32. Messages on conversation handle {0} (conversation id {1}) from service {2} to service {3} cannot be transmitted dues to the ...
  33. Messages with conversation handle '%1!s!' and conversation group '%2!s!' have been removed from the queue with ID %3!s!. ...
  34. Metadata element mismatch in factory class '{0}' for {1}. The factory instance is for metadata element '{2}', but the request ...
  35. Metadata element name '{0}' cannot be split into domain name and metadata element name. The full metadata element name has ...
  36. Metadata inconsistency. Filegroup id %1!s! specified for table '%2!s!' does not exist. Run DBCC CHECKDB or CHECKCATALOG. ...
  37. Metadata information for the relationship '{0}' could not be retrieved. If mapping attributes are used, make sure that the ...
  38. Metadata stored on disk for computed column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' did not match the column definition. In order to avoid ...
  39. Method "%1!s!" of type "%2!s!" in assembly "%3!s!" is marked as a mutator. Mutators cannot be used in the read-only portion ...
  40. Method "%1!s!" of type "%2!s!" in assembly "%3!s!" is not marked as a mutator. Only mutators can be used to update the value ...
  41. Method "{0}" can only be called if the object is constructed with an opened SqlConnection. Otherwise SqlDataReader would ...
  42. Method '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' cannot be marked as a mutator. A mutator method must be non-static, public, ...
  43. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. ...
  44. Microsoft Azure DataMarket is a service that allows you to discover free and commercial data from a variety of content providers. ...
  45. Microsoft Azure disk {0} is not used to store data/log files for the databases in an Availability Group replica given its ...
  46. Microsoft Azure SQL Database Federation objects are not supported in {0}. To script the Microsoft Azure SQL Database federation ...
  47. Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft SQL Server; Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved; http://www.microsoft.com/sql/support; ...
  48. Microsoft Corporation;Microsoft SQL Server; Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved; http://www.microsoft.com/sql/support; ...
  49. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) failed to reenlist citing that the database RMID does not match the ...
  50. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) initialization failed due to insufficient memory. It may be necessary ...
  51. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) resource manager %1!s! has been released. This is an informational ...
  52. Microsoft Management Console executable module could not be located on this computer. Make sure it is properly installed ...
  53. Microsoft SharePoint 2007 is installed on this machine. It must be uninstalled or upgraded to Microsoft SharePoint 2010. ...
  54. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 RS Add-in for SharePoint CTP3.1 is not supported with a report server instance on SQL Server 2005. ...
  55. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 RS Add-in for SharePoint CTP3.1 is supported only on SQL Server 2008 or later. You should first ...
  56. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 RS Add-in for SharePoint is not supported with a report server instance on SQL Server 2005. Upgrade ...
  57. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 RS Add-in for SharePoint is supported only on SQL Server 2008 or later. You should first upgrade ...
  58. Microsoft SQL Server connection and database in which the fuzzy lookup reference table is located and where the fuzzy match ...
  59. Microsoft SQL Server could not save the information to synchronize the subscription through a Web server to the registry. ...
  60. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is unable to access replication components because replication is not installed on ...
  61. Microsoft SQL Server Replication encountered one or more errors retrieving the list of errors. The list of errors may not ...
  62. Microsoft SQL Server Replication encountered the following error while validating the subscription properties for '%1'. You ...
  63. Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services SharePoint shared service is installed on this computer side by side with a previous ...
  64. Microsoft SQL Server Service Broker External Activator. The following commandline options are supported: /? | /help Displays ...
  65. Microsoft SSIS Service configuration file is incorrect. Error reading config file: %1 Loading server with default settings. ...
  66. Microsoft SSIS Service: Registry setting specifying configuration file does not exist. Attempting to load default config ...
  67. Microsoft SSIS Service: stopping running package. Package instance ID: %1 Package ID: %2 Package name: %3 Package description: ...
  68. Microsoft Update offers security and other important updates for Windows and other Microsoft software, including SQL Server ...
  69. Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 does not support the installed operating system. Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 only supports ...
  70. Microsoft would like your permission to collect information about feature usage and serious errors. This information is used ...
  71. Microsoft. . This program is licensed. Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. ...
  72. Microsoft.SqlServer.MSMQUtil.dll failed to load. Make sure that the assembly is installed in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache). ...
  73. MidTier process account should have 'Full Read' permission on all associated SPWebApplications. For more information about ...
  74. MidTier process account should have 'Full Read' permission on all associated SPWebApplications. For more information about ...
  75. Migration for Script Task "{0}" can not be done on 64 bit platforms. Execute the package under WOW64 on 64 bit platforms ...