SQL Server 2016

  1. Properties referred by the Principal Role {0} must be exactly identical to the key of the EntityType {1} referred to by the ...
  2. Properties that don't have an expression specified will be deleted from the 'Expressions' collection. Are you sure you want ...
  3. Property "Delimiters" contains an invalid escaped character sequence {0}. The valid escaped character sequence is "\", " ...
  4. Property "Symbols" contains an invalid escaped character sequence {0}. The valid escaped character sequence is "\", " ", ...
  5. Property "{0}" of "{1}" object can only be retrieved from an existing object on the server when connecting to a Microsoft ...
  6. Property "{0}" of connection manager "{1}" is configured to receive a value from an environment variable named "{3}" but ...
  7. Property "{0}" of connection manager "{1}" is configured to receive a value from an environment variable named "{3}", but ...
  8. Property "{0}" of connection manager "{1}" is configured to receive a value from an environment variable named "{3}", but ...
  9. Property '%1!s!' cannot be generated in JSON output due to a conflict with another column name or alias. Use different names ...
  10. Property '%1!s!' cannot be generated in JSON output due to invalid character in the column name or alias. Column name or ...
  11. Property mappings enable propagation of variable value changes to specified mapped object properties during package execution. ...
  12. Property {0} is not available for {1} '{2}'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to ...
  13. Property {0} is not available. This can occur if you attempt to access this property from a secondary replica or resolving ...
  14. Property-scoped full-text queries cannot be specified on the specified table because its full-text index is not configured ...
  15. Provide a new session name. In the Workload section, select a database to which Database Engine Tuning Advisor will connect ...
  16. Provide a new session name. In the Workload section, verify that the selected database to which Database Engine Tuning Advisor ...
  17. Provided semantic query includes a reference to an entity in the select list as '{0}'. Such an entity does not exist in this ...
  18. Provided semantic query includes a reference to property '{0}' in an entity '{1}'. Such a property does not exist in this ...
  19. Provider cannot keep track of all the changes. Client must refetch the data associated with the watch region by using another ...
  20. Provider implements the BlobStore class version {1} not supported by this version of Remote Blob Storage. The minimum required ...
  21. Provider information is missing from the connection string. Add the provider information and try again. If you are trying ...
  22. Provides a hint to the algorithm as to the periodicity of the data. This parameter takes the format of {n , n]}, where n ...
  23. Provides a hint to the algorithm as to the periodicity of the data. This parameter takes the format of {n , n]}, where the ...
  24. Provides a means of reducing the system overhead that is associated with the excessive context switching that occurs sometimes ...
  25. Provides a space for you to type the object names you want to find. You can search for multiple objects by separating each ...
  26. Provides connections to a local SQL Server database and bulk-loads data into SQL Server tables and views. Note: to optimize ...
  27. Provides supplemental information about the operation being performed. The contents of this column depend on the physical ...
  28. Provisioning (creating, altering, or dropping) Windows Azure SQL Database servers and databases is currently disabled. This ...
  29. Proxy %1!s! does not have access to subsystem %2!s!. Please use sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem to grant permissions to this ...
  30. Proxy (%1!s!) is not allowed for subsystem "%2!s!" and user "%3!s!". Grant permission by calling sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem ...
  31. Proxy authentication failed. This error occurs when login credentials are not provided, or the credentials are incorrect. ...
  32. Public Port {0} Detected in Cloud Service {1}. There are existing Azure replica using public port for listener configuration. ...
  33. Publication "%1!s!" "%2!s!". Therefore the compatibility level of the publication cannot be set to lower than %3!s!. To set ...
  34. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be added to database '%2!s!', because a publication with a higher compatibility level already ...
  35. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be added to database '%2!s!', because a publication with a lower compatibility level already exists. ...
  36. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database '%2!s!' because it contains one or more articles that ...
  37. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database '%2!s!' because it contains one or more articles that ...
  38. Publication '%1!s!' does not support the nosync type because it contains a table that does not have a rowguidcol column. ...
  39. Publication '%1!s!' has the following property: '%2!s!'. SQL Server subscribers below version '%3!s!' will ignore this setting. ...
  40. Publication database: {0} Publication name: {2} Publication type: {3} Subscriber: {4} Subscription database: {5} {6}: {7} ...
  41. Publication database: {0} Publication name: {2} Publication type: {3} This publication is published by Oracle server, {0}, ...
  42. Publish all MDS-managed data from the active Excel worksheet into the MDS database. This action populates the model and entity ...
  43. Publish the selected data from the active worksheet into a new entity in the MDS database. You must be an administrator to ...
  44. Publisher '%1!s!', publication database '%2!s!', and publication '%3!s!' could not be added to the list of synchronization ...
  45. Publisher '%1!s!', publisher database '%2!s!', publication '%3!s!' could not be removed from the list of synchronization ...
  46. Publisher: {0} Publication database: {1} Publication name: {2} Publication type: {3} Subscriber: {4} Subscription database: ...
  47. Publisher: {0} Publication database: {1} Publication name: {2} Publication type: {3} Subscriber: {4} Subscription database: ...
  48. Publisher: {0} Publication database: {1} Publication name: {2} Publication type: {3} This publication is published by server, ...
  49. PublisherType is 'MSSQLSERVER'. Method or property "{0}" can only be used when this object represents a new style heterogeneous ...
  50. Putting ?Anonymous? and a client certificate in the same connection string is not supported. You can either authenticate ...
  51. P[assword password Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. This option ...
  52. QTD=1=[ Member ]=Returns a set of members from the Quarter level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending ...
  53. Quarter over quarter growth % allows you to view the data for the current period as a percentage of the same period in the ...
  54. Quarter over quarter growth allows you to view the difference in the data for the current period and the same period in the ...
  55. Queries over external tables are not supported with the current service tier or performance level of this database. Consider ...
  56. Queries that reference external tables are not supported by the legacy cardinality estimation framework. Ensure that trace ...
  57. Query aborted- the maximum reject threshold ({0} %) was reached while reading from an external source: {1} rows rejected ...
  58. Query aborted- the maximum reject threshold ({0} rows) was reached while reading from an external source: {1} rows rejected ...
  59. Query builder methods are not supported for LINQ to Entities queries. For more information, see the Entity Framework documentation. ...
  60. Query cannot be compiled because element appears in XML plan provided to USE PLAN but USE PLAN was applied to a non-cursor ...
  61. Query could not run because column store indexes on memory optimized tables are currently disabled. Rewrite the query with ...
  62. Query does not reference the full-text indexed table or indexed view, or user does not have permission to perform this action. ...
  63. Query notification cleanup could not access metadata for database "%1!s!". Check whether the database is successfully restored ...
  64. Query notification delivery could not get dialog endpoint for dialog '%1!s!'. Delivery failed for notification '%2!s!' because ...
  65. Query notification delivery could not get dialog endpoint for dialog '%1!s!'. Query notification delivery failed because ...
  66. Query notification delivery could not send message on dialog '%1!s!'. Delivery failed for notification '%2!s!' because of ...
  67. Query notification delivery could not send message on dialog '%1!s!'. Query notification delivery failed because of the following ...
  68. Query notification subscription could not access database with id %1!s!. Could not open broker dialog for service name '%2!s!' ...
  69. Query notification subscription could not get dialog endpoint. Could not open service broker dialog for service name '%1!s!' ...
  70. Query notification subscriptions are not allowed under an active application role context. Consider re-issuing the request ...
  71. Query plan with plan_id (%1!s!) cannot be forced for query with query_id (%2!s!) as plan forcing is not supported for natively ...
  72. Query plan with provided plan_id (%1!s!) is not found in the Query Store for database (%2!s!). Check the plan_id value and ...
  73. Query plan with provided plan_id (%1!s!) is not found in the Query Store for query (%2!s!). Check the plan_id value and rerun ...
  74. Query processor could not produce a query plan because of the hints defined in this query. Resubmit the query without specifying ...
  75. Query processor could not produce a query plan because of the hints defined in this query. Resubmit the query without specifying ...