SQL Server 2016

  1. Parameter "{0}" is configured to receive a value from an environment variable named "{2}", but there is no environment variable ...
  2. Parameter "{0}" is configured to receive a value from an environment variable named "{2}", but there is no environment variable ...
  3. Parameter '%1!s!' uses a data type that is not supported by the runtime for '%2!s!' script. Unsupported types are timestamp, ...
  4. Parameter '%1!s!': Incompatible XML attributes were present. The '%2!s!' attribute and the '%3!s!' attribute may not both ...
  5. Parameter '%1' cannot be longer than %2!d! characters. Shorten the value specified for this parameter and restart the replication ...
  6. Parameter '@add_to_active_directory' cannot be set to TRUE because Active Directory client package is not installed properly ...
  7. Parameter '{0}' has inconsistent data types in its value array. Change the values in the array to have the same data type. ...
  8. Parameter '{0}': XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase or XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema is non-empty, but XmlSchemaCollectionName ...
  9. Parameter @attach_query_result_as_file cannot be 1 (true) when no value is specified for parameter @query. A query must be ...
  10. Parameter @role_name cannot be empty. Specify a value for @role_name and retry the operation. Supply null as the value if ...
  11. Parameter @sensitivity does not support the value "%1!s!". Mail sensitivity must be one of NORMAL, PERSONAL, PRIVATE, or ...
  12. Parameter Information cannot be derived from SQL statements with sub-select queries. Set parameter information before preparing ...
  13. Parameter Mapping specified is not valid. The type '{0}' of member '{1}' in type '{2}' is not compatible with '{3}' of parameter ...
  14. Parameter number %1!d! of the cast to data type "%2!s!" is not an integer. A parameter of a cast operator must be an integer ...
  15. Parameter number %1!d! of the cast to data type "%2!s!" is not valid. The parameters of cast operators must be static, and ...
  16. Parameter number %1!d! of the function "%2!s!" is not static. This parameter must be static, and cannot contain dynamic elements ...
  17. Parameter number %1!d! of the function NULL with data type "%2!s!" is not an integer. A parameter of NULL() must be an integer ...
  18. Parameter number %1!d! of the function NULL with data type "%2!s!" is not valid. The parameters of NULL() must be static, ...
  19. Parameter that controls the user interface behavior. Valid values are Normal for the full UI,AutoAdvance for a simplied UI, ...
  20. Parameter values are stored in the project file. Save the project file to commit to disk any changes in the parameter values. ...
  21. Parameter {0} cannot be retrieved from the SQL Server Network Interfaces registry because the registry key is missing. Repair ...
  22. Parameter {0} value in the SQL Server Network Interfaces registry has the wrong type. Repair will attempt to write a value ...
  23. Parameter {0} value is missing from the SQL Server Network Interfaces registry. Repair will attempt to write a value of {1}. ...
  24. Parameters as arguments to a SKIP sub-clause in a query, or a SkipExpression in a command tree, are not supported in versions ...
  25. Parameters as arguments to a TOP sub-clause and a LIMIT sub-clause in a query, or a LimitExpression in a command tree, are ...
  26. Parameters cannot be added or removed from the parameter collection, and the parameter collection cannot be cleared after ...
  27. Parameters cannot be extracted from the SQL command. The provider might not help to parse parameter information from the ...
  28. Parameters cannot be extracted from the SQL statement. The provider might not help to parse parameter information from the ...
  29. Parameters of dm_fts_index_keywords, dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document, dm_fts_index_keywords_by_property, and dm_fts_in ...
  30. Parameters supplied for object '%1!s!' which is not a function. If the parameters are intended as a table hint, a WITH keyword ...
  31. Parameters supplied for object '{0}' which is not a function. If the parameters are intended as a table hint, a WITH keyword ...
  32. Parameters supplied for object '{0}' which is not a function. If the parameters are intended as a table hint, a WITH keyword ...
  33. ParamValue could not be inserted at this position. The index specified might be lesser than 0 or greater than the length. ...
  34. Parent tag ID %1!d! is not among the open tags. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires parent tags to be opened first. Check the ordering ...
  35. Parent tag ID %1!s! is not among the open tags. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires parent tags to be opened first. Check the ordering ...
  36. Parent-child hierarchies are not supported in Tabular mode, and level '%{level/}' includes a reference to parent attribute ...
  37. Parsing errors were encountered in the %1!s! '%2!s!'. The dependencies referenced from this object could not be determined. ...
  38. Parsing the expression "%1!s!" failed. The equal sign (=) at line number "%2!s!", character number "%3!s!", was not expected. ...
  39. Parsing the expression "%1!s!" failed. The single quotation mark at line number "%2!s!", character number "%3!s!", was not ...
  40. Parsing XML with internal subset DTDs not allowed. Use CONVERT with style option 2 to enable limited internal subset DTD ...
  41. Partition '%{partition/}' in table '%{table/}' has the DataSource property set to data source '%{datasource/}' which has ...
  42. Partition '%{partition/}' in table '%{table/}' has the DataSourceID property set, which is valid only for Query partitions. ...
  43. Partition '%{partition/}' in table '%{table/}' has the QueryDefinition property set, which is not valid for partitions with ...
  44. Partition '%{partname/}' cannot override the measure group's error configuration when Analysis Services is operating in Tabular ...
  45. Partition column '%1!s!' has data type %2!s! which is different from the partition function '%3!s!' parameter data type %4!s!. ...
  46. Partition columns of table's text/image storage don't match partition scheme, partition of table's text/image storage will ...
  47. Partition function '%1!s!' uses %2!s! columns which does not match with the number of partition columns used to partition ...
  48. Partition function '%s' specified in input configuration cannot be created because a duplicate partition function with the ...
  49. Partition function can only be created in Enterprise edition of SQL Server. Only Enterprise edition of SQL Server supports ...
  50. Partition key type '%1!s!' is not supported. Only BIGINT, UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, and VARBINARY(n) (0<n<=512) datatypes are supported ...
  51. Partition scheme '%1!s!' has been created successfully. '%2!s!' is marked as the next used filegroup in partition scheme ...
  52. Partition scheme '%s' specified in input configuration cannot be created because a duplicate partition scheme with the same ...
  53. Partition with id %{partitionId/} is being scheduled more than once with different processing type. This happens, for example, ...
  54. Partition with Id='%{PartitionId/}' belonging to a table with Id='%{TableId/}' is not found in shard directory. ShardDirectory ...
  55. Partitioned snapshot validation failed for this Subscriber. The snapshot validation token stored in the specified partitioned ...
  56. Partitioned view '%1!s!' is not updatable because table '%2!s!' has an enabled security policy that defines block predicates ...
  57. Partitions set for the '{0}' cube must have been loaded by now. If they are not loaded, make sure the product is installed ...
  58. Partitions that contain a full dataset (not sampled data) have to be configured for DirectQuery and Full DataViews, or use ...
  59. Par[ameter $Package::|$Project::|$ServerOption::]parameter_name[(data_type)];literal_value Optional. Provides a literal value ...
  60. Paste the contents of the Clipboard as additional rows into the selected PowerPivot table. You must copy the data to the ...
  61. Paste the contents of the Clipboard into a new PowerPivot table. You must copy the data to the Clipboard before it can be ...
  62. Paths with same path expression indexed with selective XML index '%1!s!' should have SINGLETON option either specified for ...
  63. Peer-Peer publication enables multi-master replication. The publisher streams transactions to all the peers in the topology. ...
  64. Peer-to-peer publications do not support replicating timestamp columns as varbinary(8). You cannot add an article with this ...
  65. Peer-to-peer publications only support a "%1!s!" value of %2!s!. Article "%3!s!" currently has a "%4!s!" value of %5!s!. ...
  66. Peer-to-peer replication has been enabled, and the Log Reader Agent was unable to find an Extended-Originator-Record (EOR) ...
  67. Peer-To-Peer topologies require identical articles in publications at all nodes prior to synchronizing. Articles in publication ...
  68. Peer-To-Peer topologies require identical publication names on each publisher. The distribution agent for publication %1!s!].[%2!s!].[%3!s! ...
  69. Peer-to-peer topologies require identical publication names on each Publisher. You are attempting to republish object %1!s!].[%2!s! ...
  70. Percentage of out-of-order extents returned from scanning the leaf pages of the index. This number is not relevant to heaps. ...
  71. Percentage of out-of-order pages returned from scanning the leaf pages of the index. This number is not relevant to heaps ...
  72. Percentage of work tables created where the initial two pages of the work table were not allocated but were immediately available ...
  73. Perform all administration tasks for the Web site, manage content and permissions, create and manage shared schedules, and ...
  74. Performance counter shared memory setup failed with error %1!s!. Reinstall sqlctr.ini for this instance, and ensure that ...
  75. Performance Monitor could not be located on this computer. Make sure it is properly installed before attempting to launch ...