SQL Server 2016

  1. PowerPivot query and data refresh processing operations are resource intensive. Consider adding memory to the server or allocating ...
  2. PowerPivot query and data refresh processing operations are resource intensive. Consider adding memory to the server or allocating ...
  3. PowerPivot query and data refresh processing operations are resource intensive. To bring overall CPU usage down to an acceptable ...
  4. PowerPivot query and data refresh processing operations are resource intensive. To bring overall CPU usage down to an acceptable ...
  5. PowerPivot system service objects including: proxy, local service instance, service applications health rules and usage collections. ...
  6. PowerPivot System Service uses health rules to detect problems in configuration, server health, or use of system resources. ...
  7. PowerPivot: Make sure that farm solution is up-to-date. For more information about this rule, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=208180 ...
  8. PowerPivot: Make sure that farm solution is up-to-date. For more information about this rule, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=398716 ...
  9. PowerPivot: The Analysis Services instance runs in tabular mode, but the configuration setting that specifies this mode is ...
  10. PowerPivot: The SQL Server Analysis Services (PowerPivot) service account information that is managed by SQL Server Configuration ...
  11. PowerPivot: Verify that the setting is set to 1 in the msmdsrv.ini file in the \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10_50.PowerPivot\OLAP\Config ...
  12. PowerPivot: Verify that the setting is set to 1 in the msmdsrv.ini file in the \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10_50.PowerPivot\OLAP\Config ...
  13. PowerPivot: Verify that The SQL Server Analysis Services (PowerPivot) service account information that is managed by SQL ...
  14. PowerPivot: Verify that The SQL Server Analysis Services (PowerPivot) service account information that is managed by SQL ...
  15. PowerShell could not be started. Please verify that {0} exists in the folder {1}, and that you have permissions to run it. ...
  16. Pre- and post-snapshot commands are not supported for a publication that may support non-SQL Server Subscribers by using ...
  17. Pre-Deployment and Post-Deployment scripts are not rolled back. You must restore a backup to address an upgrade failure when ...
  18. Precomputed partitions cannot be used because articles "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" are part of a join filter and at least one of ...
  19. PREDICT=1= Mining Model Name , Numeric Expression =Returns a value of a numeric expression evaluated over a data mining model. ...
  20. PREDICT=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL][, INCLUDE_NODE_ID]=The ScalarPredict function returns the most likely value for the ...
  21. PREDICT=3= , INCLUSIVE|EXCLUSIVE|INPUT_ONLY][, INCLUDE_STATISTICS][, INCLUDE_NODE_ID][, | , ]=The TablePredict function returns ...
  22. PREDICTADJUSTEDPROBABILITY=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictAdjustedProbability function returns the adjusted ...
  24. PREDICTCASELIKELIHOOD=3=[NORMALIZED|NONNORMALIZED]=The PredictCaseLikelihood function returns the likelihood of the case ...
  25. PREDICTHISTOGRAM=3= =The PredictHistogram function returns a table that contains the statistics for all states of a predictable ...
  26. PREDICTHISTOGRAM=3= =The PredictHistogram function returns a table that contains the statistics for cluster membership of ...
  27. Prediction join query is not valid because the ON clause joins a scalar input column to the '%{modelcol/}' table mining model ...
  28. Prediction join query is not valid because the ON clause joins a table input column to the '%{modelcol/}' scalar mining model ...
  29. Prediction query timeout limit is too small for this Time Series prediction request based on mining model, '%{modelname/}'. ...
  30. PREDICTPROBABILITY=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictProbablility function returns the probability value for either ...
  31. PREDICTSEQUENCE=3= , | , ]=The PredictSequence function returns a sequence of events that is n steps long (one if not specified) ...
  32. PREDICTSUPPORT=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictSupport function returns the support value for either the most ...
  33. PREDICTTIMESERIES=3= | , | , ,EXTEND_MODEL_CASES|REPLACE_MODEL_CASES|=The PredictTimeSeries function returns the next n steps ...
  34. Prefix '%1!s!' used in WITH XMLNAMESPACES clause contains an invalid XML identifier. '%2!s!'( 3!s!) is the first character ...
  35. Preparation of table '{0}' for merge replication had been chosen as a deadlock victim, the operation will be retried in {1} ...
  36. Prepare multiple instances. After preparing all the instances, run the Windows SysPrep utility and imaging process to deploy ...
  37. Preparing to retrieve run-time value of substitution property '{0}' in order to generate access control entries as part of ...
  38. Preview the data that the Table Import Wizard will import and then click OK to proceed. Because a SQL statement is used to ...
  39. Preview the data that you are about to paste. You can modify the table name and specify whether to use the first row as a ...
  40. Preview the data you are about to append and verify that the structure (including column order and data type selection) matches ...
  41. Preview the data you are about to append and verify that the structure (including column order and data type selection) matches ...
  42. Previous, RunningValue or RowNumber aggregate functions used in the data cells of the {0} '{1}' refer to grouping scopes ...
  43. Primary key cannot be created on column ' ' because it allows null values. Clear the Allow Nulls check box for each column ...
  44. Primary Server %1!s!, Database %2!s! has active log shipping secondary database(s) on the secondary. Drop the secondary database(s) ...
  45. Primary XML Index '%1!s!' already exists on column '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!', and multiple Primary XML Indexes per column ...
  46. Principal '%1!s!' could not be created. Only connections established with Active Directory accounts can create other Active ...
  47. Proactive cache settings for parent-child dimension '%{dimension/}' require infinite latency and OnCacheComplete online mode. ...
  48. Problems have occurred with Office PivotTable Service. Make sure that either Microsoft Office or Microsoft Office Web Components ...
  49. Problems recording information in the msdb.suspect_pages table were encountered. This error does not interfere with any activity ...
  50. Procedures with a group number cannot have parameters of XML, CLR or encrypted types. Parameter '%1!s!' of procedure '%2!s!' ...
  51. Process %1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s! ( 4!s!) Worker 5!s! appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler %6!s!. Thread creation time: %7!s!. ...
  52. Process configuration failed to set the destination at the package path of "%1!s!". This occurs when attempting to set the ...
  53. Process ID %1!s! attempted to unlock a resource it does not own: %2!s!. Retry the transaction, because this error may be ...
  54. Processing for the database will be disabled because an error occurred while loading the '%{strRef/}' database cryptography ...
  55. Processing has been terminated. The resultset for sp_getqueuedrows is larger than 16,000, the maximum size that the procedure ...
  56. Processing measure group '%{name/}' failed because the measure '%{measurename/}' binding do not match the dimension property ...
  57. Processing of calculated column failed due to ambiguous paths between tables '%{table1/}' and '%{table2/}': %{path1/} and ...
  58. Processing the '%{modelname/}' mining model failed because either the training data is empty or there were no significant ...
  59. Processing the specified number of folds can take a long time. To reduce the time needed to perform cross-validation, specify ...
  60. Processing the specified number of folds might take a long time. To reduce the time needed to perform cross-validation, specify ...
  61. Processor affinity turned on: node %1!s!, processor mask 2!s!. Threads will execute on CPUs per affinity settings. This is ...
  62. Processor Information: NumberOfNumaNodes = %1, NumberOfAffinityGroups = %2, NumberOfCPUs = %3, NumberOfPhysicalCores = %4, ...
  63. ProductName transmits information about your installation experience, as well as other usage and performance data, to Microsoft. ...
  64. ProductShortName requires the .NET Framework version 2.0 or 3.0 or 3.5 or 4.0. Ensure that this requirement is fulfilled ...
  65. ProductShortName requires the .NET Framework version 2.0. Ensure that this requirement is fulfilled before installing ProductShortName]. ...
  66. ProductShortName Setup is preparing the Install Wizard which will guide you through the installation process. Please wait. ...
  67. Profiles a data source and identifies data quality problems. For example, discover the likely foreign keys in an unfamiliar ...
  68. Progress reporting has been disabled. All progress messages will not be displayed and will be discarded. To enable progress ...
  69. Project '{0}' was created using a previous version of the product. It must be converted to the new format used by this version. ...
  70. Project file cannot be saved because '{0}' is encrypted with a password and the password is unknown. Try to decrypt the package ...
  71. Project restore has failed. You cannot restore a project having an object_version_lsn that is the same as the current project. ...
  72. Project that has packages which references package part does not support changing TargetServerVersion. Remove the usage of ...
  73. Proj[ect project file path Optional. Use this option to specify the project from which a package can be retrieved. It is ...
  74. Properties of zero length cannot be added to a search property list. Specify a search property name that contains at least ...
  75. Properties referred by the Dependent Role {0} must be a subset of the key of the EntityType {1} referred to by the Dependent ...