SQL Server 2016

  1. No feature was specified to be check by the InvalidFeatureUpgradeIncompleteCondition class. A non-empty feature name must ...
  2. No features were installed during the setup execution. The requested features may already be installed. Please review the ...
  3. No features were uninstalled during the setup execution. Either no features were requested or the requested features were ...
  4. No features were updated during the setup execution. The requested features may not be installed or features are already ...
  5. No features were updated during the setup execution. The requested features may not be installed or features are already ...
  6. No features were upgraded during the setup execution. The requested features may not be installed or the features are already ...
  7. No files have been configured. Add file configuration sections to the sqliosim configuration file or use the -dir parameter(s) ...
  8. No files to transfer. This error can occur when performing a Send or Receive operation and no files are specified for the ...
  9. No inputs were specified for the parent condition type '{0}'. An empty DatastoreIntegration element is not supported for ...
  10. No inputs were specified for the parent rule '{0}'. An empty DatastoreIntegration element is not supported for Rules as output ...
  11. No instance of MSIFeatureActionNotificationHandler was provided for the MSIInstallerEngine for package '{0}'. To install ...
  12. No instance of the type {0} provided for the non-static CreateCustomModifiers delegate method could be created due to an ...
  13. No instance of type {0} provided as a download engine source could be created due to an exception raised during instantiation. ...
  14. No instance of type {0} provided as a search engine source could be created due to an exception raised during instantiation. ...
  15. No instance of type {0} provided as an extract engine source could be created due to an exception raised during instantiation. ...
  16. No item by the name of '%1!s!' could be found in the current database '%2!s!', given that @itemtype was input as '%3!s!'. ...
  17. No job is associated with this subscription "{0}". The job ID is NULL or empty. Run sp_addpullsubscription_agent or sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent ...
  18. No matching backup files were found by any of the bricks. Copy the backup files to the correct backup location, and retry ...
  19. No maximum length was specified for the %1!s! with external data type %2!s!. The SSIS Data Flow Task data type "%3!s!" with ...
  20. No Microsoft Azure Virtual Network has been successfully tested for connectivity from the local network to Microsoft Azure. ...
  21. No modifications to connection are permitted after the metadata has been registered either by opening a connection or constructing ...
  22. No monospace Unicode fonts were found to preview the text. The following is a list of all non-monospace fonts installed on ...
  23. No non-key columns were defined in Time Series mining model, '%{modelname/}'. Hence no data can be retrieved for analysis. ...
  24. No object was found with the name "{0}", but objects with names containing "{0}" were found. Select one or more names from ...
  25. No overload of canonical aggregate function '{0}.{1}' is compatible with the argument types in '{2}'. Consult provider-specific ...
  26. No overload of canonical function '{0}.{1}' is compatible with the argument types in '{2}'. Consult provider-specific function ...
  27. No patches were removed from any feature. The requested features may not be installed or the patch hasn't been applied to ...
  28. No patches were removed from any feature. The requested features may not be installed or the patch hasn't been applied to ...
  29. No peers were found for %1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!. If you encounter this error when executing the stored procedure sp_requestpeerresponse, ...
  30. No provider is set for the type {0} and none can be constructed using a default realization of {0}. A default realization ...
  31. No provider of type and version greater or equal to {1} found. Check the server configuration or install the provider on ...
  32. No recognized letter is contained in the parameter value for General Permission Type (%1!s!). Valid letters are in this set: ...
  33. No related table was added. Either no tables are related to the currently selected tables or all related tables are already ...
  34. No relationships were detected. Fields might have been added to a PivotTable or PivotChart from tables that do not have a ...
  35. No Report Builder models are available. To use Report Builder, at least one model must be published to the report server, ...
  36. No restrictions are placed on the aggregation designer; however, the attribute must still be evaluated to determine whether ...
  37. No root path was specified to be tested by the DatastoreDocumentCondition class. A non-empty root path must be provided. ...
  38. No route matches the destination service name for this conversation. Create a route to the destination service name for messages ...
  39. No rows were successfully inserted into the destination. This may be due to a data type mismatch between columns, or due ...
  40. No rows will be sent to error output(s). Configure error or truncation dispositions to redirect rows to the error output(s), ...
  41. No rows will be sent to the no match output. Configure the transformation to redirect rows with no matching entries to the ...
  42. No schema encountered with '{0}' namespace. Make sure the namespace is correct or the schema defining the namespace is specified. ...
  43. No ScopeIDs have been set for members associated with DataRegion '{0}'. The SetScopeID method must be invoked at least once ...
  44. No selected features were specified to be tested by the ProductFeatureScenarioCondition class. The features selected by the ...
  45. No shared agent subscription exists for publication '%1!s!' and the subscriber/subscriber database pair '%2!s!'/'%3!s!'. ...
  46. No task information is available. One or more filters have been set, or one or more errors occurred during pre-execution. ...
  47. No temporary BLOB data storage locations are available. The data flow will fail if not enough physical memory is available. ...
  48. No temporary BLOB data storage locations were provided. The buffer manager will consider the directories in the TEMP and ...
  49. No temporary buffer storage locations were provided. The buffer manager will consider the directories in the TEMP and TMP ...
  50. No unpivot destination found. At least one input column must be mapped with a PivotKeyValue to an DestinationColumn in the ...
  51. No valid data can be set in the SQL Where clause. Can not perform safe delete/update without anything in then Where clause. ...
  52. No Windows Update server was selected for product updates. This can happen when there is an issue with the Windows Update ...
  53. Node configuration: node %1!s!: CPU mask: 2!s!:%3!s! Active CPU mask: 4!s!:%5!s!. This message provides a description of ...
  54. NoLogo -NoExit -NoProfile {1} -OutputFormat {Text | XML} -InputFormat {Text | XML} {1} {1} -Command { - {1} | {1} | -args ...
  55. Non-fatal exception migrating the package from version {0} to version {1}. Some parts of the package may not be migrated. ...
  56. non-idle), 1 (executing), 2 (waiting for thread), 3 (between retries), 4 (idle), 5 (suspended), 7 (performing completion ...
  57. Non-NULL controlling IUnknown was specified, and either the requested interface was not IUnknown, or the provider does not ...
  58. Non-SQL Server publications do not support updatable subscriptions. The properties allow_sync_tran and allow_queued_tran ...
  59. Non-SQL Server Publishers are supported only in the Enterprise and Developer editions of SQL Server. The edition of this ...
  60. Non-SQL Server Publishers do not support a value of 1 for the parameter @thirdparty_flag. When executing the stored procedure ...
  61. Non-SQL Server Publishers must be configured in the context of the distribution database. Execute sp_adddistpublisher in ...
  62. Non-Windows user credentials were supplied for a non-http connection to Analysis Services. The Microsoft SQL Server Analysis ...
  63. Nonclustered columnstore index '%1!s!' column '%2!s!' rowgroup id %3!s! on table '%4!s!' has one or more data values that ...
  64. Nonclustered columnstore index '%1!s!' column '%2!s!' rowgroup id %3!s! on table '%4!s!' has one or more data values that ...
  65. Nonclustered columnstore index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' has a missing column segment on column id %3!s! and rowgroup id %4!s!. ...
  66. Nonclustered columnstore index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' has a missing dictionary on column id %3!s! and rowgroup id %4!s!. ...
  67. None of the databases for which you are the owner are configured for publishing. Contact the administrator of this server ...
  68. None of the IP addresses configured for the availability group listener can be hosted by the server '%1!s!'. Either configure ...
  69. None of the nodes in the failover cluster have been upgraded yet. Because of this, it is not possible for the ownership of ...
  70. None of the secondary replicas can be in synchronous commit mode when the primary replica is in asynchronous commit mode. ...
  71. None of the specified availability groups exist locally. Please check your DDL and make sure there is one availability group ...
  72. None of the specified replicas for availability group %1!s! maps to the instance of SQL Server to which you are connected. ...
  73. None of the table columns seem fit for the current task. If you want to continue, please select the columns to be used in ...
  74. NONEMPTY=1= Set1 , Set2 =Returns subset of first set with removed empty tuples based on the cross product with a second set. ...
  75. NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN=1= Set1 , Set2 , Set3 .][, Crossjoin Count ]=Returns the cross product of two or more sets as a set, excluding ...