Visual Studio 2010

  1. Represents the average of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  2. Represents the base class for classes that define the layout for a row of data where different data items are displayed in ...
  3. Represents the base class for elements that have a specific range. Examples of such elements are ScrollBar, ProgressBar, ...
  4. Represents the control that enables you to hierarchically organize elements that are associated with commands and event handlers. ...
  5. Represents the data point axis label. This keyword will be replaced with the value of the AxisLabel property of the associated ...
  6. Represents the data point index in the series. This zero-based data point index can be used to uniquely identify the point ...
  7. Represents the data point label. This keyword will be replaced with the value of the Label property of the associated data ...
  8. Represents the element that is used within the style of a ContentControl to specify where in the visual tree of the control ...
  9. Represents the legend text. This keyword will be replaced with the value of the LegendText property of the associated object. ...
  10. Represents the maximum of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  11. Represents the minimum of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  12. Represents the total (or sum) of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify ...
  13. Represents the X value of the series data point. If a series is populated with Y values only, all X value points are set ...
  14. Represents the Y value of the first point in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify ...
  15. Represents the Y value of the last point in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  16. Represents the Y value of the series data point. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which Y ...
  17. Request for cross-domain policy at '{0}' timed out: Web services might not be accessible. For more details please contact ...
  18. Required assemblies 'WindowsBase', 'PresentationCore', and 'PresentationFramework' are missing from the target framework. ...
  19. Requirement Status by Config: Helps the team identify gaps in test coverage for each test configuration for each requirement. ...
  20. Requirement Status: Helps the team identify gaps in test coverage for each requirement. This report requires that team members ...
  21. Requirements that have been marked to show that test planning is complete are shown in the following list. When a requirement ...
  22. Requirements with no test runs associated with them are shown in the following list. You can create test runs by adding them ...
  23. requires both client and server projects to be available in the current solution. The {1} project is not in the current solution. ...
  24. Rescan Solution Interval : A 'Rescan Solution Now' job will be scheduled every 'value' minutes. The value must be between ...
  25. Resembles a scatter chart, but compares sets of three values instead of two. The third value determines the size of the bubble ...
  26. Resembles a scatter chart, but compares sets of three values instead of two. The third value determines the size of the bubble ...
  27. Reset the window position of the documents being compared side-by-side so that they share the screen equally. To enable this ...
  28. Resolve #using References : Specifies one or more directories (separate directory names with a semicolon) to be searched ...
  29. Resolve assembly references using directory-based mono rules rather than MSBuild resolution (Default=false except when running ...
  30. Resolve the conflicts, click Refresh to verify that the conflicts have been resolved, and then click Next to continue with ...
  31. Resolved KeyTime for key frame at index {1} cannot be greater than resolved KeyTime for key frame at index {4}. KeyFrames[{1} ...
  32. Resolves conflicts between changed items in your workspace and the latest or destination versions of items on the server. ...
  33. Resource '{0}' has a name that is not recommended and that may cause compilation errors in your code. Please choose another ...
  34. Resource could not be found. A resource with the name '{0}' provided in '{1}' for the diagnostic data adapter of type '{2}' ...
  35. Resource names can not be null or empty. The resource name provided for '{0}' on the diagnostic data adapter of type '{1}' ...
  36. Resources generated by pre-release versions of the .NET Framework might contain incorrect or incomplete type references. ...
  37. Restart this application under different credentials Saves the current changes and then restarts the application. You will ...
  38. Restart under different credentials Saves the current changes and then restarts %s. You will be prompted to change your user ...
  39. Restart Visual Studio and run the New Team Project Wizard again. If the problem persists, contact your Team Foundation Server ...
  40. Restarting the Team Project Collection {0} job on {1}. You can view the status of this job using the Team Foundation Server ...
  41. Restore the %1 installation to its original state. This option reinstalls prerequisite and optional chained components as ...
  42. Restore the %1 to its original state. This option reinstalls prerequisite and optional chained components as well as %1. ...
  43. Restores items that were previously deleted. tf undelete /noget /lock:(none|checkin|checkout) /recursive itemspec[;deletionID ...
  44. Restores shelved file revisions, check-in notes, comments, and work item associations to the current workspace or removes ...
  45. Restrict access to the workbook by preventing new sheets from being created or by granting access only to specific people. ...
  46. Restrict permission to this item. For example, you may be able restrict people who receive this message from forwarding it ...
  47. Result files for this test run were expected but not found. Any additional details such as code coverage or test-specific ...
  48. Results from agent '{0}' were not received in time to be included in the overall results for a sampling interval. To avoid ...
  49. Resume keyword Specifies where execution should continue after an error is handled, or resumes execution after an error-handling ...
  50. Resumes the macro recorder from the paused state so code is written to the recording macro (Not to be used from within a ...
  51. rethrows a caught exception and specifies it explicitly as an argument. Use 'throw' without an argument instead, in order ...
  52. Retrieve local IIS properties from the URI requires Administrator's permission. Please elevate to Administrator before execute ...
  53. Retrieve local IIS properties from the URI requires Administrator's permission. Please elevate to Administrator before execute ...
  54. Retrieves a read-only copy of a file from Team Foundation Server to the local workspace and creates folders on disk to contain ...
  55. Retrieves a specific version of a file to a temporary folder on your computer and displays it. tf view /collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl ...
  56. Retrieves recent error messages that occurred during synchronization of Team Foundation Server and Project Server. For each ...
  57. Retrieves toolbar customization information and notifies the toolbar's parent window of any changes being made to the toolbar ...
  58. Return statement Returns execution to the code that called the Function, Sub, Get, Set, or Operator procedure. Return -or- ...
  59. Returns a collection of breakpoints that represent this breakpoint's children. If the breakpoint has no children then nothing ...
  60. Returns a Date value containing the date information represented by a string, with the time information set to midnight (00:00:00). ...
  61. Returns a Date value containing the time information represented by a string, with the date information set to January 1 ...
  62. Returns a Date value representing a specified hour, minute, and second, with the date information set relative to January ...
  63. Returns a Date value representing a specified year, month, and day, with the time information set to midnight (00:00:00). ...
  64. Returns a Double specifying the depreciation of an asset for a specific time period using the double-declining balance method ...
  65. Returns a Double specifying the interest payment for a given period of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments and a ...
  66. Returns a Double specifying the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows (payments and receipts). ...
  67. Returns a Double specifying the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows (payments and ...
  68. Returns a Double specifying the number of periods for an annuity based on periodic fixed payments and a fixed interest rate. ...
  69. Returns a Double specifying the present value of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments to be paid in the future and ...
  70. Returns a Double specifying the principal payment for a given period of an annuity based on periodic fixed payments and a ...
  71. Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading spaces (LTrim), no trailing spaces (RTrim), or no ...
  72. Returns a string that uniquely identifies the context node, or the first node specified by the optional node-set argument. ...
  73. Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the number of bytes required to store a variable. ...
  74. Returns an object that represents the value of the system-property called string; otherwise, returns the empty string. This ...
  75. Returns the collection in which this bound breakpoint resides, essentially providing the set of children owned by a pending ...