Visual Studio 2010

  1. Specifies how internal tool errors should be reported back to Microsoft. The default in the IDE is prompt. The default from ...
  2. Specifies how or if the BDC uses cached data when creating, deleting, updating or reading instances of an Entity when data ...
  3. Specifies how the body of the original message appends to the item that appears when the user executes the custom action. ...
  4. Specifies how the lifecycle of the roles are related. Composition = the other role forms part of this element and no other, ...
  5. Specifies how Visual Studio inserts the code snippet. A value of SurroundsWith allows the code snippet to be placed around ...
  6. Specifies if the project should be saved upon creation. Not all project types support this and this value may be ignored ...
  7. Specifies one or more directories (separate directory names with a semicolon) to be searched to resolve names passed to a ...
  8. Specifies one or more names of default libraries to ignore; separate multiple libraries with semi-colons. (/NODEFAULTLIB:[name, ...
  9. Specifies that deployment should always drop and create an assembly if there is a difference instead of issuing an ALTER ...
  10. Specifies that if there is a possibility of data loss deployment should generate TSQL that will verify that there is no data ...
  11. Specifies that Internet Explorer is used to start the project during debugging. If this option is not selected, the default ...
  12. Specifies that Project Server tasks that are mapped to Team Foundation Server work items are not assigned the Fixed Work ...
  13. Specifies that proxy/stub code be merged into your main project. By default, the proxy/stub marshaling code is contained ...
  14. Specifies that the function takes a variable number of arguments. To accomplish this, the last argument must be a safe array ...
  15. Specifies that the linker should use the profile data created after running the instrumented binary to create an optimized ...
  16. Specifies that the template should not appear in the New Project / Add New Item dialog. If specified, no other elements inside ...
  17. Specifies that your application contains Active documents within its frame, and allows servers to merge their user interface ...
  18. Specifies that your application is an OLE local server with the ability to create and manage Active documents. Requires a ...
  19. Specifies the .ico file to use as the application icon (/win32icon). An unqualified file name means the .ico file is in the ...
  20. Specifies the action to take when deploying a project item whose properties are identical to those of an item already on ...
  21. Specifies the debugger type to use. When set to Auto, the debugger type will be selected based on contents of the exe file. ...
  22. Specifies the default character type of the C compiler that will be used to compile the generated code. (/char signed|unsigned|ascii7) ...
  23. Specifies the default value of the literal or object for an IntelliSense Code Snippet. This text specifies the default value ...
  24. Specifies the dependency information file used by Visual Studio to track build dependency information for the manifest tool. ...
  25. Specifies the destination file for exporting the global list XML. When it is not specified, the XML is output to the display. ...
  26. Specifies the destination file for exporting the link type XML. When it is not specified, the XML is output to the display. ...
  27. Specifies the destination file for exporting the work item type category XML. If not specified, the XML is output to the ...
  28. Specifies the distance between the end of the gauge and the end of the scale, as a percentage of the size of the gauge (height ...
  29. Specifies the distance between the start of the gauge and the start of the scale, as a percentage of the size of the gauge ...
  30. Specifies the distance from the tip of the pointer to the scale, measured in percentage of the size of the gauge (height ...
  31. Specifies the expression to use to group the data for dynamic Tablix members. Group expressions cannot be used if any ancestor ...
  32. Specifies the ID of the work item to destroy. Supports multiple IDs delimited by commas such as 12,15,23 (with no whitespace). ...
  33. Specifies the kind of code the snippet contains. This attribute filters out snippets based on the current location in the ...
  34. Specifies the locale that is used to generate random string characters. The default code page for the locale is used as the ...
  35. Specifies the location of the auto-save settings file, team settings file, and the default location to save settings files. ...
  36. Specifies the Microsoft Project local text custom field to use to display the value of the Team Foundation work item type. ...
  37. Specifies the Most Recently Used paths in the New Project / New Item dialog. This tag is should only be used for internally ...
  38. Specifies the name of a file into which documentation comments will be processed. Path must be relative to the project directory ...
  39. Specifies the name of the .NET Framework 2.0 encoding used to import the XML file. For example, /e:utf-7 will use Unicode ...
  40. Specifies the name of the .NET Framework 2.0 encoding used to import the XML file. For example, /encoding:utf-7 will use ...
  41. Specifies the name of the assembly referenced by the code snippet. The Assembly element is only supported by Visual Basic ...
  42. Specifies the name of the file built by the project; this will be used by the development environment to refer to the project's ...
  43. Specifies the name of the XML definition file to use when exporting the global workflow. When it is not specified, the workflow ...
  44. Specifies the name used in the File Types Editor to identify a selected file type, or the name for an action used to invoke ...
  45. Specifies the number of instances of the leftmost outer group to appear to the left of the data region. This property is ...
  46. Specifies the ordering in which tokens will be processed. For example if FIFO, tokens will be processed in the order that ...
  47. Specifies the page that will launch within the browser when you begin debugging a web project or URL. This option is valid ...
  48. Specifies the position of the scale, as a percentage of the size of the gauge (height for horizontal gauges, width for vertical ...
  49. Specifies the preview image, as a filename, for the preview image that will appear in the New Project / Add New Item dialog ...
  50. Specifies the Project Subtype (if any), as a string, of the template. This value specifies the aggregate project system for ...
  51. Specifies the relationship between class member properties that represent database columns participating in a foreign key ...
  52. Specifies the requested execution level for the application when running with User Account Control. (/MANIFESTUAC:level=[value]) ...
  53. Specifies the schema version of the code snippet. The Format attribute must be a string in the syntax of x.x.x, where each ...
  54. Specifies the targets for the custom build tool to run after. This is always the same as the Custom Build Step and must be ...
  55. Specifies the targets for the custom build tool to run before. This is always the same as the Custom Build Step and must ...
  56. Specifies the Team Foundation project collection. Use a fully specified URL such as http://servername:8080/tfs/Collection0. ...
  57. Specifies the team project for which the global workflow is exported. When it is not specified, the workflow for the team ...
  58. Specifies the team project for which the global workflow is imported. When it is not specified, the workflow for the team ...
  59. Specifies the team project in which the new work item type is imported. This is required, except when the validation-only ...
  60. Specifies the textual label for the report item. For example, it can be used to render TITLE and ALT attributes in HTML reports. ...
  61. Specifies the tool that transforms a file at design time and places the output of that transformation into another file. ...
  62. Specifies the tool that transforms a file at design time and places the output of that transformation into another file. ...
  63. Specifies the tool that transforms a file at design time and puts the output of that transformation into another file. For ...
  64. Specifies the tool that transforms a file at design time and writes the output to another file. For example, a data set (.xsd) ...
  65. Specifies the type of debugging information generated by the compiler. You must also change linker settings appropriately ...
  66. Specifies the URL for a team project collection on your Team Foundation Server. Use a fully specified URL such as http:/ ...
  67. Specifies the URL that was last registered for the PWA instance. When the URL for a registered PWA has changed, you can re-register ...
  68. Specifies the version number of the SharePoint product targeted by your project in " . " format, such as "14.0". SharePoint ...
  69. Specifies the width of the pointer measured in percentage of the size of the gauge (height for horizontal gauges, width for ...
  70. Specifies the width of the scale. The coordinates are in percent of gauge width or height, depending on which is smaller. ...
  71. Specifies the work item types in Team Foundation that you want to remove from participating in synchronization with tasks ...
  72. Specifies the work item types in Team Foundation that you want to synchronize with tasks on Project Server. These should ...
  73. Specifies the _cdecl calling convention for all functions except C++ member functions and functions marked _stdcall or _fastcall. ...
  74. Specifies the _fastcall calling convention for all functions except C++ member sfunctions and functions marked _cdecl or ...
  75. Specifies the _stdcall calling convention for all functions except C++ member functions and functions marked _cdecl or _fastcall. ...