Visual Studio 2010

  1. Returns the complete string of characters from the string argument that occurs after the first instance of the substring. ...
  2. Returns the complete string of characters from the string argument that occurs before the first instance of the substring ...
  3. Returns the date specified by the string argument date based on the locale ID lcid and the formatflag argument. The formatflag ...
  4. Returns the namespace URI of the context node's expanded name, or the expanded name of the first node specified by the optional ...
  5. Returns the node currently being processed. The current node generally differs from the context node when within a predicate. ...
  6. Returns true if the current user has the right or combination of rights specified by "permissionmask" for the current Web ...
  7. Returns true if the language specified by an xml:lang attribute on the context node or the nearest ancestor when the context ...
  8. Returns true if the string argument "created" is less than 2 days old. The string argument "created" must be in ISO format: ...
  9. Returns true if the string equals the name of an available function; otherwise, returns false. This function automatically ...
  10. Returns true if the string equals the name of an instruction; otherwise, returns false. This function automatically expands ...
  11. Reuse Properties If a property is already applied style application modifies the applied rule instead of the target rule. ...
  12. Reverting this activity will lose any changes you've made, and get the latest details from the server. Are you sure you want ...
  13. Reverting to a SharePoint List View will reset the layout, formatting, and Web Part connections for the view. Existing connections ...
  14. Review declarative security for {0} and its callers for potential vulnerabilities. The following call stack might expose ...
  15. Review declarative security for {0} and its callers for potential vulnerabilities. This method is accessible from outside ...
  16. Review field names which, by convention, appear to indicate they are instance or static but, in fact, are not. This rule ...
  17. Review parameters in non-virtual methods that are not used in the method body to ensure no correctness exists around failure ...
  18. Review the following for a possible security vulnerability: In {0}, the class member {1} is being passed to a {2} constructor. ...
  19. Review the following for a possible security vulnerability: In {0}, the return value of a call to {1} is being passed to ...
  20. Review the list of tasks the wizard has performed. Click Finish to complete the wizard or click Previous to make changes. ...
  21. Review the query string passed to {0} in {1} for possible SQL injection attacks. If the string is composed using any user ...
  22. RG1002: ResourcesGenerator can generate only one .resources file at a time. The OutputResourcesFile property in the project ...
  23. Right-click on a member name in the Code Editor, and then click View Call Hierarchy to view the member's call hierarchy in ...
  24. Role instances did not start within the time allowed. Please try again. If you continue to encounter this behavior please ...
  25. Role instances didn't get the state '{0}' within the time allowed. Please try again. If you continue to encounter this behavior ...
  26. Rolls back the changes in a single or a range of changesets: tf rollback /changeset:changesetfrom~changesetto itemspec /recursive ...
  27. root element must implement IProvideCustomContentState, or a Navigating event handler must set NavigatingCancelEventArgs.ContentStateToSave ...
  28. Root Namespace : Specifies the root namespace for this project. Used in managed projects for code and resource generation. ...
  29. Rotate text to a diagonal angle or vertical orientation. This is often used for labeling narrow columns. Click the currently ...
  30. RoutedEvent/EventPrivateKey limit exceeded. Routed events or EventPrivateKey for CLR events are typically static class members ...
  31. routes.Add(New DynamicDataRoute("{table}/ListDetails.aspx") With { _ ' .Action = PageAction.Details, _ ' .ViewName = "ListDetails", ...
  32. routes.Add(New DynamicDataRoute("{table}/ListDetails.aspx") With { _ ' .Action = PageAction.List, _ ' .ViewName = "ListDetails", ...
  33. Rplace with an integer that specifies a built-in control. If the value of this argument is 1, or if this argument is omitted, ...
  34. Rule set to be used for the analysis. It can be a file path to the rule set file or the file name of a built-in rule set. ...
  35. Run manual tests and record the outcome of each test step by using Test Runner. Run automated tests from your test plan or ...
  36. Running a compare operation in the background. Once the operation has completed, the results will be displayed in the compare ...
  37. Running a website under profiling or code coverage requires that the controller be running under session 0 or run with administrative ...
  38. Running more than one instance of the Team Foundation Explorer or the Team Foundation Administrator is not supported under ...
  39. Running Test Impact or IntelliTrace diagnostic data adapters affects performance. It is recommended that both diagnostic ...
  40. Running tests in ASP.NET requires full trust (trust level="Full"), but the Web site at '{0}' is not configured to run at ...
  41. Running tests that require a Web server is only supported on NT-based platforms. The current platform, {0}, is not supported. ...
  42. Running the project requires setting an initial Web page. To set this page, right-click the desired page in the Solution ...
  43. Running this text template can potentially harm your computer. Do not run it if you obtained it from an untrusted source. ...
  44. RunningValue or RowNumber functions used in the cells of the {0} '{1}' refer to grouping scopes in both the columns and rows ...
  45. s could not be initialized correctly. Team Foundation may continue to run, but may not have the correct 3d affects. If this ...
  46. s encountered a problem and was shut down. We are sorry for the inconvenience. %s can try to recover the following information ...
  47. s has detected that an operation is blocking user input. This can be caused by an active modal dialog or a task that needs ...
  48. s is used in more than once cannot be modified. To change, you must edit the symbol header file manually. 'Edit->Resource ...
  49. s is waiting for a response from '%s'. This may be because '%s' is busy and unable to respond at this time. Click '%s' to ...
  50. s is waiting for an operation to complete. If you regularly encounter this delay during normal usage please report this problem ...
  51. s is waiting for an operation to complete. If you regularly encounter this delay during normal usage please report this problem ...
  52. s item's name cannot be mapped to the source control provider. The item will be ignored from the source control operation. ...
  53. s Just-In-Time debugging this exception failed with the following error: %s Check the documentation index for 'Just-in-time ...
  54. s The file name is not correct. The name must conform to the rules for valid Windows file names. Consult your Windows documentation ...
  55. s The item changed on disk and has also been modified in an editor. You must select which version to keep. If you click 'Reload ...
  56. s The item changed on disk and has also been modified in an editor. You must select which version to keep. If you select ...
  57. s The Just-In-Time debugger was launched without necessary security permissions. To debug this process, the Just-In-Time ...
  58. s These files are currently not checked out. We recommend that you check out your resource file and any related subfiles ...
  59. s This file has been modified outside of Microsoft Visual Studio. Do you want to reload it and lose the changes made from ...
  60. s This file is currently not checked out. We recommend that you check out your resource file and any related subfiles before ...
  61. s This location already contains a code snippet with this name. To rename the code snippet to %s and save it, click Rename. ...
  62. s This resource has been modified outside of Microsoft Visual Studio. Do you want to reload %s and lose the changes made ...
  63. s was automatically closed during the installation of an update. %s can try to recover the following information for you. ...
  64. s was not found in your system folder and it could not be accessed for installation. The application may proceede, but will ...
  65. s!" is not a local account name. You may only create local user accounts. Check the spelling of the user account, or specify ...
  66. s!" is not a local account name. You may only delete local user accounts. Check the spelling of the user account, or specify ...
  67. s!" was not able to upload a file to "%2!-.200s!" because it would have exceeded the maximum total space allowed for uploads ...
  68. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has an illegal size_is attribute. The size_is attribute is only allowed on variable length ...
  69. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has an illegal size_is attribute. The size_is attribute is only allowed on variable length ...
  70. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has an illegal size_is attribute. The size_is attribute is only allowed on variable length ...
  71. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has an illegal size_is attribute. The size_is attribute is only allowed on variable length ...
  72. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has more than size_is parameter. Only one dimensional variable length arrays are supported. ...
  73. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has more than size_is parameter. Only one dimensional variable length arrays are supported. ...
  74. S' : cannot inherit from '%$S', a %$^[GC_CLASS REF_CLASS can only inherit from a %$^[GC_CLASS_OR_INTERFACE REF_CLASS_OR_INTERFACE] ...
  75. S' : class contains explicit override '%$*' but does not derive from an interface that contains the function declaration ...