Visual Studio 2010

  1. Refactoring the signature of a delegate which references a method may result in build errors. Signatures of other delegates ...
  2. Refactoring the signature of a method referenced by a delegate may result in build errors. Signatures of delegates that reference ...
  3. Refer to items such as headings, figures, and tables by inserting a cross reference such as, "See Table 6 below" or "Turn ...
  4. Reference Assembly Output|Specifies that this assembly is used in the build process. If true, the assembly will be added ...
  5. Reference Directories : Path to use when searching for files brought in via #using while building a VC++ project. Corresponds ...
  6. Reference required to assembly '|1' containing type '|2', but a suitable reference could not be found due to ambiguity between ...
  7. Reference required to assembly '|1' containing type '|2', but a suitable reference could not be found due to ambiguity between ...
  8. Reference required to assembly '|1' containing type '|2', but a suitable reference could not be found due to ambiguity between ...
  9. Reference required to assembly '|1' containing type '|2', but a suitable reference could not be found due to possible circular ...
  10. Reference to code-behind class '%1' has been found in the file '%2' at line '%3'. A stub class for '%1' will be generated ...
  11. Reference to code-behind class '%1' has been found in the file '%2'. A stub class for '%1' will be generated in 'App_Code\Migrated' ...
  12. Reference to entity '{0}' that is declared in an external DTD is not allowed when the XML declaration has standalone value ...
  13. Reference variable names are stored in the project file. Variable names are configuration dependent and are stored in the ...
  14. Referenced assembly '%s' requires minimum .NET Framework %s and will fail to run on this project's current target framework. ...
  15. referenced in the DataSet Project property is not available. Please add {0} to the solution, or set the DataSet Project property ...
  16. Referenced project '%s' requires minimum .NET Framework %s and will fail to run on this project's current target framework. ...
  17. References between projects that target different runtimes or .NET Framework profiles are not supported. This reference will ...
  18. References Consumable By Designers : Specifies the collection of References consumable by Designers in the active solution ...
  19. References passed to ref parameters must be the exact type of the parameter. Using generics enable the method for general ...
  20. References to external CSS files have been blocked. If you choose to enable this content, you may be loading content from ...
  21. References to external pictures have been blocked. If you choose to enable this content, you may be loading content from ...
  22. References to external templates have been blocked. If you choose to enable this content, you may be loading content from ...
  23. References to external templates have been blocked. If you choose to enable this content, you may be loading content from ...
  24. References whose definition will be different after this operation. (The output window will also have this information if ...
  25. Reflecting the overall state of the debugger, this event is fired when entering break-mode. This event is fired regardless ...
  26. Reflecting the overall state of the debugger, this event is fired when entering run-mode. Note that this event may not fire ...
  27. Reflecting the overall state of the debugger, this event is fired when leaving run-mode or debug-mode. This event is fired ...
  28. Refresh the values of the work items that are already in the list. Note: This choice enables the 'Get Work Items' button. ...
  29. Refreshing the work item list discards your unsaved changes and replaces them with the latest query results. To save your ...
  30. Refreshing the work item list discards your unsaved changes and returns them to the values on the server. To save your changes, ...
  31. Refreshing the work items will discard your unpublished changes and replace them with the server values. To save changes ...
  32. Refreshing the work items will discard your unpublished changes and replace them with the server values. To save changes ...
  33. Refreshing the work items will discard your unpublished changes and replace them with values stored on the server. To save ...
  34. Refreshing the work items will discard your unpublished changes and replace them with values stored on the server. To save ...
  35. Region that allows text and images, as well as tables and layers for positioning those elements within the editable region. ...
  36. Register for verification skipping (with an optional, comma separated list of usernames for which this will take effect and ...
  37. Register Output : Read-only property specifying that the primary output of the build should be registered. The value of this ...
  38. Register the project's output file for use with COM components. The output file must contain assembly metadata with a strong ...
  39. Registers an instance of PWA to an instance of Team Foundation Server and configures each instance to support data synchronization. ...
  40. Registers the PWA instance with the specified Team Foundation Server, and unregisters it from a different Team Foundation ...
  41. Registration is free - and with it you will get valuable information and resources, including special offers and discounts. ...
  42. Registry entry that enables Visual Basic for Applications project access cannot be read or modified, and might be corrupted. ...
  43. Reinstall Visual Studio Prerequisites to repair system components required by %1, or install a new version of the Prerequisites. ...
  44. Relatively high amount of kernel mode CPU time was measured. Consider investigating the source with SysCall sampling enabled. ...
  45. Relatively high amount of kernel mode CPU time was measured. You should investigate the source with SysCall sampling enabled. ...
  46. Relatively high rate of Gen 1 garbage collections is occurring. If, by design, most of your program's data structures are ...
  47. RelativeSource.Mode is immutable after initialization; instead of changing the Mode on this instance, create a new RelativeSource ...
  48. REM statement Used to introduce a comment line that will not be run by the program. Comments are used for explanatory remarks ...
  49. Remote Components are installed on this machine. To install additional features, uninstall %1 using Add/Remove Programs in ...
  50. Remote debugging is blocked because of an RPC policy on the local computer. To fix this problem, run regedit.exe, delete ...
  51. Remote debugging is blocked. The 'Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts' local security policy option ...
  52. Remote Execution requires target assembly and other related files to be deployed for each run. Deployment will be automatically ...
  53. Removal of the test controller partially succeeded. The settings on the test controller were updated but the settings on ...
  54. Removal of the test controller partially succeeded. The settings on this test agent were updated but the settings on the ...
  55. Remove cyclical links by turning on the "Butterfly" mode #id24; on the toolbar. Butterfly mode works well with the Left To ...
  56. Remove IDisposable from the list of interfaces implemented by {0} and override the base class Dispose implementation instead. ...
  57. Remove Rule Definition : Removes a Rule from a project so it is no longer available as an IVCRulePropertyStorage object in ...
  58. Remove Team Foundation Build Notifications from the system notification area and do not start it automatically the next time ...
  59. Remove the .compiled files for main code assembly. This option should not be used if your application contains any explicit ...
  60. Remove the call to GC.Collect from {0}. It is usually unnecessary to force garbage collection, and doing so can severely ...
  61. Remove the call to System.Type.InvokeMember with BindingFlags.NonPublic from {0}. Taking a dependency on a private member ...
  62. Remove the call to Thread.Resume from {0}. Suspending and resuming threads can be dangerous if the system is in the middle ...
  63. Remove the call to Thread.Suspend from {0}. Suspending and resuming threads can be dangerous if the system is in the middle ...
  64. Remove the demand or link demand from {0} because it will not prevent the struct from being instantiated. Place the demand ...
  65. Remove the finalizer from type {0}, override Dispose(bool disposing), and put the finalization logic in the code path where ...
  66. Remove the read-only designation from {0} or change the field to one that is an immutable reference type. If the reference ...
  67. RemoveHandler keyword Declares a RemoveHandler accessor, which specifies the statements to execute when an event handler ...
  68. RemoveHandler statement Removes the association between an event and an event handler, or declares which code to run when ...
  69. Removes all links that bind all work items to Project tasks for the specified work item types. This option allows you to ...
  70. Removes an item from an existing label in Team Foundation version control. tf unlabel /collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl ...
  71. Removes files and folders from Team Foundation version control and deletes them from the disk. tf delete /lock:(none|checkin|checkout) ...
  72. Removes indents from the indicated span of lines by the number of indentation levels given. The defaults are the current ...
  73. Removes pending changes from a workspace. tf undo /workspace:workspacename[;workspaceowner /recursive itemspec /noprompt ...
  74. Removes types of work items from participating in synchronization of data for a team project and an enterprise project plan. ...
  75. Removing a parameter whose call site passes an argument which modifies the state of the program can cause unexpected runtime ...