Visual Studio 2010

  1. NOTE: One or more referenced assemblies could not be found. Use the '/directory' or '/reference' switch to specify additional ...
  2. Note: The .NET Framework Configuration tool does not list all managed applications installed on this computer, nor does it ...
  3. Note: The Team Foundation Server Proxy has a separate XML file that maintains information required for the proxy configuration. ...
  4. Note: This application can still use assemblies; however, the application itself is not an assembly and therefore does not ...
  5. Note: This page sets options for all languages. To change options for only one language, select the desired language from ...
  6. Note: This version of the .NET Framework Configuration tool will not adjust settings for previous or later versions of the ...
  7. NOTE: This wizard does not add any files to the project after it has been created. The "Project from Existing Source Code" ...
  8. Note: You have chosen to use Negotiate (Kerberos) with Integrated Windows authentication. Manual configuration steps by a ...
  9. NOTES = (1) The Exists column indicates whether the listed account exists in Windows. For the List mode of the command, this ...
  10. Notifies the parent window of a Microsoft Rich Edit control that an unsupported Rich Text Format (RTF) keyword was received ...
  11. Notifies the toolbar's parent window whether a button may be deleted from a toolbar while the user is customizing the toolbar ...
  12. Notifies the toolbar's parent window whether a button may be inserted to the left of the specified button while the user ...
  13. Notify Before Move : Specifies that the slider will notify the parent before repositioning the slider due to user action. ...
  14. NotifyIcon : Demonstrates how to create a program that displays an icon in the notification area by using the NotifyIcon ...
  15. Null alternative text should not be used. If this image is acting as a spacer you may use alternative text containing a space ...
  16. NULL application name with an unquoted path in call to '%ls': results in a security vulnerability if the path contains spaces ...
  17. Nullable types are not supported because the current version of 'mscorlib.dll' does not define the type 'Nullable(of T)'. ...
  18. Number of lab environment or template operations (create, start, stop, checkpoint, delete, and so forth) completed since ...
  19. Number of lab environment or template operations (create, start, stop, snapshot, delete, and so forth) in progress on this ...
  20. Object '{0}' assigned to directive '{1}' has properties which are references to named object(s) '{2}' which have not yet ...
  21. Object '{0}' cannot be used as an accessor parameter for a PropertyPath. An accessor parameter must be DependencyProperty, ...
  22. Object construction expressions (i.e. record expressions with inheritance specifications) may only be used to implement constructors ...
  23. Object constructors cannot directly use try/with and try/finally prior to the initialization of the object. This includes ...
  24. Object File Name : Specifies a name to override the default object file name; can be file or directory name. (/Fo[name]) ...
  25. Object {0} can be disposed more than once in method {1}. To avoid generating a System.ObjectDisposedException you should ...
  26. Objects must be initialized by an object construction expression that calls an inherited object constructor and assigns a ...
  27. Occurrences were found in an open designer or editor that does not support the Replace operation. Use Find to locate occurrences ...
  28. OccurrenceSpecification has no intersection with the passed in lifeline {0}. InsertionPoint cannot be created as expected. ...
  29. Occurs in a control that is bound to a custom XML part after data in the custom XML part is changed, and before the control ...
  30. Occurs in a control that is bound to a custom XML part after text in the control is changed, and before the custom XML part ...
  31. Occurs when an external data-parsing or validation operation throws an exception, or when an attempt to commit data to a ...
  32. Occurs when the collection of DocumentPageView items that is associated with this viewer (represented by the PageViews property) ...
  33. Occurs when the command that is associated with this CommandBinding initiates a check to determine whether the command can ...
  34. Occurs when the command that is associated with this CommandBinding initiates a check to determine whether the command can ...
  35. Occurs when the cursor is requested to display. This event is raised on an element each time the mouse pointer moves to a ...
  36. Occurs when the DataRepeater.VirtualMode property of the DataRepeater is true and an item value has changed and requires ...
  37. Occurs when the DataRepeater.VirtualMode property of the DataRepeater is true and the DataRepeater requires a value for an ...
  38. Occurs when the FrameworkContentElement is initialized. This coincides with cases where the value of the IsInitialized property ...
  39. Occurs when the FrameworkElement is initialized. This coincides with cases where the value of the IsInitialized property ...
  40. Occurs when the stylus moves over this element. The stylus must move while on the digitizer to raise this event; otherwise, ...
  41. Occurs when the stylus moves over this element. To raise this event, the stylus must move while it is on the digitizer; otherwise, ...
  42. Occurs when the stylus moves while over the element. The stylus must move while being detected by the digitizer to raise ...
  43. Occurs when the stylus moves while over the element. To raise this event, the stylus must move while being detected by the ...
  44. of the selected messages were suppressed: {1} suppressed in source {2} suppressed in project suppression file {3} could not ...
  45. of {1} work items have published successfully. Review and resolve the following issues to publish the remaining work items. ...
  46. of {1} work items published successfully. Error occurred while publishing links (adding {2} and removing {3}). Correct the ...
  47. Office can collect anonymous statistics about stability problems, system configuration, and features you use most frequently. ...
  48. Office can download a file that helps keep track and solve crashes, hangs and system failures. Downloading this file enables ...
  49. Office can download a file that helps track and solve crashes, hangs and system failures. Downloading this file enables tools ...
  50. Office cannot import more than 255 fields. Click OK to import the first 255 fields in this data source, or click Cancel to ...
  51. Office cannot use Works files that contain formulas for mail merge. Remove the formula from this file to use it as a data ...
  52. Office could not timestamp the digital signature. Check the timestamping server before retrying. The signature will be discarded. ...
  53. Office does not recognize this file as a Works file. Ensure that the file has a correct Works file format extension (.wdb). ...
  54. Office failed to customize your data source, and you have lost the changes you just made in this dialog box. Please reopen ...
  55. OffsetXXX is used in resizing function. We have to call resizeControl out of the thread once to set initial minimum size. ...
  56. Old version from subsite %1!.255s! checked in automatically by Windows SharePoint Services when that site joined this source ...
  57. Omits the specified object from the output library. LIB creates an output library by combining all objects (whether in object ...
  58. On CodePlex, you can try applications that other developers have posted, share your own applications, or participate in an ...
  59. On CoreCLR, if a base type has a public or protected non-transparent default constructor than the derived type must obey ...
  60. On Error GoTo statement Enables the error-handling routine that starts at the line specified in the line argument. The specified ...
  61. On Error Resume Next statement When a run-time error occurs, execution transfers to the statement following the statement ...
  62. On method {0}, correct the casing of '{1}' in generic type parameter name {2} by changing it to '{3}'. '{3}' is an abbreviation ...
  63. On method {0}, replace the term '{1}' in generic type parameter name {2} with an appropriate alternate or remove it entirely. ...
  64. On method {0}, the compound word '{1}' in generic type parameter name {2} exists as a discrete term. If your usage is intended ...
  65. On some slow machines, or when using a virtual pc, users have reported that some database applications give errors the first ...
  66. On some SQL Express installations, you may not have the rights to start a user instance. If you get an error message to that ...
  67. On this edition of this operating system, Basic authentication is the only available authentication mechanism. To support ...
  68. On this edition of this operating system, Basic authentication is the only available authentication mechanism. To support ...
  69. On type {0}, correct the casing of '{1}' in generic type parameter name {2} by changing it to '{3}'. '{3}' is an abbreviation ...
  70. On type {0}, replace the term '{1}' in generic type parameter name {2} with an appropriate alternate or remove it entirely. ...
  71. On type {0}, the compound word '{1}' in generic type parameter name {2} exists as a discrete term. If your usage is intended ...
  72. Once started, the Kernel Event Trace session cannot have its flags modified, nor can it be stopped and restarted. You may ...
  73. One color in the image is drawn transparently. Turn transparency off here or use the Set Transparent Color button in the ...
  74. One formatted paragraph Pastes all of the text into a preformatted text ( ) tag set that maintains all of the paragraph, ...
  75. One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions, or to answer the questions that other developers ask. On the ASP.NET Forum ...