Visual Studio 2010

  1. Other users inherited from the parent site may have access to the workspace. If an attendee can't access the workspace after ...
  2. Other users on your network may have access to the workspace because anonymous access or access for all authenticated users ...
  3. Other users on your network may have access to the workspace because anonymous access or access for all authenticated users ...
  4. Other users on your network may have access to the workspace because anonymous access or access for all authenticated users ...
  5. Other users on your network may have access to the workspace because anonymous access or access for all authenticated users ...
  6. Out-of-browser applications cannot use application library caching. Do you want to enable out-of-browser applications and ...
  7. Output Document File : Specifies the output document file (.XML) that is merged from all the input document files. (/Fo[file]) ...
  8. Output Manifest File : Specifies the output manifest file if the manifest is not embedded in the assembly. (/out:[file]) ...
  9. Output the manifest to a resource of type RT_MANIFEST with the specified id. resource_id is restricted to be a non-negative ...
  10. output UPPER_CASE_SAFE_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER_NAME]_API functions as being imported from a DLL, whereas this DLL sees symbols ...
  11. Over the course of the load test, each test is run the specified number of times per user per hour. Follow this model when ...
  12. Overload operators that have related meanings so that their behavior is consistent. For example, when overloading the equality ...
  13. Overloads keyword Specifies that a property or procedure re-declares one or more existing properties or procedures with the ...
  14. Overridable keyword Specifies that a property or procedure can be overridden by an identically named property or procedure ...
  15. Override implementations in augmentations are now deprecated. Override implementations should be given as part of the initial ...
  16. Override timeout for analysis deadlock detection. Analysis will be aborted when analysis of a single item by a single rule ...
  17. Override {0} has the following LinkDemand that is not present on base method {1}: {2}. If possible, apply the same LinkDemand ...
  18. Overrides all Excel keyboard equivalents. Default and custom Excel keyboard schemes are not available while you work with ...
  19. Overrides all Word keyboard equivalents. Default and custom Word keyboard schemes are not available while you work with Word ...
  20. Overrides keyword Specifies that a property or procedure overrides an identically named property or procedure inherited from ...
  21. Overrides the default ProcessCmdKey function of a Windows Forms Control and restricts user input to numeric and navigation ...
  22. Owner of Source/target ConnectableElement should be parent StructuredClassifier. Connector cannot be created as expected. ...
  23. P/Invoke and COM interop methods with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute result in a LinkDemand being done against ...
  24. Package '%1' (%2) is registered to handle settings migration explicitly, but does not implement the required interface IVsUserSettingsMigration. ...
  25. Package '%s' ( GUID = %s ) has failed to load properly, would you like to disable loading during future launches? You may ...
  26. Package '%s' has failed to load properly ( GUID = %s ). Please contact package vendor for assistance. Application restart ...
  27. Package '%s' has failed to load properly ( GUID = %s ). Please contact package vendor for assistance. Application restart ...
  28. Package '%s' has failed to load properly ( GUID = %s ). Please contact package vendor for assistance. Application restart ...
  29. Package '%s' has failed to load properly ( GUID = %s ). Please contact package vendor for assistance. Application restart ...
  30. Package object was closed and disposed, so cannot carry out operations on this object or any stream opened on a part of this ...
  31. Package/Publish depends on Microsoft Web Deployment technology. Microsoft Web Deployment is installed but doesn't meet the ...
  32. Package/Publish depends on Microsoft Web Deployment technology. Microsoft Web Deployment is not correctly installed on this ...
  33. PackagePart subclass must implement GetContentTypeCore method if passing a null value for the content type when PackagePart ...
  34. Page cannot be accessed because Microsoft Internet Explorer is offline. Run Internet Explorer, uncheck the File menu's 'Work ...
  35. ParamArray' cannot be applied to the first parameter of an extension method. The first parameter specifies which type to ...
  36. Parameter '{0}' has Direction as 'In' but still contains a read only TypeDescriptor '{1}'. An input parameter cannot have ...
  37. Parameter createLogicalObjectFromSequenceCommand in method CreateLogicalTypeFromSequenceDiagramCommandImplementation.CreateLogicalObjects ...
  38. Parameter information for one or more stored procedure(s)/function(s) could not be retrieved. Parameters collection will ...
  39. parameter is not valid. Valid values are FigureUnitType.Auto, FigureUnitType.Pixel, FigureUnitType.Column, FigureUnitType.Content, ...
  40. parameter is specified more than once in .datasvcmap file. Please make sure that the parameter is specified exactly once. ...
  41. Parameter name '|1' does not match the name of the corresponding parameter, '|2', defined on the partial method declaration ...
  42. Parent element or property '{0}' requires an XML data island. To distinguish an XML island from surrounding XAML, wrap the ...
  43. parent::*" selects the parent element of the context node. "parent::author" or "./author" selects the parent element of the ...
  44. Parental Control is a tool with settings designed to help users control the use of the Research task pane. A password prevents ...
  45. Part of the data used to create this SmartArt graphic has become corrupted. Try saving the file, and then close and reopen ...
  46. partial and explicit specializations as well as explicit instantiations of class templates declared in the cli namespace ...
  47. Partial keyword Indicates that a method, class, or structure declaration is a partial definition of the method, class, or ...
  48. Partially sign an assembly. Use /DELAYSIGN if you only want to place the public key in the assembly. The default is /DELAYSIGN:NO. ...
  49. Partition columns of table's text/image storage don't match partition scheme, partition of table's text/image storage will ...
  50. passes '{1}' as the 'StringComparer' parameter to {2}. To perform a non-linguistic comparison, specify 'StringComparer.Ordinal' ...
  51. passes '{1}' as the 'StringComparison' parameter to {2}. To perform a non-linguistic comparison, specify 'StringComparison.Ordinal' ...
  52. passes {1} as the 'IFormatProvider' parameter to {2}. This property returns a culture that is inappropriate for formatting ...
  53. passes {1} as the 'IFormatProvider' parameter to {2}. This property returns a culture that is inappropriate for formatting ...
  54. Passing '%1!ls!' as ref or out or taking its address may cause a runtime exception because it is a field of a marshal-by-reference ...
  55. Path Ellipsis : Specifies that the end of the string is truncated and ellipses are added in the middle if it doesn't fit ...
  56. Path for Drop Location of the build to deploy. If Build Definition in the Compilation section is specificed, the Drop Location ...
  57. Path to executable file to launch. For remote debugging, this is the path to execute on the remote computer (ex: 'c:\my program\my ...
  58. Path to the .NET Framework folder that contains platform assemblies, such as mscorlib.dll and System.dll. The default is ...
  59. Path to the XSL style sheet that will be applied to the Code Analysis console output. The default is an empty string ('), ...
  60. Path to the XSL style sheet to reference in the Code Analysis output report. This report is specified in $(CodeAnalysisLogFile). ...
  61. Path to use when searching for executable files while building a VC++ project. Corresponds to environment variable PATH. ...
  62. Path to use when searching for files brought in via #using while building a VC++ project. Corresponds to environment variable ...
  63. Path to use when searching for include files while building a VC++ project. Corresponds to environment variable INCLUDE. ...
  64. Pattern is invalid. An escaping backslash cannot be at the end of the pattern and can only escape asterisk, question mark ...
  65. Pattern matching (e.g. using '.', '*' and ' ') can only be used in the last segment of the path and can't be combined with ...
  66. pC' : cannot delete pointers to objects of this type; the class has no non-placement overload for 'operator delete'.%$NUse ...
  67. pD': overriding virtual function has less restrictive exception specification than base class virtual member function '%$pD' ...
  68. Peek the top mark and activate a region from that mark to the current caret position. Has no effect if the region is already ...
  69. Pending changes in these files match changes that were checked in with the specified changeset. This operation will undo ...
  70. Per user extensions are currently not allowed to load. Please enable per user extensions in the Extension Manager options ...
  71. Per-user Redirection : When Register Output is enabled, Per-user redirection forces registry writes to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT ...
  72. Percentage of NULL values that are generated for the column. A value of 0 means that no generated values are NULL. A value ...
  73. PerfCounters : Shows how to read from and write to performance counters to track the performance of the operating system ...
  74. Perform Environment Set : If the value is true, the value of this macro will be set in the tool's environment when a build ...
  75. Perform the next action in a macro. Use this command to perform a macro one step at a time, so that you can identify problems. ...