Visual Studio 2010

  1. Select or type a URL that is accessible from all the virtual machines. This URL is used by the workflow build agents to connect ...
  2. Select or type a url that will be accessible from all the lab machines. This url is used by the lab managed build agents ...
  3. Select Save Password in File if you don't want to enter a password the next time you connect. Be aware that this option makes ...
  4. Select text or objects in the document. Use Select Object to allow you to select objects that have been positioned behind ...
  5. Select the archive file which contains the projects you would like to restore to the database. This archive file may contain ...
  6. Select the branches to be tracked and click Visualize to begin tracking. You can later click Rerun on the visualization toolbar ...
  7. Select the certificate to use for the HTTPS endpoint when the Cloud Service is deployed to Windows Azure (not applicable ...
  8. Select the check boxes to configure your database project. As an alternative, you can click Next and then import the database ...
  9. Select the check boxes to configure your project. As an alternative, you can click Next and then import the schema and its ...
  10. Select the content to install by clicking "Add" next to the content title. When you are finished selecting content to install, ...
  11. Select the content to install by clicking the "Add" action located next to the content title. When you are finished selecting ...
  12. Select the content to install by clicking the "Add" action next to the content title. When you are finished selecting content ...
  13. Select the content to install by clicking the "Add" action next to the content title. When you are finished selecting content ...
  14. Select the content to remove by clicking the "remove" action next to the content title. When you are finished selecting content ...
  15. Select the controller where the tests will be processed, and specify name-value pairs for properties of agents. Any agent ...
  16. Select the data source you want to use to create your recipient list. You can add more data to your list from other sources ...
  17. Select the file and click "OK". The next screen shows the content available on the media, and any content that is already ...
  18. Select the file and click "OK". The next window shows the content available on the media, and any content that is already ...
  19. Select the item that you would like to export as an item template. All dependent files (including designer and resource files) ...
  20. Select the operating system of the virtual machine template. An incorrect choice may cause errors during customization of ...
  21. Select the server you want to connect to, and then select your security options. If you don't know the server name, or don't ...
  22. Select the stored procedure for each operation. If the procedure requires parameters, specify which column in the data row ...
  23. Select the tables to be available offline indicating the columns used to identify inserted and updated records, and the table ...
  24. Select the target branch for the merge operation. The drop-down list contains all target branches applicable to the selected ...
  25. Select the type of debugging information created for your program and whether this information is kept in object (.obj) files ...
  26. Select this option if you have an existing SQL Server that you would like to use for your configuration and team project ...
  27. Select this option if you want AppWizard to generate the code to handle the print, print setup, and print preview commands ...
  28. Select this option to create a new SharePoint site for the team project. The site address listed below is the location where ...
  29. Select this option to sign in with a Windows Live ID to view or create content with restricted permissions. If you don't ...
  30. Select this option to temporarily log on to this computer as another user to view or create content with restricted permission. ...
  31. Selected database is not a current Visual Studio Load Test Database. If this database was created with a previous version ...
  32. Selected query '{0}' is not available. Either the query does not exist, or you don't have the correct permissions to view ...
  33. Selecting a classic menu or toolbar or a brower-style toolbar disables any of the following new appearance features selected ...
  34. Selecting a database view without file support forces your project to use the Single Document Interface. Do you wish to proceed? ...
  35. Selecting this check box while in Cached Exchange Mode enables the automatic download of permission to restricted messages ...
  36. Selecting this option disables reporting for this team project collection. When creating team projects in this collection, ...
  37. Selecting this option removes the default site location offered when creating team projects for this collection. You can ...
  38. Selects nodes that have a unique identifier equal to the value. Unique identifier attributes must be defined by a schema. ...
  39. Semi-colon delimited file list, which will be excluded from the dependency graph check during incremental builds. Any changes ...
  40. Semicolon is the only supported separator in MSBuild. Usage of any other separator for Custom Build Rule string properties ...
  41. Semicolon separated list of targets in the referenced projects that should be built. Default is the value of $(ProjectReferenceBuildTargets) ...
  42. Semicolon-separated list of Code Analysis rules. The rules are in the form '[+|-][!]Category#CheckId', where '+' enables ...
  43. Semicolon-separated list of directories in which to search for rule sets. The default is '$(VSINSTALLDIR)\Team Tools\Static ...
  44. Semicolon-separated list of directories in which to search for rules when resolving a rule set. The default is '$(CodeAnalysisPath)\Rules' ...
  45. Semicolon-separated list of paths either to Code Analysis rule assemblies or to folders that contain Code Analysis rule assemblies. ...
  46. Sent by a property sheet to provide a property sheet page an opportunity to specify which dialog box control should receive ...
  47. Sent to the owner of a drag-and-drop menu when the mouse cursor enters a menu item or moves from the center of the item to ...
  48. Separate the contents of one Excel cell into separate columns. For example, you can separate a column of full names into ...
  49. Serializable types that have a constructor protected by a security demand must apply the same security demands to the serialization ...
  50. Series '{0}' and Series '{1}' MUST be aligned to perform the operation. The series currently have a different number of data ...
  51. Series data points do not support values of type {0} only values of these types can be used: Double, Decimal, Single, int, ...
  52. Series group by parameter cannot be empty. It must specify the field in the data source which is used to group data into ...
  53. Series will be formatted as Normal, Histogram or Pareto after binding the data to the series. This attribute will be ignored ...
  54. Server configuration file "%1!-.450s!" has no Port or ServerRoot directive. Please check that you have the correct configuration ...
  55. Server option {0}: The source model specified that the option must be '{1}' for deployment, but the target's option is set ...
  56. Server settings may be used for verification purposes during deployment. No changes will be made to your server when you ...
  57. Server-side VBScript and database directives are not both allowed in the same web page. Remove one or the other and try again. ...
  58. Service Interfaces are no longer valid entries in Registration configuration files. Service Interfaces should be entered ...
  59. Service packs are the means by which product updates are distributed. Service packs can contain updates to improve system ...
  60. Service packs are the means by which product updates are distributed. Service packs can contain updates to improve system ...
  61. Service packs are the means by which product updates are distributed. Service packs can contain updates to improve system ...
  62. Servicing step data still contains "#" after resource replacement. This likely means there are undefined resources referenced ...
  63. Servicing step data still contains "$$" after token replacement. This likely means there are undefined tokens referenced ...
  64. Session state has been disabled for ASP.NET. The Report Viewer control requires that session state be enabled in local mode. ...
  65. Set all .scc .vspscc file as _IgnorableFilesInProjectFolder. Set _CollectFiles_IncludeIgnorableFile to True to include in ...
  66. Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging symbols into the compiled page. Because this affects performance, set this ...
  67. Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging symbols into the compiled page. Because this affects performance, set this ...
  68. Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging symbols into the compiled page. Because this affects performance, set this ...
  69. Set Foreground : Specifies that the dialog will be brought to the foreground, even if the parent isn't in the foreground ...
  70. Set the current style set and theme as the default used when you create a new document. The font, color, and effects from ...
  71. Set the data type for the field. Data types control the type of data that a field stores, such as integers, text, and currency. ...
  72. Set the transition between all slides in the presentation to be like the transition you have set up for the current slide. ...
  73. Set this to true to associate changesets and work items to the build. Changesets and work items are never associated with ...
  74. Set this to true to copy files to the drop location after the build. Files are never copied to the drop location for private ...
  75. Set this to true to fail any builds where these tests do not pass. The default is to mark the build as partially succeeded ...