Visual Studio 2010

  1. One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions, or to answer the questions that other developers ask. On the MSDN Forum ...
  2. One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions, or to answer the questions that other developers ask. On the MSDN Forum ...
  3. One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions, or to answer the questions that other developers ask. On the MSDN Forum ...
  4. One of the InternalsVisibleToAttribute values in assembly '{0}' is not a valid assembly name. Use the format 'AssemblyShortName' ...
  5. One of the operands in a floating-point operation is denormal. A denormal value is one that is too small to represent as ...
  6. One of the projects selected to be profiled has been deleted from the solution. You will have to create a new performance ...
  7. One or both of the Rows to Insert values for the selected or related table is zero, which would result in a ratio that is ...
  8. One or more ActiveX controls are in the current resource (*.rc) file. If you trust the resource file supplier, click Yes ...
  9. One or more ActiveX controls have been disabled. ActiveX controls might contain viruses or other security hazards. Do not ...
  10. One or more ActiveX controls in the current dialog might be harmful to your computer. You should save your data before you ...
  11. One or more agents exceeded the timeout period for synchronizing test start. The timeout value can be set in the controller ...
  12. One or more breakpoints are not positioned at valid locations and will not be imported. The remaining breakpoints are imported ...
  13. One or more checked work items are open and have invalid field values. Please correct the values and retry the check-in. ...
  14. One or more checked work items failed the transition testing due to invalid field values. Please correct the values and retry ...
  15. One or more Code Analysis rules that are listed below could not be loaded. To pass the Code Analysis policy for this Team ...
  16. One or more Code Analysis rules that are used by the policy could not be loaded. Double-click this message for more information. ...
  17. One or more content items contained within the .vscontent file cannot be installed because the correct version of the content ...
  18. One or more custom wrappers for COM components have been installed on your machine after you added references to those COM ...
  19. One or more dependent assemblies have version conflicts. Do you want to fix these conflicts by adding binding redirect records ...
  20. One or more error(s) occured while processing the database object(s). Click OK to continue anyway or Cancel to go back to ...
  21. One or more filegroups does not have an associated file definition. To add file definitions, click the database project, ...
  22. One or more files in the project have the /clr switch thrown on them, but the entire project is not built with /clr. The ...
  23. One or more files to be created already exists on disk. Choose a new name for the solution and/or project, or change the ...
  24. One or more forms contains validated fields with duplicate names. Validation will not work correctly with duplicate field ...
  25. One or more issues were encountered when you refreshed Schema View for project '{0}'. For more information, see the Output ...
  26. One or more items named "%2" were found in the project file "%1". These items normally should not be specified in the project ...
  27. One or more items named '{1}' were found in the project file '{0}'. These items normally should not be specified in the project ...
  28. One or more items were not excluded from source control because their project files could not be checked out. The project ...
  29. One or more matches of any character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore) or dash. On either side of the @ character this ensures ...
  30. One or more modules were streamed in which did not match those specified by the manifest. The hash of one or more modules ...
  31. One or more of the CD/DVD or floppy drives in this virtual machine has a disk mounted. Contact your administrator to have ...
  32. One or more of the checked pending changes no longer exists or was modified by another process. The list of pending changes ...
  33. One or more of the Code Analysis rule sets that are listed below could not be loaded. To pass the Code Analysis policy for ...
  34. One or more of the command-line options are invalid or not supported. Use vstoinstaller.exe /? to review valid command-line ...
  35. One or more of the explicit class or function type variables for this binding could not be generalized, because they were ...
  36. One or more of the files selected is either animated or has text overlays. Visual Web Developer is not able to change the ...
  37. One or more of the files selected is not a picture file. One or more of the files selected is an animated picture or has ...
  38. One or more of the overloads of this method has curried arguments. Consider redesigning these members to take arguments in ...
  39. One or more of the partial projects that are referenced by your database projects have changed. You must reload the database ...
  40. One or more of the pictures selected has not yet been loaded into Microsoft Visual Web Developer. Either the picture failed ...
  41. One or more of the projects you are unloading contains items that are checked out to you. Click Check In to check in these ...
  42. One or more of the projects you are unloading contains items that were locally added by you. Click Check In to check in these ...
  43. One or more of the projects you are unloading contains items which are exclusively checked out to you. Other users will be ...
  44. One or more of the rule set files that are listed below are not the latest version. To pass the Code Analysis policy for ...
  45. One or more of the rule sets included by this file have been modified. Do you want to reload this file and lose the changes ...
  46. One or more of the rule sets that are used by the policy or the projects could not be loaded. Double-click this message for ...
  47. One or more of the schemas is not ready to be compared. Wait until all pending operations for the schemas have been completed, ...
  48. One or more of the selected files have already been added. A file can only be added once in this wizard. Please finish the ...
  49. One or more of the server properties being compared are not configured. You can configure these properties for a server project ...
  50. One or more of your system components has been tampered with or is unsigned and Information Rights Management is unable to ...
  51. One or more performance counters could not be collected within the sampling interval; their values will not be graphed. To ...
  52. One or more project collections failed to upgrade. See the upgrade log to determine the cause. Start the Administration Console ...
  53. One or more projects do not have up-to-date Code Analysis results. To pass the Code Analysis policy for this Team Project, ...
  54. One or more projects failed to convert. These projects are now unloaded and marked as unavailable in the Solution Explorer. ...
  55. One or more projects were added to the solution while offline. It is recommended that you bind the projects to version control ...
  56. One or more projects were skipped. Code metrics are available only for C#, Visual Basic, and C++/CLI projects that are not ...
  57. One or more rows were deleted from this table because it contains references to rows that were deleted from another table. ...
  58. One or more rule set files that are required by the policy are out of date. Double-click this message for more information. ...
  59. One or more selected database objects return a schema that does not match the schema of the target data class. Nothing has ...
  60. One or more selected items are not up-to-date and have been deleted on the server. Reconcile will add those items back to ...
  61. One or more selected tables have change-tracking items that do not exist on the remote database. Sync command generation ...
  62. One or more source control bindings for this solution are not valid and are listed below. Source control bindings can be ...
  63. One or more tables are set to synchronize incremental changes which require updating the server. The tables cannot be synchronized ...
  64. One or more team projects mapped by this build definition require exclusive checkout. Changes which include these files may ...
  65. One or more tests could not be found. Would you like to continue with creating a Test Run with only those tests that can ...
  66. One or more types required to compile a dynamic expression cannot be found. Are you missing references to Microsoft.CSharp.dll ...
  67. One or more users are currently connected. Exiting will abort these connections, which may result in data loss from Visual ...
  68. One or more work items have been destroyed in the work item tracking database. A constraint error occurred while attempting ...
  69. One or more work items have been destroyed in the work item tracking database. The following error occurred when attempting ...
  70. One or more working folders in version control have changed. Do you want to get the latest files from version control to ...
  71. One or more working folders in version control have changed. You must perform a get operation to update your local workspace. ...
  72. One or more XML schemas associated with this document are not registered or are missing. XML-related controls cannot be created ...
  73. Online browsing is unavailable. You must enable online browsing and have a valid internet connection. To enable online browsing: ...
  74. Online Templates Provider is attempting to access the Internet, but your Internet connection requires you to enter a user ...
  75. Only a small number of samples were collected. Consider a longer run or faster sampling rate for more significant results. ...