Visual Studio 2010

  1. S' : class has virtual functions, but destructor is not virtual%$N instances of this class may not be destructed correctly ...
  2. S' : if you pass a NULL object instance to a delegate constructor you must also pass the address of a static member function ...
  3. S' : matches base ref class method '%$S', but is not marked 'virtual', 'new' or 'override'; 'new' (and not 'virtual') is ...
  4. S' : the meaning of dereferencing a handle can change, when a user-defined '%$L' operator exists; write the operator as a ...
  5. S' : zero-sized array in stack object will have no elements (unless the object is an aggregate that has been aggregate initialized) ...
  6. s' cannot be opened because its project type (%s) is not supported by this version of the application. To open it, please ...
  7. s' is a compiler predefined library helper. Library helpers are not supported with /GL; compile object file '%s' without ...
  8. s' precompiled header file is from a previous version of the compiler, or the precompiled header is C++ and you are using ...
  9. S': virtual function overrides '%$pS', previous versions of the compiler did not override when parameters only differed by ...
  10. s// The following wizard-generated data members contain length %s// values for the corresponding fields in the column map. ...
  11. s// The following wizard-generated data members contain length %s// values for the corresponding fields. %s// NOTE: For variable-length ...
  12. s// The following wizard-generated data members contain status %s// values for the corresponding fields in the column map. ...
  13. s// The following wizard-generated data members contain status %s// values for the corresponding fields. You %s// can use ...
  14. s: Some folders have names that are incompatible with the current system ANSI codepage. The files in these folders cannot ...
  15. s: Some of the files or folders in your project have names incompatible with the current system ANSI codepage. These files ...
  16. Sample EventHandler that prevents the user from deleting an imtem in the donations list which has an amount greater than ...
  17. Sample script for deploying this package is generated at the following location: {0} For this sample script, you can change ...
  18. SampleQueries : This is the most important sample and contains about 500 examples of how to use each of the query operators ...
  19. SampleQueries : This is the most important sample and contains about 500 examples of how to use each of the query operators ...
  20. Sampling is a profiling technique that involves taking snapshots of program execution at intervals. Sampling collects less ...
  21. Satisfying a LinkDemand is a security sensitive operation which can cause unintentional elevation of privilege. Security ...
  22. Save a set of display and print settings as a custom view. Once you have saved the current view, you can apply it to the ...
  23. Saving as a Web Page is not supported in this location. Select a supported format, such as Single File Web Page, or save ...
  24. Saving Definition Changes to tables with large amounts of data could take a considerable amount of time. While changes are ...
  25. Schema changes have been detected but cannot be processed at this time. To prevent data loss, the adapter will cancel this ...
  26. Schema for table "{0}" could not be retrieved. Additional database relationships for this table will not be added to the ...
  27. Schema validation for "{0}" failed. Either the schema could not be retrieved, or the database schema has changed. The database ...
  28. Screen recording cannot be started for this test case as there are not enough resources on this machine or the machine is ...
  29. Screen recording could not be started because multiple monitors are enabled on the computer. To enable screen recording, ...
  30. Script debugging of your application is disabled in Internet Explorer. To enable script debugging in Internet Explorer, choose ...
  31. script failed with the following error: {1} The {2} table has not been configured for synchronization. Do you want to continue ...
  32. Seal attribute types for improved performance. Sealing attribute types speeds up performance during reflection on custom ...
  33. Sealed types cannot be extended, and protected members are only useful if you can extend the declaring type. Sealed types ...
  34. Search all text in the document and display instances where different spellings are used for words with the same meaning. ...
  35. Search may have failed at '{0}' {1} as it may have virtualized children. If the control being searched is descendant of '{0}' ...
  36. Search the current directory and all subdirectories for files to compile according to the wildcard specifications. (/recurse: ...
  37. Security : Discusses .NET Framework security and shows two ways to modify security permissions in C#: using permission classes ...
  38. Security : This sample demonstrates how to modify security permissions through permission classes and permission attributes ...
  39. Security checks are not performed and programs can access and use all resources on your machine. Avoid this setting unless ...
  40. Security demands were found on {0}. Mark the serialization constructor for this type with the declarative form of the same ...
  41. Security hasn't been setup correctly for SQL debugging on %s. See SQL Debugging documentation on how to set it up correctly. ...
  42. security identifier(s) (SIDs) were found stored in Team Foundation Server. Of these, {1} were found in Windows. {2} had differing ...
  43. Security identity of the referenced assembly (see System.Reflection.Assembly.Evidence or System.Security.Policy.Evidence). ...
  44. Security Note Rights and Assignments are independent of sharing permissions for the database folder. Use Windows Explorer ...
  45. Security Note The deployment path for this database is stored in its Srcsafe.ini file to which all Team Foundation users ...
  46. Security Note The rights assigned for this user have been modified to default user rights defined in the Project Rights tab ...
  47. Security Note: If this is a shared database, it is strongly recommended that you use Windows Explorer to restrict folder ...
  48. Security policy is configured using a hierarchy of code groups at every policy level. Default security policy consists of ...
  49. Security settings for this project could not be removed from your security policy. To avoid a possible vulnerability, manually ...
  50. Security transparent code should not be responsible for verifying the security of an operation, and therefore should not ...
  51. Security transparent code should not be responsible for verifying the security of an operation, and therefore should not ...
  52. Security transparent method {0} calls {1} which is in non-APTCA assembly {2}. Non-APTCA assemblies have implicit LinkDemands ...
  53. Security transparent method {0} satisfies a LinkDemand for {2} on method {1}. {0} should become critical or safe-critical ...
  54. Security transparent method {0} satisfies a LinkDemand for {3} on type {1} when calling method {2}. {0} should become critical ...
  55. Security warning: This file was possibly downloaded from a network location, and it can potentially harm your computer. Only ...
  56. Select : Clicking a green segment selects it and shows the closest stack , and the stack that unblocked the segment. Clicking ...
  57. Select a certificate from the Local Machine\Personal store to set the certificate thumbprint and add any intermediate certificates ...
  58. Select a class and behavior. Then, choose to either let the system automatically generate code at runtime or customize with ...
  59. Select a connection model for Web tests. 'Connection Pool': use a pool of connections to conserve resources; 'Connection ...
  60. Select a path filter, the branches to be tracked, and click Visualize to begin tracking. You can later click Rerun on the ...
  61. Select a result to open in the load test analyzer. Manage the load test repository by importing, exporting or removing results. ...
  62. Select a SharePoint Web application from the following list. Team Foundation Server creates all team project Web sites at ...
  63. Select a smaller "neighborhood" using the Neighborhood Browse Mode dropdown #id21; on the toolbar. This will center around ...
  64. Select a starting branch, a path filter, the branches to be tracked, and click Visualize to begin tracking. You can later ...
  65. Select a starting branch, the branches to be tracked, and click Visualize to begin tracking. You can later click Rerun on ...
  66. Select a storage setting for timing data in the load test results store. AllIndividualDetails indicates to collect and store ...
  67. Select a validation level for the load test. For example, low indicates to use only validation rules marked low. High indicates ...
  68. Select base and derived classes to create a new Inheritance relationship. Complete Inheritance configuration using the Properties ...
  69. Select Ignore to disregard this warning and allow the call to succeed. Additional information is provided below. Please report ...
  70. Select one of the following user accounts to create or open content with restricted permission. To use an account not listed ...
  71. Select one or more VMM host groups to add to this team project collection. Select "auto-provision" to automatically add these ...
  72. Select one or more VMM host groups to add to this team project collection. Select "auto-provision" to automatically add these ...
  73. Select one or more VMM library shares to add to this team project collection. Select "auto-provision" to automatically add ...
  74. Select one or more VMM library shares to add to this team project collection. Select "auto-provision" to automatically add ...
  75. Select or create a Server connection to the remote database and then add the tables to cache locally. The Client connection ...