Visual Studio 2010

  1. Set this value to True to store files in the symbol store as compressed files. Otherwise, files will be stored uncompressed. ...
  2. Set to All to delete all existing outputs and sources and do a full rebuild; Outputs to delete all existing outputs but get ...
  3. Sets or gets Minimum axis scale region size, in percentage of total axis length, that can be collapsed with the scale break. ...
  4. Sets the .ico file to use as your application icon (/win32icon). An unqualified file name means the .ico file is located ...
  5. Sets the .manifest file to use as your application manifest (/win32manifest). An unqualified file name means the .manfiest ...
  6. Sets the Subtype for the item in the Project file. Used for multi-file item templates when an item has a SubType which specifies ...
  7. Sets the trace level for detailed WCF trace messages. NOTE: This only works if your app has write access to the app.config ...
  8. Sets the trace level for general WCF trace messages. NOTE: This only works if your app has write access to the app.config ...
  9. Sets the transparent color for the selected bitmap. Click the color you want to make transparent. This tool works only on ...
  10. Sets the validation rule level. Only rules at or above the load test level are executed when a Web test is run under load. ...
  11. Sets/ returns value controlling whether IDE automatically reloads open files if it detects that they have changed on disk ...
  12. Sets/returns an enumerated type determining whether, at build time, the environment should save everything before building ...
  13. Sets/Returns the active process. Though the debugger supports debugging more than one process at a time, only one process ...
  14. Sets/Returns the active program. Though the debugger supports debugging more than one program at a time, only one program ...
  15. Sets/returns value determining whether there is space at left of text pane for special selection operations, drawing breakpoint ...
  16. Setting both property values of DeployAsIisApp and IncludeIisSettingsOnPublish to true is not recommended, as IncludeIisSettingsOnPublish ...
  17. Setting IsCollection to 'true' on TypeDescriptor with name '{0}' will create two consecutive parent-child TypeDescriptors ...
  18. Setting the persisted property of the selected column to false will delete relationships with the following tables: . Do ...
  19. Settings cannot be modified because the environment was not in one of the following states when this wizard was opened: Stored, ...
  20. Settings for general options common to all languages found under the General and Tabs nodes in the Tools/Options dialog box ...
  21. Settings for general XML Editor options found under the Tools | Options menu on the 'Text Editor/XML/general' and 'Text Editor/XML/Tabs' ...
  22. Settings for the C/C++ editor found under the Advanced, Formatting, and IntelliSense nodes in the Tools/Options dialog box. ...
  23. Settings related to the directories used by Visual C++ projects in the build environment. This includes the PATH, INCLUDE, ...
  24. Settings related to Visual C++ projects such as build timing, build logging, custom build rule search behavior, and how files ...
  25. Settings that can be configured via the Options dialog box, which can be found under the Tools menu. Expand this category ...
  26. Settings that control the general environment behavior such as the windowing model, the number of most recently used files ...
  27. Settings that specify how files with different extensions are opened by default editors. The settings can be configured in ...
  28. Settings with warning icons might contain values that could compromise your computer. By default, these settings are not ...
  29. Settings with warning icons might expose intellectual property or other sensitive information. By default, these settings ...
  30. setup also installs the following components. - Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta 2 - Microsoft "Avalon" Beta 1 - Microsoft ...
  31. Setup cannot continue because one of the required service applications is disabled. To continue, please ensure that the service ...
  32. Setup cannot continue becausea previous installation requires your computer to be restarted. Please restart your computer ...
  33. Setup cannot install this version of Visual Studio because it is not compatible with the version that is already installed. ...
  34. Setup could not restart the machine. Possible causes are insufficient priviledges, or an application rejected the restart. ...
  35. Setup had detected that pidgen.dll file is missing. This file is critical to running setup. Please verify that the files ...
  36. Setup has completed successfully. It is highly recommended that you download and install the latest service packs and security ...
  37. Setup has detected that some of the system components that are installed on your computer do not match the versions required ...
  38. Setup has detected that some of the Visual Studio Prerequisites that are installed on your computer no longer match the version ...
  39. Setup has detected that the following volume(s) has insufficient disk space to install the selected features. Click OK to ...
  40. Setup has detected that the following volume(s) has insufficient disk space. Free up some disk space and click OK to return ...
  41. Setup has detected that this computer does not meet the requirements to install this software. The following blocking issues ...
  42. Setup has detected that your operating system has recently been upgraded, and certain system components must be reinstalled ...
  43. Setup has detected that your operating system has recently been upgraded. Run %1 setup to install files appropriate for this ...
  44. Setup has detected the following conditions on this computer. It is recommended that you address these warnings before continuing. ...
  45. Setup has detected the following product(s) currently installed that must be removed. Please uninstall all products listed ...
  46. Setup has determined that your computer is set to a resolution of 800x600 and is using large fonts. It is recommended that ...
  47. Setup has stopped because the item listed above could not be downloaded. To retry downloading, click Exit and then restart ...
  48. Setup needs to run to configure your Microsoft Office program, but Setup is already running on your computer installing another ...
  49. Setup needs to run to configure your Microsoft Office program, but Setup is already running on your computer installing another ...
  50. Setup was unable to copy the file %1 to your temporary directory. Please make sure that this file exists and rerun setup. ...
  51. Setup was unable to find Visual Studio on this machine. Insert Disk 1 of Visual Studio and then select the correct location ...
  52. Setup was unable to find Visual Studio version 2002 at the specified location. For a list of acceptable products, click here ...
  53. Setup will install Team Foundation Web Services on this computer. If you do not want to configure this option now, you can ...
  54. Several instances of same-type arguments can be better implemented as a parameter array argument. Generally, if a member ...
  55. shadows an overloadable member declared in the base |3 '|4'. If you want to overload the base method, this method must be ...
  56. shadows an overridable method in the base |3 '|4'. To override the base method, this method must be declared 'Overrides'. ...
  57. Shadows keyword Specifies that a declared programming element redeclares and hides an identically named element in a base ...
  58. Shapes do not provide diagramming functionality, but you can edit them in all versions of Microsoft Office. Any animation ...
  59. Share the workbook and protect it with a password at the same time. The password will prevent others from turning off change ...
  60. Shared attribute in namespace '' can be used only in compiled resource dictionaries. ...
  61. Shared keyword Specifies that one or more declared programming elements are associated with all instances of a class or structure. ...
  62. SharePoint Designer has detected a web server conflict on Port %1!.64s!, which has server extensions for the FrontPage Personal ...
  63. SharePoint Designer has found that your host name is "%1!.200s!". Any delay has probably been caused by your TCP/IP configuration. ...
  64. SharePoint Designer has found that your host name is "%1!.300s!". Sorry for the delay; this should not take as long in the ...
  65. SharePoint Designer has prepared your server to receive your site content, but the destination server requires that you manually ...
  66. SharePoint Designer will now try to determine your machine's host name and TCP/IP address. This may take several minutes. ...
  67. SharePoint integration allows you to store team documents and create Team Project portals within SharePoint. This wizard ...
  68. SharePoint integration allows you to store team documents and create Team Project portals within SharePoint. You can use ...
  69. SharePoint item names can contain only alphanumeric ASCII characters, spaces, periods (.), backslashes (\), underscores (_), ...
  70. SharePoint project item file collection has been marked read-only. It has been created using an SharePoint project item folder. ...
  71. SharePoint project names can contain only alphanumeric ASCII characters, spaces, periods (.), backslashes (\), underscores ...
  72. SharePoint sites can be shared by multiple projects. Are you sure you want to delete the SharePoint site for this project ...
  73. Sharing GridViewColumn among multiple GridViewColumnCollections or adding the same GridViewColumn into one GridViewColumnCollection ...
  74. Should Microsoft decide to end this trial, recipients will have access to restricted documents and e-mail for at least three ...
  75. Show "Build Rule" Dialog : If set to false, the "Matching Custom Build Rule" dialog will not be shown when a file is added ...