Visual Studio 2010

  1. Specifies where the paper you want to use is located in the printer. Different printer models support different paper sources, ...
  2. Specifies whether an object's placement on a partition scheme should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to a database. ...
  3. Specifies whether and how the field is included in the data warehouse for reporting. For more information about how to use ...
  4. Specifies whether checks should be performed before deployment that will stop deployment if issues are present that might ...
  5. Specifies whether constraints that do not exist in your database project will be dropped from the target database when you ...
  6. Specifies whether Data Definition Language (DDL) triggers are disabled at the beginning of the deployment process and re-enabled ...
  7. Specifies whether deployment contributors registered when the database project is built are required to also be registered ...
  8. Specifies whether differences in partition schemes and functions should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to ...
  9. Specifies whether differences in the amount of time that SQL Server retains the route in the routing table should be ignored ...
  10. Specifies whether differences in the ANSI Nulls setting should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to a database. ...
  11. Specifies whether differences in the casing of keywords should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to a database. ...
  12. Specifies whether differences in the column collations should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to a database. ...
  13. Specifies whether differences in the database collation should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to a database. ...
  14. Specifies whether differences in the enabled or disabled state of Data Definition Language (DDL) triggers should be ignored ...
  15. Specifies whether differences in the enabled or disabled state of DML triggers should be ignored or updated when you deploy ...
  16. Specifies whether differences in the extended properties should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to a database. ...
  17. Specifies whether differences in the file path for the cryptographic provider should be ignored or updated when you deploy ...
  18. Specifies whether differences in the file path for the full-text catalog should be ignored or whether a warning should be ...
  19. Specifies whether differences in the file sizes should be ignored or whether a warning should be issued when you deploy updates ...
  20. Specifies whether differences in the fill factor for index storage should be ignored or whether a warning should be issued ...
  21. Specifies whether differences in the increment for an identity column should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates ...
  22. Specifies whether differences in the lock hints on indexes should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to a database. ...
  23. Specifies whether differences in the mapping of partitions for a partitioned table or index to filegroups should be ignored ...
  24. Specifies whether differences in the paths for files and log files should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to ...
  25. Specifies whether differences in the placement of objects in filegroups should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates ...
  26. Specifies whether differences in the quoted identifiers setting should be ignored or updated when you deploy changes to a ...
  27. Specifies whether differences in the role membership of logins should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to a ...
  28. Specifies whether differences in the sample used for CREATE STATISTICS will be ignored or updated when you deploy updates ...
  29. Specifies whether differences in the security identification number (SID) should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates ...
  30. Specifies whether differences in the seed for an identity column should be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to ...
  31. Specifies whether differences in the semi-colons between T-SQL statements will be ignored or updated when you deploy updates ...
  32. Specifies whether differences in the user settings objects will be ignored or updated when you deploy updates to a database. ...
  33. Specifies whether differences in the value of the WITH NOCHECK clause for check constraints will be ignored or updated when ...
  34. Specifies whether differences in the value of the WITH NOCHECK clause for foreign keys will be ignored or updated when you ...
  35. Specifies whether differences the order of Data Definition Language (DDL) triggers should be ignored or updated when you ...
  36. Specifies whether differences the order of Data Manipulation Language (DML) triggers should be ignored or updated when you ...
  37. Specifies whether errors encountered during deployment verification should be treated as warnings. The check is performed ...
  38. Specifies whether indexes that do not exist in your database project will be dropped from the target database when you deploy ...
  39. Specifies whether or not the inputs to the librarian tool are used rather than the library file itself when linking in library ...
  40. Specifies whether or not the object can be edited after the code snippet is inserted. The default value of this attribute ...
  41. Specifies whether or not you can edit the literal after the code snippet is inserted. The default value of this attribute ...
  42. Specifies whether statements are generated in the deployment script to verify that the database name and server name match ...
  43. Specifies whether the bodies of procedures, scalar functions, and table-valued functions are parsed and interpreted. If you ...
  44. Specifies whether the control prevents script injection by contributors and, therefore, allows contributors to edit the control. ...
  45. Specifies whether the declaration of SetVar variables should be commented out in the generated deployment script. You might ...
  46. Specifies whether the linker should display a progress indicator showing what percentage of the link is complete. The default ...
  47. Specifies whether the resource is embedded or linked. Embedded resources are saved in the resource file. Linked resources ...
  48. Specifies whether the values generated for this column are unique. When this property is True, values are generated by using ...
  49. Specifies whether this configuration supports the Common Language Runtime. This is incompatible with some other settings, ...
  50. Specifies whether this method is added to the event receiver class, and a matching XML declaration is added to the event ...
  51. Specifies whether to mark files in a selected project output group as shared legacy files that require reference counting ...
  52. Specifies whether warnings should be generated when differences are found in objects that cannot be modified, for example, ...
  53. Specifies which project will run when you start the debugger. The Startup Project property page in the Property Pages dialog ...
  54. Specifiy the color used for the border around the picture. Choose a non-default text wrapping such as Square or Tight to ...
  55. Specifiy the version of mstest.exe to invoke. Specify -1 if the activity should attempt to determine the appropriate version ...
  56. Specify a connection between parts within a component. Connect a required interface on one part to a provided interface on ...
  57. Specify a connection string to a SQL Server database, or use the special connection string "Data Source = |SQL/CE|", which ...
  58. Specify a SELECT statement to load data, and the wizard will generate the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements to save data ...
  59. Specify a SELECT statement, and the wizard will generate new stored procedures to select, insert, update, and delete records. ...
  60. Specify a SQL statement and the wizard will create a new stored procedure. If you provide a single-table SELECT statement, ...
  61. Specify a SQL statement. If you provide a single-table SELECT statement, the wizard can generate INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE ...
  62. Specify a valid name. The name cannot contain spaces, and it must begin with a letter followed by letters, numbers, or the ...
  63. Specify AsConfigured to run code analysis according to project settings; Never to never run code analysis; Always to always ...
  64. Specify chart area name inside which the legend is drawn. Legend Position must be set to 'Auto' for this property to work. ...
  65. Specify default values for the following properties. These defaults will be used each time an environment is created from ...
  66. Specify how cells connected to a data source will update, what contents from the source will be displayed, and how changes ...
  67. Specify how data is displayed and/or printed, such as what format dates appear in or how many decimal places numbers are ...
  68. Specify how to handle errors that occur when completing the mail merge. You also have the option of simulating the mail merge ...
  69. Specify name-value pairs to filter out agents. The controller will run this test only on agents whose properties match the ...
  70. Specify rules to add decision-making ability to the mail merge. For instance, you could use If Then Else to check the address ...
  71. Specify the agent to use for this remote execution by display name (this is not the computer name). Supported wildcard characters ...
  72. Specify the amount of time the shared resource is required. A value of zero means there is no expiration on the shared resource ...
  73. Specify the build controller and staging location for this build definition. These selections may be modified by the person ...
  74. Specify the code access security permissions that your ClickOnce application requires in order to run. Learn more about code ...
  75. Specify the code access security permissions that your ClickOnce application requires in order to run. Learn more about code ...