Visual Studio 2010

  1. Only columns of type char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar, text, ntext, image, xml, or varbinary can be indexed for full-text search. ...
  2. Only enable source server support when using symbol files from a known and trusted location. Would you like to enable source ...
  3. Only file attachments that support rights management will automatically have their permission restricted to match the restrictions ...
  4. Only first {0} results for selected range have been read. Please select a smaller range to see full set of details for a ...
  5. Only include optimization information essential for implementing inlined constructs. Inhibits cross-module inlining but improves ...
  6. Only one clustered index can be created on table ' '. Change the Clustered property setting on index ' ' before creating ...
  7. Only one copy of the Team Foundation integration components may run at one time under 16-bit Windows. Please close any other ...
  8. Only one of the DataTier configuration values UseExist, UseExistingEmpty or UpgradeExisting may be indicated. Having multiple ...
  9. Only projects that compile to executables or launchable web projects are shown. Any dynamic-link library (DLL) loaded by ...
  10. Only projects that compile to executables or launchable web projects are shown. If concurrency visualization is selected, ...
  11. Only record, union, exception and struct types may be augmented with the 'ReferenceEquality', 'StructuralEquality' and 'StructuralComparison' ...
  12. Only some of the %1 products on this computer have been upgraded to Service Pack 1. None will work correctly until all have ...
  13. Only some of the %s products on this computer have been upgraded to Service Pack 1. None will work correctly until all have ...
  14. Only tests whose priority is greater than or equal to this value will be executed. In the process parameter grid, -1 indicates ...
  15. Only tests whose priority is less than or equal to this value will be executed. In the process parameter grid, -1 indicates ...
  16. Only tool windows created by Add-ins (Windows.CreateToolWindow or Windows2.CreateToolWindow2) can offer Selection Objects. ...
  17. Only Unique or Primary Key constraints can be created on computed columns, while Check, Foreign Key, and Not Null constraints ...
  18. OnStartPage() is called the first time script tries to access this object. OnEndPage() is called when ASP finishes processing ...
  19. Open the Apply Styles window so that you can quickly type the name of the style you want to use, or select it from a simple ...
  20. Open the Research Task Pane to search through reference materials, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and translation services. ...
  21. Open the Zoom dialog box to specify the zoom level of the document. In most cases, you can also use the zoom controls in ...
  22. Open With can only be used to open multiple files if those files all have identical extensions. Reduce the selection until ...
  23. Opening "|0" Hyperlinks can be harmful to your computer and data. To protect your computer, click only those hyperlinks from ...
  24. Opening '|0' Hyperlinks can be harmful to your computer and data. To protect your computer, click only those hyperlinks from ...
  25. Opening a non-dataset XML schema with the Dataset Designer may alter the contents of your file, possibly removing non-dataset ...
  26. Opening the rule set will navigate away from this property page. If you have made changes to the property pages then you ...
  27. Opens the Add Service Reference dialog box that lets you create a connection to a service that returns the data for your ...
  28. Opens the Add Web Reference dialog box that lets you create a connection to a Web service that returns the data for your ...
  29. Opens the project in %1 with increased security. This option allows you to browse the contents of the project, but some functionality, ...
  30. Opens the project normally in %1. Use this option if you trust the source and understand the potential risks involved. %1 ...
  31. Operation interrupted because a subsite was created, renamed, or deleted during the operation. You may need to refresh your ...
  32. Operation interrupted because a subweb was created, renamed, or deleted during the operation. You may need to refresh your ...
  33. Operation interrupted because a subweb was created, renamed, or deleted during the operation. You may need to refresh your ...
  34. Operation is not valid while ItemCollection has no inner collection. ItemCollection is uninitialized or binding on ItemsControl.ItemSource ...
  35. operator '%$L' cannot be applied to an instance of a ref class%$Nuse the unary '%' operator to convert an instance of a ref ...
  36. Operator '|1' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result ...
  37. Operator '|1' is not defined for types '|2' and '|3'. You can use the 'Value' property to get the string value of the first ...
  38. Operator declaration must be one of: +, -, *, \, /, ^, , Like, Mod, And, Or, Xor, Not, >, =, , >=, CType, IsTrue, IsFalse. ...
  39. Operator is not overloadable. Operator declaration must be one of: +, -, *, \, /, ^, , Like, Mod, And, Or, Xor, Not, >, =, ...
  40. operator overload is not supported, please contact Visual Studio Microsoft Technical Support for more detailed information. ...
  41. Operator statement Declares the operator symbol, operands, and code that define an operator procedure on a class or structure. ...
  42. Optimization : Select option for code optimization; choose Custom to use specific optimization options. (/Od, /O1, /O2, /Ox) ...
  43. Optimize For Processor : Optimize code to favor a specific X86 processor; use Blended to work best across all processors. ...
  44. Optimize for Windows98 : Align code on 4KB boundaries. This improves performance on Windows 98 systems. (/OPT:WIN98, /OPT:NOWIN98) ...
  45. Optimizes performance of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications by caching commonly used font data. WPF applications ...
  46. Optimizes the environment so you can focus on building world-class applications. This collection of settings contains customizations ...
  47. Optimizes the environment to provide the most convenient access to commands and options for web development activities, regardless ...
  48. Option '-delaysign' overrides attribute 'System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySignAttribute' given in a source file or added module ...
  49. Option '-keycontainer' overrides attribute 'System.Reflection.AssemblyNameAttribute' given in a source file or added module ...
  50. Option '-keyfile' overrides attribute 'System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute' given in a source file or added module ...
  51. Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from '|1' to '|2'; the Visual Basic 6.0 collection type is not compatible ...
  52. Option Strict On disallows narrowing from type '|2' to type '|3' in copying the value of 'ByRef' parameter '|1' back to the ...
  53. Option Strict On does not allow narrowing in implicit type conversions between extension method '|1' defined in '|3' and ...
  54. Option Strict On requires each lambda expression parameter to be declared with an 'As' clause if its type cannot be inferred. ...
  55. Optional expression evaluated to determine whether duplicate items in the Target's Returns should be removed before returning ...
  56. Optional expression evaluated to determine which items generated by the target should be returned by the target. If there ...
  57. Optional Flags: - By Default, this script deploy on the current machine where this script is called with current user credential ...
  58. Optional semi-colon separated list of files that form inputs into this target. Their timestamps will be compared with the ...
  59. Optional semi-colon separated list of files that form outputs into this target. Their timestamps will be compared with the ...
  60. Optional' cannot be applied to the first parameter of an extension method. The first parameter specifies which type to extend. ...
  61. Options available for configs command tcm configs /list /querytext:query /collection:teamprojectcollectionurl /teamproject:project ...
  62. Options available for plans command tcm plans /list /querytext:query /collection:teamprojectcollectionurl /teamproject:project ...
  63. Options available for suites command tcm suites /list /planid:id | /querytext:query /collection:teamprojectcollectionurl ...
  64. Options available for testenvironment command tcm testenvironments /list /collection:teamprojectcollectionurl /teamproject:project ...
  65. Options for automatic formatting and case preferences for all tags; checking tag syntax; paste behavior; outline mode; absolute ...
  66. Options for automatic formatting, new lines and spacing; checking syntax errors; commit characters for statement completion. ...
  67. Options that control general editor features including Intellisense statement completion, line number display, and single-click ...
  68. Options that control Visual Basic editor features including automatic insertion of end constructs, procedure line separators, ...
  69. or one of its dependencies, requires a later version of the .NET Framework than the one specified in the project. You can ...
  70. Or operator Performs an inclusive logical disjunction on two Boolean expressions, or a bitwise disjunction on two numeric ...
  71. Order By clause Specifies the sort order for columns in a query. Can be followed by either the Ascending or the Descending ...
  72. OrElse operator Performs short-circuit inclusive logical disjunction on two expressions. Returns True if either operand evaluates ...
  73. Orphaned Thread information found (process: %1, thread: %2). Any Collection data found for this thread was included. More ...
  74. Orphaned Thread information found in bad state (process: %1, thread: %2). Possible Collection data loss for this thread. ...
  75. Other team members will not be affected by your change until your next checkin. You might need to manually delete the item(s) ...