Visual Studio 2010

  1. Some build resources are enabled. If any builds are running during the servicing operation, they will be stopped by the system. ...
  2. Some bytes have been replaced with the Unicode substitution character while loading file {0} with {1} encoding. Saving the ...
  3. Some changes could not be automatically merged. Please review each conflicting line and apply one or both of the changes ...
  4. Some characters that can be used to create custom date/time format strings: 'd or dd' - One or two digit day of the month, ...
  5. Some components must be installed in %1 directory. Check that you have write permissions and enough space in that directory. ...
  6. Some features have been installed but need to be configured. Click on Configure Installed Features to begin configuring the ...
  7. Some files can harm your computer. If the file information looks suspicious or you do not fully trust the source, do not ...
  8. Some files have been checked out automatically. The FrontPage server extensions on this Web do not support getting previous ...
  9. Some files have been checked out automatically. The FrontPage server extensions on this Web site do not support getting previous ...
  10. Some files have been deleted or renamed on the server. You can continue with a get silently and the local files will be deleted ...
  11. Some files have been deleted or renamed on the server. You can continue with the Checkin or perform instead a Get operation ...
  12. Some files have been deleted or renamed on the server. You will need to perform a Get operation in order to see those changes ...
  13. Some files in this web site need to be converted but are marked read-only. During conversion, they will be updated and marked ...
  14. Some headers, footers, and watermarks could not be removed. This document may still contain headers, footers, and watermarks. ...
  15. Some hidden columns within PivotTables or table headers cannot be removed. These types of columns are unhidden when you click ...
  16. Some hidden rows and columns cannot be removed because they are part of a PivotTable or a list header. These rows and columns ...
  17. Some hidden rows within PivotTables or table headers cannot be removed. These types of rows are unhidden when you click Remove ...
  18. Some information required to complete this label is missing. To add the information now, click OK. To add the information ...
  19. Some items at the new binding have different contents on your local disk than in the newly bound database. You should consult ...
  20. Some of the attached file types are not supported for conversion by Microsoft Office. Your fax service provider may still ...
  21. Some of the calendar values are changed. Please use AvailableCalendars property or LoadDataFromCultureInfo method to set ...
  22. Some of the field names in this data source are blank or contain invalid characters, such as periods, brackets, or exclamation ...
  23. Some of the files in this Web page aren't in the expected location. Do you want to download them anyway? If you're sure the ...
  24. Some of the files used by the XML expansion pack are in use and could not be updated. Reboot your computer and then restart ...
  25. Some of the files used by the XML expansion pack are in use and could not be updated. Restart the application to complete ...
  26. Some of the files you are adding to your project are located outside of the project's binding root. These files cannot be ...
  27. Some of the files you are attempting to add to the solution cannot be added because they are used for source control tracking. ...
  28. Some of the files you are renaming or moving will be located outside of the project's binding root. The item(s) %1 will not ...
  29. Some of the items in the pending check-in list are not located in the solution that you have open. Double-click this message ...
  30. Some of the items that were modified while disconnected cannot be automatically checked out, possibly because these items ...
  31. Some of the items that you are adding to source control are stored in a file encoding (UTF-8) that your source control system ...
  32. Some of the items you are trying to checkout are both changed in memory and their on-disk version is different from the server's ...
  33. Some of the items you attempted to add to source control do not exist on disk and could not be added. If these items are ...
  34. Some of the items you have selected for this operation already have deferred source control operations pending. Do you want ...
  35. Some of the items you have selected for this operation have deferred source control operations pending. Because these items ...
  36. Some of the links you requested were created. However, you cannot create a link between a work item and itself. In those ...
  37. Some of the Microsoft Script Editor files have not yet been installed. Close the Microsoft Script Editor window and then ...
  38. Some of the project locations are not valid. %0 will continue the open from source control process, skipping projects with ...
  39. Some of the selected database objects will not be deleted because they are open in designers. Are you sure that you want ...
  40. Some of the selected files are exclusive to %0. If you edit a file while it is exclusive, you may have to merge your changes ...
  41. Some of the selected type(s) cannot be added to the class diagram. Check the code for errors and ensure that all required ...
  42. Some of the selected type(s) cannot be added to the class diagram. This may be due to several limitations of the tool, click ...
  43. Some of your changes could not be automatically merged with the latest version of this file. To check-in, you must review ...
  44. Some of your files have not been added to source control. They will appear in the Pending Checkins window as checked out. ...
  45. Some parameters in the action recording are not bound to any controls on application under test, this may interfere with ...
  46. Some parameters in this shared step set have not been mapped to controls in the application under test. This may interfere ...
  47. Some PrimaryKey column(s) contain invalid data. Can not perform safe delete/update with insufficient primary key information. ...
  48. Some programming languages do not support default parameters. Replace default parameters with method overloads that supply ...
  49. Some projects have been bound to server locations that may be incorrect. A location may be incorrect either because it does ...
  50. Some reload or shell operations were canceled or caused errors. You should close and reopen the solution before making further ...
  51. Some shapes or connectors on the diagram are missing because their definitions do not exist in this project. Either the definitions ...
  52. Some Unicode characters in this file could not be saved in the current codepage. Do you want to resave this file as Unicode ...
  53. Some Unicode characters in this file could not be saved in the current codepage. Do you want to resave this file as Unicode ...
  54. Some Unicode characters in this file could not be saved. To save all the information in this file, press Cancel and then ...
  55. Some Unicode characters in this file could not be saved. To save all the information in this file, use 'Save As' and click ...
  56. Some Unicode characters in this file could not be saved. To save all the information in this file, use 'Save As' and select ...
  57. Some unsupported resources failed to load and they will be discarded on save. The reserved names are DESIGNINFO, HWB, and ...
  58. Sorry, we were unable to merge the conflicting content changes and using the configured merge tool is not supported for this ...
  59. Source Code Control Project Name : Specifies the project name for the source code control associated with the current solution. ...
  60. Source Depot allows a user to remove previous versions of files, so the previous versions of some files do not exist. The ...
  61. Source file: %1 Module: %2 Process: %3 The source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger ...
  62. Source server support in the debugger is not currently enabled. If symbol files that support source server are found, source ...
  63. Sparse columns cannot be populated by this data sink. Please unselect the column(s) and populate the sparse columns by selecting ...
  64. Specified class name '{0}' doesn't match actual root instance type '{1}'. Remove the Class directive or provide an instance ...
  65. Specified index is out of range or child at index is null. Do not call this method if VisualChildrenCount returns zero, indicating ...
  66. Specifies a name for a compiler-generated PDB file; also specifies base name for the required compiler-generated IDB file; ...
  67. Specifies a named property that can be accessed at installation run time to modify the installation based on search results ...
  68. Specifies a System.Version-compliant representation of the version of the Feature. This can be up to four numbers delimited ...
  69. Specifies a Windows Installer condition that must be satisfied (evaluate to true) in order for the selected custom action ...
  70. Specifies a Windows Installer condition that must be satisfied (evaluate to true) in order for the selected item to be installed ...
  71. Specifies an expression that identifies the parent group in a recursive hierarchy. This is allowed only if the group has ...
  72. Specifies an optional group identifier, as a string, for the template. Some kinds of projects require this for the item template ...
  73. Specifies an optional unique identifier, as a string, for the template. If none is specified, the Name will be used as the ...
  74. Specifies any custom parameters which should be passed to the template wizard when it is run to do parameter replacement. ...
  75. Specifies filter equations that define the filter to apply. The filter equation consists of an expression, an operator, and ...