Visual Studio 2010

  1. Prior customizations of the Quick Access Toolbar have been ignored in this session. Do you want to remove the customizations ...
  2. Prior customizations of the Quick Access Toolbar shared between all documents have been ignored in this session. Do you want ...
  3. Privacy warning: This document contains macros, ActiveX controls, XML expansion pack information, or Web components. These ...
  4. Private fields were detected that do not appear to be accessed within the assembly. If this violation fires in error, please ...
  5. Private keyword Specifies that one or more declared programming elements are accessible only from within their module, class, ...
  6. Proceed with the reconnect operation only if the host server instance has been upgraded or the team project collection has ...
  7. ProcessClass : The Process class is used to perform a variety of tasks such as commandline processing and listing information ...
  8. ProcessDirective() was called before StartProcessingRun(). Directive processing can only start after StartProcessingRun() ...
  9. Processes Directed Graphs GraphCmd -? -all -exceptions -input -query -exec "query to execute" -output -path = -? Prints this ...
  10. processing-instruction()" returns all processing instructions in the document. "descendant::processing-instruction()" selects ...
  11. ProcessViewer : The processes on the current computer are displayed in a ListView control by calling the GetProcesses method ...
  12. Produces a program database (PDB) that contains type information and symbolic debugging information for use with the debugger. ...
  13. Produces an output file that can be used with the Performance Tools profiler. Requires GenerateDebugInformation (/DEBUG) ...
  14. ProductName has detected an incompatible version of the Windows Azure SDK v1.1 is installed. Please download the latest version ...
  15. ProductName requires either Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (Standard or above) or Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition with ...
  16. ProductName requires the Windows Azure SDK v1.1. Please install the latest version of the Windows Azure SDK v1.1 and try ...
  17. ProductName requires Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 or Windows Server 2008. Previous versions of Microsoft Windows are ...
  18. Profile control APIs and Mark events cannot be correctly inserted at the bottom of the procedure %1 because it may contain ...
  19. Profile Guided Database : Specifies the database file to use when using profile guided optimizations (/PGD:database). This ...
  20. Profile Monitor does not appear to have sufficient permissions on the target process. Use /USER option when you start the ...
  21. Profiler Error: Unable to load VS editor packages while opening file {0} in the profiler view, source code view will not ...
  22. Profiles the specified WEBSITE without having to set global environment variables and reboot the machine. Can do sampling, ...
  23. Profiling 64-bit processes is not supported by this version of the profiling tools. Please use the profiling tools from the ...
  24. Profiling 64-bit processes is not supported by this version of the profiling tools. Please use the profiling tools from the ...
  25. Profiling supports collecting run-time performance data on only one web application during the performance session. Please ...
  26. Profiling your application can help diagnose performance problems and identify the most common expensive methods in your ...
  27. Program '%2!ls!' has more than one entry point defined: '%1!ls!'. Compile with /main to specify the type that contains the ...
  28. Program Database File Name : Specifies a name for a compiler-generated PDB file; also specifies base name for the required ...
  29. Programmatic access to the Microsoft Office Visual Basic for Applications project system could not be enabled. If Microsoft ...
  30. Programs might not be able to access most protected resources such as the registry or security policy settings, or access ...
  31. Programs might not be able to access protected resources such as the registry, environment variables, domain names, or security ...
  32. Project "{0}" consists entirely of configurations that require support for platforms which are not installed on this machine. ...
  33. Project %0, which you are getting from the source control store, already exists. Would you like to overwrite it with the ...
  34. Project %s was reloaded due to a source code control operation. Any changes you made before the file was checked out will ...
  35. Project '%1' contains references to outputs of the project '%0'. These references will be deleted from project '%1' if project ...
  36. Project '{0}' contains an invalid database reference: '{1}'. You must specify a variable name and a value to identify the ...
  37. Project '{0}' contains an invalid database reference: '{1}'. You must update the reference so that it identifies a server ...
  38. Project '{0}' contains an invalid database reference: '{1}'. You must update the reference so that it identifies a server ...
  39. Project '|1' cannot generate a reference to file '|2'. You may need to delete and re-add this reference, and then do a full ...
  40. Project '|1' makes an indirect reference to assembly '|2', which contains '|3'. Add a file reference to '|4' to your project. ...
  41. Project '|1' makes an indirect reference to project '|2', which contains '|3'. Add a project reference to '|2' to your project. ...
  42. Project '|1' requires a reference to version '|2' of assembly '|3', but references version '|4' of assembly '|3'. Reference ...
  43. Project and solution names cannot: - contain any of the following characters: / ? : \ " < > | # % - contain Unicode control ...
  44. Project and solution names cannot: - contain any of the following characters: / ? : \ " < > | # % - contain Unicode control ...
  45. Project cannot be created because the "Excel Visual Studio Design-Time Adaptor Add-in" is not working correctly. Excel might ...
  46. Project cannot be created because the "Word Visual Studio Design-Time Adaptor Add-in" is not working correctly. Word might ...
  47. Project cannot be created or opened because the installed version of Visual Basic For Applications is not compatible with ...
  48. Project collection '{0}' was created successfully, however there were warnings. To view the warnings, examine the most recent ...
  49. Project data is unavailable at this time. As a result, all reports on this dashboard have been hidden. After you have created ...
  50. Project does not support paths relative to the root application directory. Remove the leading '/' qualifier from the '{0}' ...
  51. Project file '%s' contains an aggregated project type that cannot be found. The project cannot be opened without the project ...
  52. Project file could not be backed up to '%s'. Please make sure this file does not already exist and that it is not write-protected. ...
  53. Project item '{0}' was added to the current project but could not be associated with My Namespace extension '{1}'. It will ...
  54. Project log '%s' has a share (from another project) record for item '%s', but that item wasn't found in the current project. ...
  55. Project name '{0}' already exists on the server. The team project name must be unique on all Team Foundation servers used ...
  56. Project names cannot be empty strings nor can they contain only '.' or have any of the following characters: / ? : \ " < ...
  57. Project names cannot be empty strings nor can they contain only '.' or have any of the following characters: ; \ / ? : @ ...
  58. Project Property Sheets : Specifies the collection of property sheets, both system and user, inherited by this configuration. ...
  59. Project references from projects that do not support the Common Language Runtime are no longer supported. The project reference ...
  60. Project Server Sync: Cannot save the submit request to Project Server. An unknown error occurred. Contact your administrator ...
  61. Project Server Sync: Cannot save the submit request to Project Server. Check that the assignment exists on Project Server. ...
  62. Project Server Sync: Cannot save the submit request to Project Server. Check the following likely causes to correct the problem: ...
  63. Project Server Sync: Cannot save the submit request to Project Server. Check the following likely causes to correct the problem: ...
  64. Project Server Sync: Cannot save the submit request to Project Server. One or more mapped work item fields on the submitted ...
  65. Project Server Sync: Cannot save the submit request to Project Server. The Start date must be greater than or equal to the ...
  66. Project Server Sync: Cannot save the submit request to Project Server. The Start date must be less than or equal to Finish ...
  67. Project Server Sync: Cannot save the submit request to Project Server. Verify that the enterprise project exists on Project ...
  68. Project Server Sync: One or more submit requests could not be saved. Work assigned to the failed requests has been allocated ...
  69. Project upgrade has moved this code to '{0}' - and created a project reference to a .dbschema - file containing all server ...
  70. Project-level suppressions either have no target or are given %s a specific target and scoped to a namespace, type, member, ...
  71. Project-level suppressions either have no target or are given {0} a specific target and scoped to a namespace, type, member, ...
  72. Projects that support the Common Language Runtime have been converted to use dynamic linking to the run-time libraries (/MDd, ...
  73. Prompt me before enabling Unsafe for Initialization (UFI) controls with additional restrictions and Safe for Initialization ...
  74. Properties cannot be changed while Excel is in edit mode. Move the selection away from the currently selected cell and then ...
  75. Properties in custom build rules always inherit. Property '%s' in custom build rule '%s' has 'Inheritable=False'. Please ...