Visual Studio 2010

  1. String arguments passed to constructors of ArgumentException and its derived types should be correct. Types derived from ...
  2. string()" returns the string value of the context node. "string(@price)" returns the string value of the price attribute. ...
  3. StringFormatting : Shows how to display numeric, date/time, and enumeration values as strings by using a variety of standard ...
  4. Strip or line start position offset. If drawing a single line/strip specifies the absolute coordinate. For the series of ...
  5. Strong name verification failed for the instrumented assembly '{0}'. Please ensure that the right key file for re-signing ...
  6. Strong Name|True if the referenced assembly has a strong name. A strong named assembly is uniquely versioned.|Reference Properties ...
  7. Structs cannot contain 'let' bindings because the default constructor for structs will not execute these bindings. Consider ...
  8. Structs cannot have an object constructor with no arguments. This is a restriction imposed on all CLI languages as structs ...
  9. Structure '|1' must contain at least one instance member variable or at least one instance event declaration not marked 'Custom'. ...
  10. Structure statement Declares the name of a structure and introduces the definition of the variables, properties, events, ...
  11. Style TargetType is a FrameworkElement, but the VisualTree root element '{1}' is a FrameworkContentElement. The root of the ...
  12. style='vertical-align: middle; padding-right: 7px; float: left;' /> Setup completed, however, there were failures reported ...
  13. style='vertical-align: middle; padding-right: 7px; float: left;' /> Setup Maintenance completed, however, there were failures ...
  14. Styles feature different fonts and color schemes, but do not affect the basic layout. You can customize the style after you ...
  15. Sub statement Declares the name, parameters, and code that define a Sub procedure, that is, a procedure that does not return ...
  16. Submit(ContinueOnConflict) collects all concurrency conflicts and throws an exception when the last conflict is detected. ...
  17. Submit(ContinueOnConflict) collects all concurrency conflicts and throws an exception when the last conflict is detected. ...
  18. substring-after('stylesheet', 'e')" returns the string "sheet". "substring-after('two words', ' ')" returns the string "words". ...
  19. substring-before('stylesheet', 'e')" returns the string "styl". "substring-before('two words', ' ')" returns the string "two". ...
  20. Subtraction operator Returns the difference between two numeric expressions, or the negative value of a numeric expression. ...
  21. Successive arguments should be separated by spaces or tupled, and arguments involving function or method applications should ...
  22. Suitable for users who are familiar with Visual Studio Express and want the full environment experience. These settings contain ...
  23. Suitable for users who are new to Visual Studio Express and want an easy-to-use tool for creating applications. These settings ...
  24. Summarize data using a PivotTable. PivotTables make it easy to arrange and summarize complicated data and drill down on details. ...
  25. Summarize the data in this table using a PivotTable. PivotTables make it easy to arrange and summarize complicated data and ...
  26. Support for displaying |0 is not available. This feature is not currently installed. You must restart |1 to complete the ...
  27. Support for fast searching is not properly installed. Please reinstall this feature to enable support for fast searching. ...
  28. Supports File Batching : Specifies whether the custom build rule supports batching input files on a single command line execution. ...
  29. Supports File Batching|If a build customization supports file batching, then inputs in the Command Line is evaluated to all ...
  30. Suppresses the display of the sign-on banner when the compiler starts up and display of informational messages during compiling. ...
  31. Switch the contents of the drop-down list in the Action column between all actions and only the actions that are allowed ...
  32. Switch to the standard organizational chart layout, in which the top of the employee hierarchy is at the top and successive ...
  33. Switching Quick Style sets is turned off in this document. Use the Manage Styles dialog box to remove this restriction. Press ...
  34. Switching themes is turned off in this document. Use the Manage Styles dialog box to remove this restriction. Press F1 for ...
  35. Switching to a query-bound list discards your unsaved changes and replaces them with the latest query results. To save your ...
  36. Switching to the visual designer will discard your manual changes to the query. Do you want to use the visual designer anyway? ...
  37. Switch|The switch to replace on the command line when PropertyName is encountered. Use value to specify where the property's ...
  38. Synchronization services require either a "Last Edit" or "Creation Date" column on each table to be synchronized. Only one ...
  39. Synchronize the scrolling of two documents so that they scroll together. To enable this feature, turn on View Side by Side. ...
  40. Synchronous = the sender waits for control to return, and a return arrow is shown on the sequence diagram. Asynchronous = ...
  41. SyncLock statement Ensures that multiple threads do not execute the statement block at the same time. SyncLock .End Synclock ...
  42. Syntax - TfsBuild definition /new /collection:teamProjectCollectionUrl /name:name /teamProject:project /buildProcess:file ...
  43. Syntax - TfsLabConfig ClearServiceAccount /collection: Examples: TfsLabConfig ClearServiceAccount /collection:http://abc:8080/TFS/DefaultCollection ...
  44. Syntax - TfsLabConfig CreateTeamProjectHostGroup /collection: /teamProject:(* | ) /teamProjectCollectionHostGroup:(* | /name: ...
  45. Syntax - TfsLabConfig CreateTeamProjectLibraryShare /collection: /teamProject:(* | ) /teamProjectCollectionLibraryShare:(* ...
  46. Syntax - TfsLabConfig DeleteTeamProjectHostGroup /collection: /teamProject:(* | ) /name:(* | ) /NoPrompt Examples: TfsLabConfig ...
  47. Syntax - TfsLabConfig DeleteTeamProjectLibraryShare /collection: /teamProject:(* | ) /name:(* | ) /NoPrompt Examples: TfsLabConfig ...
  48. Syntax - TfsLabConfig GetServiceAccount /collection: Examples: TfsLabConfig GetServiceAccount /collection:http://abc:8080/TFS/DefaultCollection ...
  49. Syntax - TfsLabConfig SetServiceAccount /collection: /user: Examples: TfsLabConfig SetServiceAccount /collection:http:// ...
  50. Syntax - TfsLabConfig UpdateServiceAccountOnDeployedEnvironments /collection: /labEnvironmentIds: Examples: TfsLabConfig ...
  51. Syntax- TfsLabConfig GetVMMServer /collection: Example: TfsLabConfig SetVMMServer /collection:http://abc:8080/TFS/DefaultCollection ...
  52. Syntax- TfsLabConfig ListTeamProjectCollectionHostGroups /collection: Examples: TfsLabConfig ListTeamProjectCollectionHostGroups ...
  53. Syntax- TfsLabConfig ListTeamProjectCollectionLibraryShares /collection: Examples: TfsLabConfig ListTeamProjectCollectionLibraryShares ...
  54. Syntax- TfsLabConfig ListTeamProjectHostGroups /collection: /teamProject: Examples: TfsLabConfig ListTeamProjectHostGroups ...
  55. Syntax- TfsLabConfig ListTeamProjectLibraryShares /collection: /teamProject: Examples: TfsLabConfig ListTeamProjectLibraryShares ...
  56. Syntax- TfsLabConfig permissions /collection: /allow:(* |perm1[,perm2,.]) /deny:(* |perm1[,perm2,.]) /remove:(* |perm1[,perm2,.]) ...
  57. Syntax- TfsLabConfig SetVMMServer /collection: /SCVMMServer: Example: TfsLabConfig SetVMMServer /collection:http://abc:8080/TFS/DefaultCollection ...
  58. Syntax- VSTestConfig.exe licenses /addkey:ProductKey /removekey:ProductKey /count:# of licenses to add /DisplayInfo /ResetVUserHighWaterMark ...
  59. Syntax- VSTestConfig.exe NetworkEmulation /Install /Uninstall /Repair /DisplayInfo Examples: VSTestConfig.exe NetworkEmulation ...
  60. System error %ld encountered. Unable to display the meaning of this error due to an error encountered in the ::FormatMessage ...
  61. System parameter 'Show window contents while dragging' is not set.This could lead to incorrect recording of drag actions. ...
  62. System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute does not affect 'Get' or 'Set' when applied to the Property definition. Apply ...
  63. System.Nullable' does not satisfy the 'Structure' constraint for type parameter '|1'. Only non-nullable 'Structure' types ...
  64. System.ObsoleteAttribute' cannot be applied to the 'AddHandler', 'RemoveHandler', or 'RaiseEvent' definitions. If required, ...
  65. System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute' cannot be applied to '|1' because 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute' ...
  66. System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute' cannot be applied to '|1' because 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute' ...
  67. System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute' cannot be applied to 'AddHandler', 'RemoveHandler' or 'RaiseEvent' method. ...
  68. System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute' cannot be applied to a method that is generic or contained in a generic ...
  69. System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute' cannot be applied to a Sub, Function, or Operator with a non-empty body. ...
  70. T' : a type that is dependent on a generic type parameter is not allowed as an argument to compiler intrinsic type trait ...
  71. T': invalid Automation return type; when a parameter is marked 'retval', the return type must be 'void', 'HRESULT' or 'SCODE' ...
  72. Table '{0}' uses a '{1}' column which is incompatible with the other tables in the Cached Tables collection. Tracking columns' ...
  73. Table {0}, Column {1}: The data generator {2} is producing zero outputs or zero coercible outputs. Adjust the input using ...
  74. TableAdapter methods that "Retun No Value" use ExecuteNonQuery which returns the rows affected. This Snippet returns the ...
  75. Take a tour of the Visual Studio 2010 development environment to learn how it can increase productivity and improve the development ...