Visual Studio 2010

  1. Test settings cannot be loaded from the following file {0}. Verify that the path and the content of the file are correct. ...
  2. Test Status by Area: Helps the team identify gaps in test coverage of product areas. This report requires that team members ...
  3. test(s) run. {1, -10} test(s) passed. {2, -10} test(s) failed. {3, -10} test(s) had error(s). {4, -10} test(s) aborted. {5, ...
  4. TestControllerConfig help command command The name of the command you want help on List of commands: Configure Configure ...
  5. Text cannot be copied in the document because the ending location of '{0}' is before the current cursor position of '{1}'. ...
  6. Text keyword Sets the string comparison method specified in Option Compare to a text sort order that is not case sensitive. ...
  7. text()" returns all text in the document. "descendant::text()" selects all the text that is a descendant of the context node. ...
  8. Text: Use a single pipe character "|" to mark the caret position after insertion. Add a second pipe character to create a ...
  9. TextField doesn't support combining AutoSize and MultipleLine options. To create a multiple line TextField that resizes when ...
  10. TF10109: Source control cannot locate the source control service on Team Foundation Server {0}. Check that you have a network ...
  11. TF10131: The shelveset name {0} contains more than 64 characters, contains one of the following characters: "/:<>\|*?; or ...
  12. TF10131: The workspace name {0} contains more than 64 characters, contains one of the following characters: "/:<>\|*?; or ...
  13. TF10148: Some changes contained within the shelveset {0} were not unshelved. To remove the shelveset from the server delete ...
  14. TF10149: You cannot create files in the root folder. Create a team project and then add the files under the team project ...
  15. TF10159: The label name '{0}' is not supported. It must be less than 64 characters, cannot end with a space, and cannot contain ...
  16. TF10169: Unsupported pending change attempted on team project folder {0}. Use the Project Creation Wizard in Team Explorer ...
  17. TF10174: You do not have permission to delete the team project {0}. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and ...
  18. TF10175: The team project folder {0} does not exist. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and ask that it be ...
  19. TF10180: The Team Foundation source control server {0} is not available. The server's state was changed to '{1}' on {2} with ...
  20. TF10200: The path '{0}' contains one or more characters which are not allowed. Characters which are not allowed include '"', ...
  21. TF10202: The path '{0}' ends with a character which is not allowed. Characters which are not allowed include '.' and ' '. ...
  22. TF10205: The computer name '{0}' contains characters which are not allowed. Characters which are not allowed include '`', ...
  23. TF10209: Source control cannot show differences between the specified file and the local file. Either the local file doesn't ...
  24. TF10216: Team Foundation services are currently unavailable. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact your Team ...
  25. TF10217: Team Foundation was unable to complete your request due to an unexpected error. For more details, see the event ...
  26. TF1031555: Either the trial period for the lab agent has expired or your license is not valid. To continue, install a licensed ...
  27. TF1031558: The lab agent service encountered the following error while registering exceptions in Windows Firewall for services: ...
  28. TF1031559: The communication channel used to receive the commands is not ready. Make sure that the correct version of "Hyper-V ...
  29. TF1031562: The lab agent encountered an error while accessing the registry key "{0}". Error: Required key is not found in ...
  30. TF14001: The source control server state {0} has been set to '{1}' by an administrative action on {2} with the comment "{3}". ...
  31. TF14006: Cannot change the owner of workspace {0} to {1} because the workspace has pending changes. To change the owner of ...
  32. TF14010: Cannot merge to '{0}' because a merge conflict already exists for this path. Run resolve to deal with the existing ...
  33. TF14011: Cannot move item to path {0} in the root folder. Use the New Team Project Wizard to branch it to a new team project ...
  34. TF14012: Cannot undelete team project folder {0}. Please use the Project Creation Wizard to create a new team project and ...
  35. TF14043: The error "{2}", occurred computing the delta for item {0} version {1}. Since the delta computation has failed, ...
  36. TF14043: The error "{2}", occurred computing the delta for item {0} version {1}. This error may be transient and creating ...
  37. TF14059: Unable to process the pending changes requested. The set of pending renames would cause a name collision for {0}. ...
  38. TF14070: Cannot resolve a conflict with AcceptMerge when {0} was deleted on the server. Please choose AcceptTheirs or AcceptYours ...
  39. TF14075: When creating or updating a shelveset, the owner specified must be the same as the user that is creating or updating ...
  40. TF14078: The mapped local path for '{0}' exceeded the limit of 248 characters for the directory or 259 for the directory ...
  41. TF14081: The item '{0}' could not be merged into the target tree because no related item in the target tree could be found. ...
  42. TF14083: The item '{0}' has a pending merge from the current merge operation, please resolve and check in the current merge ...
  43. TF14091: You cannot perform this operation on workspace {0} because you are not the owner of the workspace, or because you ...
  44. TF14092: The item {0} cannot be changed. There is either an existing pending delete or the current operation is trying to ...
  45. TF14095: The performance counter '{1}' within the performance category '{0}' could not be initialized. Note that the system ...
  46. TF14099: One of the items you are trying to shelve has a pending merge conflict. The conflict must be resolved before shelving. ...
  47. TF14100: Unable to shelve the pending changes requested because the set of pending renames requested does not include a dependent ...
  48. TF14107: The checkin could not be completed. The rename of {0} caused a namespace conflict with item {1} being changed by ...
  49. TF14115: You can not branch from a workspace version spec {0} when the workspace contains a pending delete {1} underneath ...
  50. TF14116: You can not merge to a workspace version spec {0} when the workspace contains a pending delete {1} underneath the ...
  51. TF14117: You can not merge {0} when the end of the version range is a label {1} and the item does not exist in the label. ...
  52. TF14118: Warning: The source item {0} has been renamed. The rename cannot be merged because the new name of the target item ...
  53. TF14123: Cannot pend a change to '{0}' because the version you have locally has had its content destroyed. Please use get ...
  54. TF14124: Cannot merge/unshelve '{0}' because someone destroyed this item while the merge/unshelve operation was underway. ...
  55. TF14124: The content for changeset {0} of the file '{1}' was destroyed. Please try again using a later version of this item. ...
  56. TF14125: Cannot branch from '{0}' because the version you are branching from has had its content destroyed. Please branch ...
  57. TF14131: Unable to unshelve the pending changes requested because the set of pending renames requested does not include a ...
  58. TF14445: The user {0} has been deleted on the server - due to a new user with the same user name being created in your domain. ...
  59. TF14446: Cannot check out '{0}' for edit. Your client or the team project is configured to use "Get Latest on Check Out" ...
  60. TF14447: Cannot check out '{0}' for edit. Your client or the team project is configured to use "Get Latest on Check Out" ...
  61. TF15003: The cache root specified in the fileCacheRoot configuration value must be an absolute (rooted) path. File caching ...
  62. TF15027: The value provided for the "{0}" configuration node is invalid. The value should be in the range from {1} to {2}. ...
  63. TF15030: The configuration file was missing the server Uri node. Expected a node such as https://sourceControlServer:1234/SourceControl ...
  64. TF15040: The statistics file has been tampered. TotalDownloadRequests cannot be less than TotalCacheHits. CacheHit and TotalDownloadRequests ...
  65. TF15044: Unable to connect to this Team Foundation Proxy Server: {0}. Possible reasons for failure include: - The Team Foundation ...
  66. TF15044: Unable to connect to this Team Foundation Proxy Server: {0}. Possible reasons for failure include: - The Team Foundation ...
  67. TF200004: The following argument is not valid: {0}. The following uniform resource identifier (URI) in the argument is not ...
  68. TF200007: The following structure type is not recognized: {0}. For more information about customizing process templates, ...
  69. TF200008: One or more XML elements do not match the schema. For more information about customizing process templates, see ...
  70. TF200009: The number of root structures is incorrect. You must provide two (2) root structures. For more information about ...
  71. TF200010: The root structure types are the same. Each root structure must have a unique type. For more information about ...
  72. TF200011: The child structure type does not match the parent structure type. Verify that all child structures have the same ...
  73. TF200012: Two child structures share the same name and parent. All child structures must have unique names under their parent. ...
  74. TF200016: The following project does not exist: {0}. Verify that the name of the project is correct and that the project ...
  75. TF200018: The following reclassification node does not exist: {0}. Verify that the uniform resource identifier (URI) is correct. ...