Some characters that can be used to create custom date/time format strings: 'd or dd' - One or two digit day of the month, ...

Some characters that can be used to create custom date/time format strings: 'd or dd' - One or two digit day of the month, 'ddd or dddd' - Three character or full week day name, 'h or hh' - One or two digit hour (1-12), 'H or HH' - One or two digit hour (1-24), 'm or mm' - One or two digit minute, 'M or MM' - One or two digit month, 'MMM or MMMM' - Three character or full month name, 's or ss' - One or two digit second, 't or tt' - One or full A.M./P.M. designator, 'y or yy or yyy' - One, two digit or full year.