Visual Studio 2010

  1. Takes all of your data offline. When you reconnect, data changes will be synchronized with the server. SharePoint list data ...
  2. Target method's return type is an interior pointer. Unit Test Framework doesn't not support verifying interior pointer. Please ...
  3. Target method's signature contains 'reference class used as value byref'. This construct is not supported in C# or Visual ...
  4. Target method's signature contains 'reference class used as value'. This construct is not supported in C# or Visual Basic ...
  5. Target method's signature contains 'value class used as reference'. This construct is not supported in C# or Visual Basic ...
  6. Target Rule : A target rule is a rule that takes all the files that match the file extensions and produces output files that ...
  7. Target type is invalid. Specify 'exe', 'winexe', or 'library';;Target '{0}' is invalid. Specify 'exe', 'winexe', or 'library' ...
  8. TCPRemoting : Shows how to use the .NET Framework remoting architecture. It uses XML configuration files to specify available ...
  9. Team Developer Tools include performance, static code analysis, dynamic code analysis, unit testing and code coverage tools. ...
  10. Team Explorer cannot upload a file using the file's http:// address. You must first copy the file to this computer or to ...
  11. Team Foundation Alerts is used to send work item and version control e-mail notifications. Do you want to enable Team Foundation ...
  12. Team Foundation Build Service is running in interactive mode. If you are finished using the Build Service, press the Escape ...
  13. Team Foundation Build uses a build process template defined by a Windows Workflow (XAML) file. The behavior of this template ...
  14. Team Foundation Build uses an MSBuild project and response file to perform your build. Specify the location in version control ...
  15. Team Foundation does not support some of the characters you entered in the work item ID. Type an ID containing only number, ...
  16. Team Foundation Field Mapping Tool Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. . Uploads or downloads the file that defines ...
  17. Team Foundation found more than one Active Directory during synchronization. You may need to change your Team Foundation ...
  18. Team Foundation Server cannot determine if Lab Management created DNS records for virtual machines using the previous Team ...
  19. Team Foundation Server cannot determine if Lab Management has been configured on this server. No further tests of Lab Management ...
  20. Team Foundation Server cannot determine if network isolated environments were created for this team project collection. No ...
  21. Team Foundation Server cannot determine whether reports and dashboards on this SharePoint site are associated with a team ...
  22. Team Foundation Server Configuration Failure. The New Team Project Wizard test management component could not connect to ...
  23. Team Foundation Server could not create hardware profile object: {0}, because of internal error. Try again or contact your ...
  24. Team Foundation Server could not create the environment because a host group for the team project was not specified. Specify ...
  25. Team Foundation Server could not find the following team project host group or library share: {0}. Either the location does ...
  26. Team Foundation Server could not find the following team project host group {0} in Team Project {1}. Either the location ...
  27. Team Foundation Server could not find the following team project library share {0} in Team Project {1}. Either the location ...
  28. Team Foundation Server could not find the following test environment: Name: {0}. Team project: {1}. Choose the right test ...
  29. Team Foundation Server could not find the following test suite Name: {0}. Team project: {1}. Choose the right test suite ...
  30. Team Foundation Server could not find the name of the following environment in the database: {0}. Choose the right environment ...
  31. Team Foundation Server could not find the URI of the following environment in the database: {0}. Choose the right environment ...
  32. Team Foundation Server could not resolve the user or group '{0}'. The user or group might be a member of a different domain, ...
  33. Team Foundation Server could not run the following tests: Test settings: {0}. Team project: {1}. The test setting is set ...
  34. Team Foundation Server could not use the provided credentials to provision the service account. Make sure the credentials ...
  35. Team Foundation Server created network isolated environments for this team project collection. Use TFSConfig command line ...
  36. Team Foundation Server created one or more network isolated environments for this team project collection. Use the TFSConfig ...
  37. Team Foundation Server did not start in a timely manner. For possible diagnosis of the problem, run the command TfsConfig ...
  38. Team Foundation Server does not have the required permissions on the test controller. Make sure that the Team Foundation ...
  39. Team Foundation server encountered one or more warnings while updating these settings. For more information, see the TFS ...
  40. Team Foundation Server is not able to retrieve the test configuration with ID: {0}. Make sure the test configuration with ...
  41. Team Foundation Server is not able to retrieve the test plan with ID: {0}. Make sure the test plan with ID "{0}" exists and ...
  42. Team Foundation Server is not able to retrieve the test settings with ID: {0}. Make sure the test settings with ID "{0}" ...
  43. Team Foundation Server is not your current Source Control plug-in. Click here to set the current Source Control plug-in. ...
  44. Team Foundation Server is still being contacted for symbol path information. You may have to enter the symbol path for this ...
  45. Team Foundation Server might not be able to communicate with physical hosts using the new Team Foundation Server service ...
  46. Team Foundation Server might not be able to communicate with the following System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) ...
  47. Team Foundation Server requires that minimum supported Windows Service Pack is installed on your computer before you install ...
  48. Team Foundation Server Trial can be extended in the event that your trial period expires and you are in the process of purchasing ...
  49. Team Foundation Server {0} does not exist or is not accessible at this time. Technical information (for administrator): {1} ...
  50. Team Project "{0}" from Team Foundation Server at "{1}" could not be found. Symbols additional symbol paths will be used. ...
  51. Team project portals are not enabled for this project collection. This deployment of Team Foundation Server is not configured ...
  52. Team Web Access is not configured correctly. The account that the application pool is running under does not have read and ...
  53. Teams responsible for testing the product can use the Build Quality report to help monitor the success or failure rate of ...
  54. Teams responsible for testing the product can use the Test Team Productivity report to help track the overall activity of ...
  55. Teams responsible for testing the product can use the Test Team Progress report to help monitor test activities and report ...
  56. Teams responsible for testing the product can use the Testing Gaps report to help determine where there are deficiencies ...
  57. TEMPLATE GENERIC argument list following class %$[TEMPLATE GENERIC name must list parameters in the order used in %$[TEMPLATE ...
  58. template instantiation resulted in unexpected function type of 1 (the meaning of a name may have changed since the template ...
  59. Templates can be used only with field access, property access, single-dimension array index, or single-parameter custom indexer ...
  60. Terminating the process in its current state can cause undesired results including loss of data and system instability. There ...
  61. Test Activity Per Build: Helps the team monitor the quality of builds by showing test results for all tests that have been ...
  62. Test Activity Per User: Helps the team track the volume of tests that individual team members have run over the past eight ...
  63. Test agent cannot be run as an interactive process because it is configured to run as a service. Run the Test Agent Configuration ...
  64. Test agent is not configured to run interactively under this account. Run the Test Agent Configuration Tool to change the ...
  65. Test agent process is not started as it is not associated with any test controller. Ignore this warning if this machine will ...
  66. Test agent service is not started as it is not associated with any test controller. Ignore this warning if this machine will ...
  67. Test Case Authoring Status: Helps the team track the status of completing the definition of test cases so that they can be ...
  68. Test environment '{0}' associated with team project '{1}' could not be loaded, as the test controller is not associated with ...
  69. Test environment '{0}' cannot be registered with the current team project, since the controller '{1}' is not associated with ...
  70. Test environment {0} already exists in this team project for test controller {1}. The test environment must be unique under ...
  71. Test impact data cannot be collected because the IntelliTrace log file was full. In the IntelliTrace diagnostic adapter settings, ...
  72. Test method {0}.{1} threw exception {2}, but exception {3} or a type derived from it was expected. Exception message: {4} ...
  73. Test Plan Progress: Helps the team determine how much testing the team has completed and whether it is likely to finish test ...
  74. Test project name is invalid because it is either empty or the same as the MVC project name or a path name or has invalid ...
  75. Test results have been modified by another user or session. You must reload the test run and update the test results again. ...