Visual Studio 2010

  1. Multiple types were found that match the controller named '{0}'. This can happen if the route that services this request ...
  2. Multiple visibility attributes have been specified for this identifier. 'let' bindings in classes are always private, as ...
  3. Multiple workspaces exist with the name {0}. Please specify the Team Foundation Server or qualify the name with the owner. ...
  4. must be a non-abstract class with a parameterless or default constructor in order to use it as parameter 'T' in GetService ...
  5. must be relative to the application path (i.e. it should be '~' or start with '~/') and it must reference a path within the ...
  6. must have either a TimeSpan for its Duration or a TimeSpan for the KeyTime of its last KeyFrame. This '{0}' has a Duration ...
  7. Must pass parameter number {0} and subsequent parameters as '@name = value'. After the form '@name = value' has been used, ...
  8. Must specify the 'CodeBase' or 'Assembly' registry value for key '{0}'. For assemblies installed in the GAC use the fully ...
  9. MustInherit keyword Specifies that a class can be used only as a base class, and that you cannot create an object directly ...
  10. MustInherit' cannot be specified for partial type '|1' because it cannot be combined with 'NotInheritable' specified for ...
  11. MustOverride keyword Specifies that a property or procedure is not implemented in the class and must be overridden in a derived ...
  12. MustOverride' cannot be specified on '|1' because it is in a partial type that is declared 'NotInheritable' in another partial ...
  13. MustUnderstand condition failed on namespace '{0}'. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all assemblies ...
  14. MVC Application Controller Class (ASP.NET MVC 2) (ASP.NET MVC Framework requires Controller names to be suffixed with "Controller") ...
  15. My job is to help you with the Microsoft Office product family. When you need help, just click this button on the Standard ...
  16. MyBase keyword Provides a way to refer to the base class of the current class instance. You cannot use MyBase to call MustOverride ...
  17. MyClass keyword Provides a way to refer to the class instance members as originally implemented, ignoring any derived class ...
  18. name %s contains non-ASCII characters, DLL will not load if system does not have same ANSI codepage as the one used for linking ...
  19. Name : {0} Description : {1} ProjectName : {2} HostGroupUri : {3} Uri : {4} LabGuid : {5} CreatedBy : {6} CreationTime : ...
  20. Name : {0} Description : {1} ProjectName : {2} LibraryShareUri : {3} Uri : {4} LabGuid : {5} CreatedBy : {6} CreationTime ...
  21. Name : {0} Description : {1} Uri : {2} LabGuid : {3} CreatedBy : {4} CreationTime : {5} ModifiedBy : {6} ModificationTime: ...
  22. Name : {0} Description : {1} Uri : {2} LabGuid : {3} CreatedBy : {4} CreationTime : {5} ModifiedBy : {6} ModificationTime: ...
  23. Name cells so that you can refer to them in formulas by that name. For example, you might name the cells A20 to A40 "Expenses." ...
  24. Name is not valid. To allow the name to be used in a scripting language, it must start with a letter or underscore, and subsequent ...
  25. Name of a dataset or the name of a group or data region that contains (directly or indirectly) the report item that the aggregate ...
  26. Name of a generic document class used to hold data. Here you can specify the name of an existing or new document class. If ...
  27. Name of a group or data region that contains (directly or indirectly) the report item that the aggregate function is used ...
  28. Name of the file, without the path, where Code Analysis project-level suppressions are stored. The default is 'GlobalSup ...
  29. Name of type parameter '|1' does not match '|2', the corresponding type parameter defined on the partial method declaration ...
  30. Name/value pairs in markup extensions must have the format 'Name = Value' with each pair separated by a comma. '{0}' does ...
  31. Named pipe communication failure: {0}. Build service will continue but the Administration console will not be able to reach ...
  32. NameScopeProperty found within the content of a FrameworkTemplate, on a '{0}' object. Name scopes within templates are not ...
  33. Namespace and CheckId strings that identify a Rule. Category and CheckId strings can be used instead to identify a Rule, ...
  34. Namespace or type specified in the Imports '|1' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace ...
  35. Namespace or type specified in the project-level Imports '|1' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make ...
  36. Namespace statement Declares the name of a namespace, and causes the source code following the declaration to be compiled ...
  37. Namespaces cannot contain extension members except in the same file and namespace where the type is defined. Consider using ...
  38. Namespaces/Classes/Interfaces/Structures/Unions/Enums/Typedefs/Modules/Intrinsics/Delegates/Exceptions/Maps/Globals/Unknowns ...
  39. Name|The name of the build customization. The name must be unique among the build customizations in the build customization ...
  40. Narrowing keyword Indicates that a conversion operator (CType) converts a class or structure to a type that might not be ...
  41. Navigate to a specific place in the document. Depending on the type of document, you can navigate to a specific page number, ...
  42. Navigate to a web service URL (asmx or wsdl) and click Add Reference to add all the available services found at that URL. ...
  43. Navigate to the next footnote in the document. Click the arrow to navigate to the previous footnote in the document, or to ...
  44. Near character position {4} in the input string, The value of the {2} property for the {0} {1}' is "{3}", which is not a ...
  45. Near character position {4} in the input string, the value of the {2} property for the {0} {1}' is "{3}", which is not a ...
  46. Near character position {4} in the input string, the value of the {2} property for the {0} {1}' is "{3}", which is not a ...
  47. needs to reopen source control database connections for projects in the solution. Your source control provider may prompt ...
  48. Negative or zero values cannot be plotted correctly on log charts. Only positive values can be interpreted on a logarithmic ...
  49. Negotiate (Kerberos) is the more secure configuration to use with Integrated Windows authentication, but may require additional ...
  50. NEInstX64 {command} List of commands: Install Install and Configure the Network Emulation diver Uninstall Uninstall the Network ...
  51. NET Framework 2.0 Configuration allows you to configure assemblies, remoting services, and code access security policy specific ...
  52. NET Framework 2.0 SP1 requires that Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 be installed on your computer before you install .NET Framework ...
  53. NET Framework launch condition '%1' has AllowLaterVersions property set to 'true' and the project contains a managed custom ...
  54. NET Framework Manifest Generation and Editing Tool Version {0} Copyright (C) 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ...
  55. NET Resource Generator Microsoft .Net Framework, Version {0} {1} Usage: ResGen inputFile.ext outputFile.ext /str:lang[,namespace[,class[,file ...
  56. Network emulation is required for load test '{0}' but the driver is not bound to any network interface cards on agent {1}. ...
  57. Network isolation allows you to use multiple copies of a virtual environment without machine name or IP address conflicts. ...
  58. Network location(s) configured in Team Foundation Server could not be resolved because host has more than one network with ...
  59. New certificates created by setup are self signed and not signed by a Certificate Authority. For optimal security, please ...
  60. New password cannot contain DBCS characters. (DBCS Double-Byte Character Set is a character set that uses one or two bytes ...
  61. New Presentation|||More presentations.|From existing presentation.|From existing presentation.||Microsoft PowerPoint Help ...
  62. New Team Project Wizard was cancelled and is removing the partially created team project from the server. This may take several ...
  63. Next keyword Terminates a For or For Each loop, or specifies that execution should continue with the statement following ...
  64. No analysis was performed because the specified rule set could not be loaded or did not contain any managed code analysis ...
  65. No appropriate type parameter is found to satisfies the type constraint(s) of {0}. Please call {1} with appropriate type ...
  66. No audio input is supplied to this recognizer. Use the method SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice if a microphone is connected to ...
  67. No authentication mode should never be used on a network that might have hostile traffic, and only supports debugging native ...
  68. No build controllers are associated with the team project collection. You can clear this option or register a new build controller. ...
  69. No build controllers could be found. However, you may still save this definition and the associated build controller will ...
  70. No change to TFS Team Project Collection setting as this test controller was not registered with any TFS Team Project Collection. ...
  71. No change was made to the load test database settings as this test controller is not configured with any load test database. ...
  72. No change was made to the TFS Team Project Collection setting as the test controller is not configured with any TFS Team ...
  73. No code metrics are available for this project because because the target file '{0}' is missing. Please rebuild the project ...
  74. No code metrics are available for this project because there is no output file defined for the project. Please set the project's ...
  75. No compatible databases for SQL Server Analysis Services were found in the specified instance of SQL Server. A compatible ...