Visual Studio 2013

  1. The expression cannot be evaluated as it comes from an untrusted assembly. Only expressions consisting of field or property ...
  2. The expression form { expr with . } may only be used with record types. To build object types use { new Type(.) with . } ...
  3. The ExtendedTask element in WMAppManifest could not be verified. Make sure that the BackgroundServiceAgent element under ...
  4. The extension '{0}' is missing from the project. Please ensure that the extension is correctly referenced in the project ...
  5. The extension '{0}' returned an invalid value from RedirectParent. If you do not want to support redirection, return the ...
  6. The extension has been successfully uninstalled. Please close and restart all open instances of the below applications for ...
  7. The extension package is invalid because it contains both a regular extension manifest '{0}' and a Language Pack manifest ...
  8. The extension with identifier '{0}' could not be installed because one of its references' constraints (Identifier: '{1}', ...
  9. The extraction rule ExtractHiddenFields can only be applied to a response that is either an HTML document or a partial rendering ...
  10. The extraction rule was created, and the text is extracted to a context parameter named '{0}'. '{1}' matches were found for ...
  11. The extraction rule was created, and the text is extracted to a context parameter named '{0}'. You will need to add bindings ...
  12. The Feature "{0}" cannot be deployed as part of the sandboxed solution "{1}". Move the feature to a package where the Sandboxed ...
  13. The field labels and expected type of this record expression or pattern do not uniquely determine a corresponding record ...
  14. The field name {0} suggests that it is instance data but it is declared as static (Shared in Visual Basic). Review this member ...
  15. The field name {0} suggests that it is static (Shared in Visual Basic) data but it is declared as an instance member. Review ...
  16. The field {0} in type {1} will not be imported. It appears to represent relationship - an Association Attribute must be applied ...
  17. The file "{0}" could not be deleted. Make sure that the file is not in use and you have required permissions to access the ...
  18. The file %1 cannot be saved because it is write-protected. You can either save the file in a different location or %0 can ...
  19. The file %1 was created for %2 operating system languages. Please contact your administrator to obtain the file appropriate ...
  20. The file %1 was created for %2 operating system. Please contact your administrator to obtain the file for your operating ...
  21. The file %1 was created for %2 processor type. Please contact your administrator to obtain the file for your processor type, ...
  22. The file %s cannot be saved because it is write-protected. You can either save the file in a different location or %s can ...
  23. The file %s could not be loaded. An attempt to repair this condition failed because the file could not be found. Please reinstall ...
  24. The file %s has been changed by another application. Global undo and redo operations involving this file can no longer be ...
  25. The file %s, which you attempted to edit, is read-only on disk. Would you like to make the file writeable or edit it anyway? ...
  26. The file '%0' cannot be checked out for editing because this would cause it to be reloaded, and reloads are not currently ...
  27. The file '%0' needs to be checked out before it can be edited. The file was not checked out automatically because you have ...
  28. The file '%1' does not support refactoring and will need to be manually changed. Do you wish to continue with the refactoring? ...
  29. The file '%1' is open in an editor with unsaved changes. Do you want to save your changes before invoking Open With on this ...
  30. The file '[2]' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file '[3]'. This could indicate a network ...
  31. The file '{0}' cannot be opened because it is already opened in another editor. Close other document windows that are using ...
  32. The file '{0}' has the same name in the shared project and the '{1}' project. The copy from the '{1}' project will be deployed ...
  33. The file '{0}' was created in an earlier version of Visual Studio. This file will be converted, in memory only, to the current ...
  34. The file '{0}' was created with an unsupported version of this application and cannot be added to the settings file list. ...
  35. The file 2][3 is being held in use{ by the following process: Name: 4], Id: 5], Window Title: '[6]'}. Close that application ...
  36. The file ApplicationDefinition.lsml has been preserved from the previous version but is no longer used by the application. ...
  37. The file can not be opened because it is being used by another process. Please close all applications that might access this ...
  38. The file containing the definition might be missing or in a different version than the rest of the project. Make sure that ...
  39. The file contains a character that cannot be represented in the current code page (%d). Save the file in Unicode format to ...
  40. The file contents were truncated since they exceeded the maximum file content length. Browse to the individual files to download ...
  41. The file contents were truncated since they exceeded the maximum file content length. Click the 'Download' link above to ...
  42. The file extension for application documents. Recommended extension format is 'doctype-company', e.g., 'xlsx-microsoft'. ...
  43. The file has been modified outside of Test List Editor. Do you want to reload it? Warning: If you choose No, the file on ...
  44. The file name extension is not valid. Supported file name extensions for Excel workbook templates are .xltx, .xltm, or .xlt. ...
  45. The file name extension is not valid. Supported file name extensions for Excel workbooks are .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, or .xls. ...
  46. The file name extension is not valid. Supported file name extensions for Word document templates are .dotx, .dotm, or .dot. ...
  47. The file name is not valid. File name cannot: - contain any of the following characters:/ ? : \ " < > | # % - contain Unicode ...
  48. The file name specified contains characters that are not permitted. File names cannot be named '.' or '.', cannot contain ...
  49. The file on disk changed but was not reloaded, so the changes on disk will be lost if the current changes are saved. Do you ...
  50. The file path requested could not be written to as it is invalid. Ensure the path does not contain a file where a directory ...
  51. The file path you entered isn't allowed because it refers to a file that isn't in the current project. Press the browse button ...
  52. The file path you entered isn't allowed because it's an absolute path. Enter a relative path that is contained in the current ...
  53. The file that implements the ActiveX control "%ls" could not be loaded. Reinstall or register the control and try again. ...
  54. The file that stores the environment context for this task is corrupted but will be loaded to the fullest possible extent: ...
  55. The file type of the reference: .NET assembly (Assembly), COM type library (ActiveX), or Native Assembly (Native Assembly). ...
  56. The file type {0} cannot be opened directly. {1} If you think the file type {0} is safe, ask your administrator to add it ...
  57. The file type {0} cannot be opened directly. {1} If you think the file type {0} is safe, ask your administrator to add it ...
  58. The file type {0} cannot be opened directly. {1} If you think the file type {0} is safe, ask your administrator to add it ...
  59. The file type {0} cannot be opened directly. {1} If you think the file type {0} is safe, ask your administrator to add it ...
  60. The file was still marked read-only after attempting to check it out for edit during retarget. You must manually update WinJS ...
  61. The file you are attempting to edit is exclusive to %0. If you edit this file while it is exclusive, you may have to merge ...
  62. The file you are attempting to open is an executable file. This poses a security risk. You should only execute programs from ...
  63. The file you are trying to save (%s) is modified in memory and has also changed on the server. Your source control system ...
  64. The file you are trying to upload ({0}) exceeds the supported file upload size ({1:#,#} Byte(s)). Instead of uploading the ...
  65. The file you are trying to upload ({0}) exceeds the supported file upload size ({1:#,#} MB(s)). Instead of uploading the ...
  66. The file you selected was not within a Git repository. Clone the appropriate Git repository locally and select a file from ...
  67. The file {0} cannot be converted, for the following reason: {1}. If the converter cannot access the file, you could change ...
  68. The file {0} could not be found within the project templates. Continuing to run, but the resulting project may not build ...
  69. The file {0} has the same name in shared and {1} project. The copy from {1} will be deployed to your app. To remove this ...
  70. The file {0} is already opened in Visual Studio. The file needs to be closed to continue merging the content. Do you want ...
  71. The filename "{0}.zip" is not legal zip filename. Your template will be able to be used by Visual Studio, but may not be ...
  72. The filename used with the %1 switch cannot be over 200 characters long. If a directory was not specified this total length ...
  73. The files cannot be converted. Either exclude the file from the project and try again, or open the project in the version ...
  74. The files cannot be opened because the number selected exceed the maximum number that can be opened at once. Select fewer ...
  75. The files in your project or solution may be different than those in the location you are binding to. What would you like ...