Visual Studio 2013

  1. TF900542: The RunTestsActivity was invoked without a value for Platform and/or Flavor. Default values could not be used because ...
  2. TF900543: The RunTestsActivity was invoked without a value for Platform. A default value could not be used because no projects ...
  3. TF900544: The RunTestsActivity was invoked without a value for Flavor. A default value could not be used because no projects ...
  4. TF900549: Could not find the installed extensions because the required test platform assemblies ({0}) are not available at ...
  5. TF900553: Cannot save build definition {0} because it is currently configured for batched gated check-in. Use a client compatible ...
  6. TF900556: You cannot request logs from a 2010 build server. Upgrade build controller {0} or set verbosity to diagnostic and ...
  7. TF900557: You cannot use gated check-in with merged submissions on a 2010 build server. Upgrade build server {0} or disable ...
  8. TF900559: Build agent {0} cannot serve build controller {1}. The build controller and agent must run the same version of ...
  9. TF900561: The following build cannot be deleted because it is marked as Retain Indefinitely: {0}. Remove the Retain Indefinitely ...
  10. TFS group '{0}' has been removed. The corresponding group '{1}' will also be removed. You can keep this group in Release ...
  11. TFS was unable to authenticate to every endpoint. You must resolve the error(s) by connecting manually, skipping authentication, ...
  12. TfsBuild help command command The name of the command you want help on List of commands: start Starts a new build on the ...
  13. TFSBuildServiceHost cannot be started with account {0} because it's configured to run with account {1}. Please, reconfigure ...
  14. TfsConfig accounts /change|add|set|delete|updatePassword|resetOwner /accountType: /account: /password: /sqlInstance: /databaseName: ...
  15. TfsConfig authentication /viewAll | /provider:NTLM|Negotiate /siteType:ApplicationTier|Proxy Changes the authentication providers ...
  16. TfsConfig certificates /machine /disable /autoSelect /noprompt /thumbprints:thumbprint1[,thumbprint2,. Configures how client ...
  17. TfsConfig changeServerID /sqlInstance: /databaseName: /projectCollectionsOnly | /configDBOnly /usesqlalwayson Initializes ...
  18. TFSConfig cloudImport /sqlInstance: /settingsFile: Imports a Team Project Collection from Visual Studio Online into the specified ...
  19. TfsConfig collection /attach /collectionDb: ; /collectionName: /clone /mappingFile: Attaches a detached collection database. ...
  20. TfsConfig collection /attach /collectionDb: ; /collectionName: /clone Attaches a detached collection database. If collectionName ...
  21. TfsConfig collectionservicingstatus Starts the Collection servicing status wizard to show status on upgrading collections. ...
  22. TfsConfig configureMail /Enabled: /FromEmailAddress: /SmtpHost: Changes the From: email address and the SMTP host used for ...
  23. TfsConfig diagnose /scope:updates Diagnoses software update problems that might prevent Team Foundation Server from working ...
  24. TfsConfig identities /change /fromdomain: /todomain: /account: /toaccount: /sqlInstance: /databaseName: /usesqlalwayson Changes ...
  25. TfsConfig jobs /dumplog | /retry /collectionName: | /collectionId: /retry - Finds the most recent servicing job for the indicated ...
  26. TfsConfig license /ProductKey: ]|[/extend Used to display or modify Team Foundation Server licensing information. EXAMPLES ...
  27. TfsConfig prepareClone /sqlInstance: /databaseName: /notificationUrl: /usesqlalwayson Prepares an existing configuration ...
  28. TfsConfig purgebin /collection: /configName: Configures the purgebin job for the given collection using the provided configuration ...
  29. TfsConfig purgelocalversions /collection: /days: Configures the purgelocalversions job for the given collection. All workspaces ...
  30. TfsConfig rebuildWarehouse /analysisServices | /all /reportingDataSourcePassword: Rebuilds the Analysis Services database ...
  31. TfsConfig registerDB /sqlInstance: /databaseName: /usesqlalwayson Changes the database the application tier uses. The sqlInstance ...
  32. TfsConfig remapDBs /databaseName:sqlInstance;databaseName /sqlInstances:sqlInstance1[,sqlInstance2,. /analysisInstance:analysisInstance ...
  33. TfsConfig removeredundantcontent /collection: /configure Configures the removeredundantcontent job for the given collection. ...
  34. TfsConfig repairCollection /collectionName: | /collectionId: /timeout: Repairs a specified Team Project collection. /timeout: ...
  35. TfsConfig repairSchema Attempts to repair the Team Foundation configuration database schema, and queues a repair job on the ...
  36. TfsConfig settings /notificationUrl: /serverUrl: Manages miscellaneous Team Foundation Server settings. /notificationUrl: ...
  37. TfsConfig setup /uninstall: EXAMPLES - TfsConfig setup /uninstall:ALL TfsConfig setup /uninstall:ApplicationTier,TeamBuild ...
  38. TfsConfig unattend /create /type: basic | standard | atonly | build | proxy | spinstall | spextensions /unattendfile: myunattend.ini ...
  39. TfsConfig updates /reapply Applies software updates that are required to synchronize the service level of the databases for ...
  40. TfsConfig workspacecleanup /collection: /configure /days: /defaultMailAddress: /overrideMailAddress: Configures the workspacecleanup ...
  41. TfsLabConfig help command command The name of the command you want help on List of commands: Settings Specify SCVMM server ...
  42. tfsRadioBtnTxtBlockAccessText; Team Foundation Version Control uses a single centralized server repository to track and version ...
  43. TFXXXXXX: Team Foundation Server could not complete the request because there is already a deployment pending for this lab ...
  44. Thank you for taking the time to send us feedback! We may not be able to respond to each piece of feedback, but we will make ...
  45. Thanks for joining our Team Foundation Service! Creating your account will only take a few seconds. If your browser is closed ...
  46. Thanks for joining our Team Foundation Service! We are currently experiencing very high sign up rates and account creation ...
  47. Thanks for joining our Visual Studio Online! Creating your account will only take a few seconds. If your browser is closed ...
  48. Thanks for joining our Visual Studio Online! We are currently experiencing very high sign up rates and account creation might ...
  49. Thanks for your interest in our Team Foundation Service Program. To obtain an invitation code register your email address ...
  50. Thanks for your interest in our Visual Studio Online Program. To obtain an invitation code register your email address and ...
  51. Thanks for your support! Unfortunately, the Team Foundation Service program is full and we are unable to accept any additional ...
  52. Thanks for your support! Unfortunately, the Visual Studio Online program is full and we are unable to accept any additional ...
  53. That language may not be supported on this machine or the machine that your application will run on. Are you sure you want ...
  54. The "checkin_note" xml node with "label" attribute of "{0}" contains an invalid value of "{1}" for the "required" attribute. ...
  55. The "file" parameter supplied to a file versioning method specifies a file name that does not match the format of the versioned ...
  56. The "Inherits" attribute value in the Visual Web Part's .ascx file must be fully-qualified. For example, Inherits="Visua ...
  57. The "OriginalItemSpec" metadata for the resolved SDK with path "{0}" was empty. The "OriginalItemSpec" metadata must be set. ...
  58. The "OriginalItemSpec" metadata for the resolved SDK with path "{0}" was empty. The "OriginalItemSpec" metadata must be set." ...
  59. The "PerfProc" performance counters are disabled on this machine. The Automation Playback Engine uses these counters and ...
  60. The "{0}" task has not registered its resources. In order to use the "TaskLoggingHelper.FormatResourceString()" method this ...
  61. The %2!ls! '%1!ls!' is not a generic method. If you intended an expression list, use parentheses around the < expression. ...
  62. The %s (%s) did not load because of previous errors. For assistance, contact the package vendor. To attempt to load this ...
  63. The %s (%s) did not load because of previous errors. For assistance, contact the package vendor. To attempt to load this ...
  64. The %s (%s) did not load because of previous errors. For assistance, contact the package vendor. To attempt to load this ...
  65. The %s (%s) did not load because of previous errors. For assistance, contact the package vendor. To attempt to load this ...
  66. The %s (%s) did not load because of previous errors. For assistance, contact the package vendor. To attempt to load this ...
  67. The %s (%s) did not load because of previous errors. For assistance, contact the package vendor. To attempt to load this ...
  68. The %s cannot be renamed, copied or moved because a folder or file already exists with the same name or access is denied. ...
  69. The '%1$ls' annotation on %2$ls %3$ls has no SAL version. This is reported only once per declaration. Inspect the rest of ...
  70. The '%1$ls' annotation on %2$ls %3$ls is an obsolescent version of SAL. This is reported only once per declaration. Inspect ...
  71. The '%1$ls' annotation on the repeated declaration of %2$ls %3$ls is an obsolescent version of SAL. This is reported only ...
  72. The '%1' string in the '%2' registry key was not found. Please set this string to the path where MSBuild data files are located. ...
  73. The '%s' object that launched Query Builder is no longer open. Would you like to save this query as a .dtq file before closing? ...
  74. The '%s' package did not load correctly. The problem may have been caused by a configuration change or by the installation ...
  75. The '/noauth' command line option is not available on Microsoft Windows RT. This option can be enabled in the Remote Debugger's ...