Visual Studio 2013

  1. The name of the Windows Azure Storage account associated with the your subscription that will be used to store Git files. ...
  2. The name of the Windows Azure Storage account associated with the your subscription. To create a Storage Account, login to ...
  3. The name of this element within the Namespace that contains it. In this Namespace, there should be no other element that ...
  4. The name of this element, prefixed with the Qualified Name of the Namespace that contains it. Empty if the Name is empty ...
  5. The Name property value "{0}" is not valid. Name must start with a letter or an underscore and can contain only letters, ...
  6. The name provided contains one or more non-standard characters. Standard Characters include letter (A-Z, a-z) digits (0-9) ...
  7. The name specified in the AspNetDevelopmentServer attribute must be unique within each test. The name '{0}' is specified ...
  8. The name that you specified for this iteration contains one or more characters that are not allowed. For more information, ...
  9. The name you typed for the new team project is already in use as a site on the following server running SharePoint Products: ...
  10. The name you typed for the new team project is already in use as a site on the source control server. The team project name ...
  11. The name you typed for the new team project is already in use as a site on the SQL Server Reporting Services at {0}. The ...
  12. The name you typed for the new team project is already in use on the team project server {0}. The team project name must ...
  13. The namespace '%2!ls!' in '%1!ls!' conflicts with the imported type '%4!ls!' in '%3!ls!'. Using the namespace defined in ...
  14. The namespace alias qualifier '::' always resolves to a type or namespace so is illegal here. Consider using '.' instead. ...
  15. The namespace for Windows Azure Service Bus. The default value is a common namespace which will be shared by the entire team ...
  16. The network connection to %s has been lost due to a protocol compatibility error. Ensure that the Visual Studio remote debugger ...
  17. The network connection to the remote device is lost. Diagnostic data collected on remote device cannot be saved. To reconnect, ...
  18. The network location selected is an internal network. Lab Environments created with this location will not have external ...
  19. The NeutralResourcesLanguage attribute informs the ResourceManager of the language used to render the neutral culture's resources ...
  20. The new branch will be created and committed as a single operation on the server. Pending changes will not be created. This ...
  21. The new branch will be created and committed as a single operation on the server. Pending changes will not be created. This ...
  22. The new command text returns data with schema different from the schema of the main query. Check your query's command text ...
  23. The new permission has been added to your application. However, the change will not take effect until the debugging session ...
  24. The New Team Project Wizard did not find any process templates on the Team Foundation Server {0}. Contact your Team Foundation ...
  25. The new team project wizard did not find any process templates on the Team Foundation Server. Contact your Team Foundation ...
  26. The New Team Project Wizard encountered an unexpected error while attempting to download the process template. The download ...
  27. The New Team Project Wizard uses the team project name you type here when creating various components. After the team project ...
  29. The NOBIND qualifier tells the linker not to include a bindable IAT in the final image. The default is to create the bindable ...
  30. The node factory for node with id = {1} elected not to create the child node for the "{0}" node (the feature may not be installed). ...
  31. The Notification URL is the primary URL that users use to connect to the system and is the URL used in the text of e-mail ...
  32. The number of backlog items has exceeded the display limit of the board, so some items will not appear here. To see all of ...
  33. The number of characters in the value of FilterField attribute on the FilterDescriptor '{0}' exceeds the maximum limit. The ...
  34. The number of DataRepeaterItem items currently visible in a DataRepeater control, optionally including partially displayed ...
  35. The number of days the backup files will be retained before they are deleted to make room for newer backups. Valid ranges ...
  36. The number of decimals displayed when formatted as a percent. Max value must be 2 less than the value of the Scale property. ...
  37. The number of elements in the source System.Collections.Generic.ICollection is greater than the available space from arrayIndex ...
  38. The number of items on your backlog exceeds the configured limit of {0}. Your current total is: {1}. For more information, ...
  39. The number of read-only instances of concurrency::array and concurrency::graphics::texture passed to concurrency::parallel_for_each ...
  40. The number of rows inserted or updated by an operation on the results repository ({0}) did not match the expected number ...
  41. The number of source instances that can be linked to each target instance. 0.1 = the link is optional; 1 = there must always ...
  42. The number of target instances that can be linked to each source instance. 0.1 = the link is optional; 1 = there must always ...
  43. The number of tests that are currently running in a load test. This number can be less than the 'User Load' when 'Seconds ...
  44. The number of type arguments did not match: '{0}' given, '{1}' expected. This may be related to a previously reported error. ...
  45. The number of work items that are associated with this element. Click the ellipsis button to see a list of associated work ...
  46. The number of writable instances of concurrency::array and concurrency::graphics::texture passed to concurrency::parallel_for_each ...
  47. The numeric HTTP status code expected for this request. For example, enter 404 if you expect this request to not be found ...
  48. The ObsoleteAttribute.Message property provides the text message displayed when an obsolete type or member is compiled. This ...
  49. The online license is missing or invalid. Please make sure the Internet is connected, then check for an updated license to ...
  50. The open from source control operation has failed for the project %1. Close and reopen the solution and %0 will attempt to ...
  51. The Open from Source Control operation is still in progress but you can start working now. The rest of the projects will ...
  52. The opened file {0} was used for the comparison. If any filters were applied to this document, then the filtered data will ...
  53. The opened files {0} and {1} were used for the comparison. If any filters were applied to these document, then the filtered ...
  54. The operating system version on this computer is not compatible with this software. Please rerun after installing Windows ...
  55. The operation '{0}' in service contract '{1}' is different in '{2}' and '{3}'. Check the input, output and fault messages ...
  56. The operation cannot be completed because EndBuild has already been called but existing submissions have not yet completed. ...
  57. The operation cannot be performed because one or more objects are invalid. Please inspect the ValidationException.ValidationResults ...
  58. The operation completed successfully. Because the workspace {0} is not on this computer, you must perform a separate get ...
  59. The operation completed successfully. Because you do not have Use permission on the workspace {0}, you must perform a separate ...
  60. The operation could not be completed as it did not finish in the allotted time. This could be beacuse the connection to the ...
  61. The operation could not be completed because the configuration file {0} doesn't contain valid XML data. Specific error: {1} ...
  62. The operation could not be completed because the required files cannot be changed. If the files are under source control, ...
  63. The operation could not be completed because this file cannot be changed: '{0}'. If the file is under source control, check ...
  64. The operation on this environment did not make any progress for some duration now. Visual Studio Team Foundation Background ...
  65. The operation option, i.e. either /change, /add, /set, /delete, /updatePassword, or /resetOwner, must be specified with this ...
  66. The operation you requested is taking longer than expected to complete. This dialog will close when the action completes. ...
  67. The operation {0} for contract {1} is not valid for message queue transport. Valid operation contracts should contain one ...
  68. The operator 'expr.[idx]' has been used on an object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. ...
  69. The option to create and connect to a copy of this environment is not available. If you want to create a copy, make sure ...
  70. The option to create x86 package is disabled because it's not a valid package that can be published to the Windows Phone ...
  71. The options file '%s' was not written successfully. Check that the location is available, the file is writeable and there ...
  72. The Orcas Trx file cannot be published to the Test Management server. Check the file format and try again. Error message: ...
  73. The origin remote is set to fetch tags only (tagopt = -tags). This may be due to a bug in a previous version of Visual Studio ...
  74. The original query has a select list that has columns from multiple tables. The statement cannot be generated automatically ...
  75. The original query uses a DISTINCT clause. The {0} statement cannot be generated automatically for queries that have a DISTINCT ...