Visual Studio 2013

  1. The detailed format is not valid when listing all workspaces on this computer. To use the detailed format, please specify ...
  2. The device security configuration disallowed the connection. Ensure that you have the appropriate certificates on your device ...
  3. The DGML document is probably too large to be be displayed because the total number of nodes and links exceeds {0}. If you ...
  4. The diagnostic data adapter '{0}' on agent '{1}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: ...
  5. The diagnostic data adapter '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, ...
  6. The diagnostic data adapter '{0}' running on test agent '{1}' requested the environment variable '{2}' to be set in the test ...
  7. The diagnostic data adapter '{0}' running on test agent '{1}' requested the invalid environment variable '{2}' to be set ...
  8. The diagnostic data adapter for network emulation requires administrative privileges. For more information go to http:// ...
  9. The diagnostic data adapter {0} is marked obsolete and cannot be used. It is replaced by {1}, but an error occured while ...
  10. The diagram cannot be opened because the current owner of the diagram no longer exists. Do you want to take over ownership ...
  11. The diffuse color of the current pixel, as determined by interpolating between the color attributes of nearby vertices combined ...
  12. The direction of the return parameter '{0}' for the MethodInstance '{1}' of the Method '{2}' is 'In'. A return parameter ...
  13. The Direction specified for the Parameter '{0}' is invalid. Parameter with Direction 'Return' already exists in the Method. ...
  14. The directory '{0}' cannot be added as a probing path because it is not a sub-directory of the application base directory ...
  15. The directory '{0}' specified by VisualStudioLocation for current user is invalid or is not rooted. Please fix the problem ...
  16. The directory '{0}' specifies pending changes. The directory cannot be found. Please resolve any pending changes in this ...
  17. The directory {0} could not be deleted. Delete the directory and try the operation again. The following error was encountered: ...
  18. The disasterrecovery command is about to associate all of the databases listed to the TFS instance {0}. Please type 'yes' ...
  19. The DisasterRecovery command is prone to data loss and is not reversible. It should not be used except after the standard ...
  20. The discovery cache file has been corrupted. Until this file is repaired or deleted, offline editing of Test Settings will ...
  21. The Display method may not be used with {0}. Display the connected elements to cause the {0} to be displayed on the diagram. ...
  22. The document '{0}' contains errors that must be fixed before it can be viewed in the designer. Open the document's definition ...
  23. The document cannot be saved because you do not have permissions to write to the URL provided. Please provide another filename. ...
  24. The document contains errors that must be fixed before the designer can be loaded. Reload the designer after the errors have ...
  25. The document is either missing or contains errors that must be fixed before it can be viewed in the designer. Open the document's ...
  26. The document root element has been altered or an unexpected error has been encountered in updating the designer. Click here ...
  27. The document you are trying to change is protected and therefore read-only. You must unprotect the document before performing ...
  28. The document {0} contains at least one resource ({1}) that could not be resolved. Would you like to select a resource dictionary ...
  29. The domain class of this element plays more than one role in given relationship. The role to get links for must be specified. ...
  30. The domain you specified is already in use by another application. If you want to use this service with this application, ...
  31. The drop folder has been automatically cloaked out of your workspace because you have selected to use a source control folder ...
  32. The drop location {0} is invalid. The build definition is configured to copy drops to '{1}', which is not a parent folder ...
  33. The drop location {0} is invalid. The build definition is configured to copy drops to '{1}', which is not a parent source ...
  34. The drop location {0} is invalid. The team project {1} is configured to copy drops to '{2}', which is not a parent source ...
  35. The dropped table uses a connection different from the target TableAdapter. Drop onto an empty area of the designer to create ...
  36. The dynamically dispatched call to method '%1!ls!' may fail at runtime because one or more applicable overloads are conditional ...
  37. The element on which the action is attached. If there is no target specified on the action, the attached element is the target ...
  38. The element on which the behavior is attached. If there is no source specified on the behavior, the attached-element is the ...
  39. The element site must be a service provider that implements either System.IServiceProvider or Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider. ...
  40. The element {0} was not found, so all intermediate elements of the target element were ignored. To improve performance fix ...
  41. The email address is incorrect, and is not supported by the Exchange server. Please provides the right email address valid ...
  42. The embedded interop type '|1' does not contain a definition for '|2' since it was not used in the compiled assembly. Consider ...
  43. The encoding you chose is unable to represent some of the characters in your document so it could not be saved. Please choose ...
  44. The end date is not valid. You must specify an end date that is on or between the start and end dates for the current iteration. ...
  45. The entire result set must be returned before this row can be updated. This operation is in progress and might take a long ...
  46. The entry point for the app specified by the ImagePath attribute in the DefaultTask element is invalid or missing. This value ...
  47. The enumeration does not appear to contain a consistent set values that can be combined using the OR (|) and AND (&) operators. ...
  48. The environment does not contain the set of roles in your test settings. To do exploratory testing select Explore with Options ...
  49. The environment does not contain the set of roles in your test settings. To do exploratory testing, select Explore with Options ...
  50. The environment does not contain the set of roles in your test settings. To run your tests, you can select Run with Options ...
  51. The environment is not ready to run tests. Environment: {0}, host group: {1}. Using Microsoft Test Manager, make sure the ...
  52. The environment stored in library is not network isolated. Deploying it can result in network conflicts and can prevent other ...
  53. The environment variable '{0}' cannot be set because another test run has already set this variable to a different value. ...
  54. The environment will be stored in the following project library share. This involves copying of virtual machines to the selected ...
  55. The event '{0}' has a non-standard type. If this event is declared in another CLI language, you may need to access this event ...
  56. The event handler name "{0}" is invalid. The name may only contain letters, digits, and the underscore character (_), and ...
  57. The event log diagnostic data adapter encountered an invalid value for 'MaxEventLogEntriesToCollect' in its configuration: ...
  58. The event log diagnostic data adapter encountered an invalid value for 'MaxEventLogEntriesToCollect' in its configuration: ...
  59. The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted ...
  60. The exception definitions are not compatible because a CLI exception mapping is being hidden by a signature. The exception ...
  61. The exception definitions are not compatible because the CLI representations differ. The module contains the exception definition ...
  62. The exception definitions are not compatible because the exception abbreviation is being hidden by the signature. The abbreviation ...
  63. The exception definitions are not compatible because the exception abbreviations in the signature and implementation differ. ...
  64. The exception definitions are not compatible because the exception declarations differ. The module contains the exception ...
  65. The exception definitions are not compatible because the field '{0}' was present in the implementation but not in the signature. ...
  66. The exception definitions are not compatible because the field '{0}' was required by the signature but was not specified ...
  67. The exception definitions are not compatible because the order of the fields is different in the signature and implementation. ...
  68. The exception-handling model that catches C++ exceptions only and tells the compiler to assume that extern C functions do ...
  69. The exception-handling model that catches C++ exceptions only and tells the compiler to assume that extern C functions never ...
  70. The ExcludePermissions property is deprecated. The permission set requested by the application has been set to the permissions ...
  71. The executable '{1}' is specified as the implementation for .winmd file '{0}'. Only in-process servers are supported for ...
  72. The ExecuteEventArgs Data property does not contain an object of type '{0}'. This command cannot be invoked unless the correct ...
  73. The existing published deployment does not appear to be a valid deployment manifest. Are you sure you want to overwrite this ...
  74. The existing working folder '{0}' of workspace '{1}' cannot be unmapped to create the temporary workspace for uploading the ...
  75. The expected URL of the file(s) being deployed conflicts with file(s) on the server. The file(s) on the server will be deleted ...