Visual Studio 2013

  1. The function is not permitted to be called at a low IRQ level. Prior function calls are inconsistent with this constraint ...
  2. The function or member '{0}' is used in a way that requires further type annotations at its definition to ensure consistency ...
  3. The function pointer being assigned to is annotated with the function class '%1$ls', which is not contained in the function ...
  4. The generated name of the .CPP file where you want to insert the implementation. Edit the name if you like, or select browse ...
  5. The generated name of the .CPP file where you want to insert the implementation. Edit the name if you like, or select browse ...
  6. The generated name of the cpp file for the wrapper class. Edit the name if you like, or select browse to specify a different ...
  7. The generated name of the header file for the dispatch class. Edit the name if you like, or select browse to specify a different ...
  8. The generated name of the header file for the wrapper class. Edit the name if you like, or select browse to specify a different ...
  9. The generated name of the header file where you want to insert the declaration. Edit the name if you like, or select browse ...
  10. The generic member '{0}' has been used at a non-uniform instantiation prior to this program point. Consider reordering the ...
  11. The generic XML configuration editor cannot be loaded. Your product installation might need to be repaired. Repair your installation ...
  12. The gesture data is of type '{0}' but it must be at least of type '{1}'. When setting a new gesture data you must use the ...
  13. The global template information is out of date. Regenerate the templates by running '%s /installvstemplates' or reinstalling ...
  14. The graph layout was canceled. Graph layout can take a long time if you are loading a graph that has a lot of nodes and links, ...
  15. The Graph Schema cannot be added because it contains this parent schema as a child which would create a circular containment ...
  16. The Graphics Diagnostics engine couldn't create a debug device, because the matching Windows SDK for this version of Windows ...
  17. The Graphics Diagnostics engine couldn't create a debug device, most likely because the matching Windows SDK for this version ...
  18. The Graphics Diagnostics engine couldn't provide the results, most likely because the application is using some unsupported ...
  19. The Graphics Diagnostics engine couldn't provide the results, most likely because the vsglog is making DirectX calls not ...
  20. The Graphics Diagnostics engine couldn't provide the results, most likely because the vsglog is making DirectX calls not ...
  21. The Graphics Diagnostics engine is using the REF driver to playback this vsglog file because it uses features not supported ...
  22. The Graphics Diagnostics engine is using the WARP device to playback this vsglog file because it uses features not supported ...
  23. The Graphics Diagnostics engine on the remote machine does not match the Visual Studio version on this machine. Please update ...
  24. The Graphics Diagnostics engine on the remote machine has a different version from the local machine. Please update the installation. ...
  25. The grid below shows the job history results over the stated period of time (up to 500 entries). Below is the list of filters ...
  26. The grid below shows the job history results over the stated period of time (up to 500 entries). Below is the list of filters ...
  27. The grid below shows the recent job history; this history is over the last 24 hours unless there are more than 500 entries, ...
  28. The group which is the original source of the role assignment that is inherited by this account through membership to that ...
  29. The Help Content Manager command line contains an invalid argument {0}. For help with command syntax and options, use the ...
  30. The Help Content Manager command line contains invalid arguments. For help with command syntax and options, use the /? parameter. ...
  31. The Help Content Manager command line contains invalid duplicate arguments. For help with command syntax and options, use ...
  32. The Help Viewer cannot access the location {0}. Make sure you entered the correct path, or check your network connection. ...
  33. The Help Viewer catalog type file is missing or corrupt. To resolve this issue, delete the local content ({0}), uninstall ...
  34. The Help Viewer command line contains an unrecognized parameter. Specify the correct parameters, or run Help Viewer by using ...
  35. The Help Viewer command line has missing parameters. Specify the required parameters, or run Help Viewer by using the application ...
  36. The Help Viewer command line includes an invalid locale ID. Specify a valid locale ID, or run Help Viewer by using the application ...
  37. The Help Viewer command line specifies a catalog name that exceeds 100 characters. Specify a valid catalog name, or use the ...
  38. The Help Viewer configuration file is missing or corrupt. To resolve this issue, repair the Help Viewer application from ...
  39. The Help Viewer displays content that you have installed on your computer. To change your source of Help content, on the ...
  40. The homogeneousItems argument is passed as true, but the passed in array contains heterogeneous elements. If the collection ...
  41. The host name extracted from the fully qualified name is already used a server name. Please supply fully qualified names ...
  42. The host name portion of the web site URL. This is typically the machine name but can be customized for more advanced scenarios ...
  43. The host type '{0}' that was specified by the test settings cannot be loaded. The test settings will be modified to run tests ...
  44. The hosted service name is not specified. To create a Hosted Service, login to the Windows Azure Portal (, ...
  45. The ID for the FileType. You can specify multiple FileTypes as a group to utilize the same logo, InfoTip, and EditFlags. ...
  46. The ID of the content type being deployed conflicts with a content type on the server. The content type on the server will ...
  47. The IDE's in-process compiler does not support the specified values for the "{0}" parameter. Therefore, this task will fallback ...
  48. The Identifier Entity defined with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' on the TypeDescriptor '{2}' could not be found in the Model. ...
  49. The Identifier Entity property of TypeDescriptor '{0}' does not refer to the source entity of the Foreign Identifier Association ...
  50. The Identifier property of TypeDescriptor '{0}' must be specified when the Foreign Identifier Association property is specified. ...
  51. The image path contains one or more MRT qualifiers, which is not supported. Remove the '{1}' qualifier with value '{2}' and ...
  52. The implicit instantiation of a generic construct at or near this point could not be resolved because it could resolve to ...
  53. The import file was created with Beta2. To import the runs into and RTM database, you will need to do the following. First ...
  54. The import of the key file specified in the signing properties has failed or was cancelled. Signing of the output assembly ...
  55. The index of a multi-link. This property makes it possible to have more than one link between the same source and target ...
  56. The indexer access needs to be dynamically dispatched, but cannot be because it is part of a base access expression. Consider ...
  57. The indirectly-referenced assembly '{0}' could not be found. This assembly is not required for analysis, however, analysis ...
  58. The indirectly-referenced Silverlight assembly '{0}' could not be found. This assembly is not required for analysis, however, ...
  59. The individual words that make up a resource string should not be abbreviated and should be spelled correctly. If this rule ...
  60. The individual words that make up an identifier should not be abbreviated and should be spelled correctly. If this rule generates ...
  61. The information the system needs to deploy, display, or update your app is contained in the Package.appxmanifest file, and ...
  62. The initial attempt failed to create a default team for the following team project: '{0}'. The process attempted to create ...
  63. The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized. ...
  64. The input IVsHierarchy is not expected, please ensure to pass the correct IVsHierarchy object. A common mistake would be ...
  65. The installation location must be a URL of type http:// or https://, or a fully qualified UNC path (such as \ServerName\FolderName). ...
  66. The installation was unable to install the extension to all the selected products. For more information, click on the install ...
  67. The installed source control provider does not support all the capabilities required to integration into %0. Do you want ...
  68. The installed version of Microsoft Office ({0}) is not supported by Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office ...
  69. The InstalledByMSI element in extension {0} cannot be 'true' when installing an extension through the Extensions and Updates ...
  70. The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. ...
  71. The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory: 2]. The installation cannot continue. Log on as administrator ...
  72. The installer must restart your system before configuration of 2 can continue. Click Yes to restart now or No if you plan ...
  73. The instantiation of the generic type '{0}' is missing and can't be inferred from the arguments or return type of this member. ...
  74. The integrated development environment could not be launched to complete your compare or merge operation. You can repair ...
  75. The IntelliSense browsing database cannot be found or opened. Make sure that the database is either not opened by another ...