Visual Studio 2013

  1. The latest version of the solution or project file containing the item(s) will not reflect this change until your next checkin. ...
  2. The left bounds of the substring that needs to be extracted from the script area of the ListView WebPart. For example 'ctx.listName ...
  3. The length of the default directory specified in the setup.sdb file cannot be greater then 100 characters. The directory ...
  4. The length of the full path for the solution, project or item you are creating exceeds the maximum path length allowed by ...
  5. The length of the full path of the Office document exceeds the maximum path length allowed. Reduce the length of the document ...
  6. The length of the full path of the Office document exceeds the maximum path length allowed. Reduce the length of the name ...
  7. The length of the install path is too long. If setup is being run from a network drive, map the network drive to a shorter ...
  8. The length of the name for the solution will cause the path to exceed the maximum path length allowed by the system. You ...
  9. The length of the name of the file(s) selected is too long. Please select fewer files or files with shorter path lengths. ...
  10. The length of the unattend file name and path cannot be greater then 250 characters. Rerun setup using a shorter unattend ...
  11. The license for {0} has expired. Update the license associated with your online account or change your product license to ...
  12. The license for {0} will expire soon and you will no longer be able to access this product. Check for an updated license ...
  13. The license for {0} will expire soon and you will no longer be able to access this product. Update the license associated ...
  14. The line endings in this file are not consistently a CR/LF pair but are consistent throughout the file. Do you want the line ...
  15. The lines show moving averages (7 day and 8 week) for the number of work items that were changed into each state per day. ...
  16. The list below contains specific changesets that have been checked in to the source branch but not merged into the target ...
  17. The list from which you are removing one or more columns has one or more cells with values which have been changed. If any ...
  18. The list of builds cannot be retrieved. Verify that the Team Build Web service is configured properly, and then try again. ...
  19. The list of code coverage files to process could not be read from the RunUpdate table in the Team Foundation Build database: ...
  20. The list of code coverage updates to process could not be updated in the team build database. Some code coverage data may ...
  21. The list of custom message class names contains incorrect formatting. These are the guidelines for the list: Use the fully ...
  22. The list of folders to search for files. Checking the "Add subfolders" checkbox indicates that all of the subfolders for ...
  23. The list of language culture combinations supported by this app. To specify a locale for an app feature, right-click the ...
  24. The list of referenced types contains more than one type with data contract name '{0}' in namespace '{1}'. Verify the list ...
  25. The list of test runs to process could not be read from the TestRun or Platforms_Flavors table in the Team Foundation Build ...
  26. The load test contains an old definition for the LoadTest CounterSet and needs to be updated. To do so, edit the load test: ...
  27. The load test network emulation configuration is invalid for a local run: more than one network type can only be specified ...
  28. The load test network emulation configuration is invalid for agent '{0}': more than one network type can only be specified ...
  29. The load test results database could not be opened. Check that the load test results database specified by the connect string ...
  30. The load test results repository is out of space. Allocate more space to the repository (if possible), or delete results ...
  31. The load test results repository was created with a previous version and is not compatible. You can either upgrade this repository ...
  32. The load test results repository was created with a previous version and is not compatible. You can either upgrade this repository ...
  33. The loader was unable to read code from '{0}'. Be sure the file has a valid language extension and is not currently open ...
  34. The LoadTest Results Store Type is 'Database', but the results repository connect string has not been specified. The load ...
  35. The local folder you chose to store your solution contains one or more solution files that have the same name as those in ...
  36. The local Help viewer requires a number of command-line options in order to launch the correct content. Windows does not ...
  37. The local path '{0}' contains an illegal wildcard. The only wildcard character allowed is an '*' to map a Team Foundation ...
  38. The local version of this file in your workspace is out of date. Would you like to view the server version or the workspace ...
  39. The location of the content source is invalid: {0}. Check the location, and then specify the correct URL or path to the .msha ...
  40. The location of your cache folder has been changed. To recover disk space, you may want to delete the files in your previous ...
  41. The location specified cannot be created. Check that the location is not a reserved system name, and that the disk is writeable ...
  42. The location specified is not a valid absolute or UNC path. Enter a valid absolute path (such as C:\FolderName) or UNC path ...
  43. The location that IntelliTrace will write the collected data into log files. The identity that is running the application ...
  44. The location you have chosen for your project is volatile and will be deleted when the application exits. Please choose another ...
  45. The lowercase-only name of the queue to be used within Windows Azure storage. A queue by this name will be created if missing. ...
  46. The machine role is already part of test environment '{0}'. Remove the machine role from that test environment before adding ...
  47. The machine role is already part of test environment '{0}'. Remove the machine role from that test environment before adding ...
  48. The machine settings has changed from when the test agent configuration was last performed. Run the test agent configuration ...
  49. The managed coclass wrapper class '%1!ls!' for interface '%2!ls!' cannot be found (are you missing an assembly reference?) ...
  50. The Managed Resource Editor does not support the requested file type. Would you like to open the default editor for "{0}"? ...
  51. The management service identity for service bus. This identity will have access to perform managment functions on the namespace. ...
  52. The Manifest Designer cannot load because one or more files has errors. Fix the error(s) and then try the operation again. ...
  53. The Manifest Designer cannot load StoreManifest.xml because the Build action property of the file isn't set to Content. If ...
  54. The Manifest Designer cannot load the manifest because the document has one or more errors. Fix the error(s), reload the ...
  55. The Manifest Designer requires at least one supported file type or data format. Check the box "Supports any file type" or ...
  56. The Manifest Designer requires at least one supported file type. Check the box "Supports any file type" or explicitly add ...
  57. The manifest file at '%1' does not contain sufficient permissions to launch your application for debugging. Please edit your ...
  58. The Manual Test type is used when the test tasks are to be completed by a test engineer as opposed to an automated script ...
  59. The manual test {0} is open in Microsoft Word. When you change a property of the test, Microsoft Word saves the test file. ...
  60. The marker for the following environment is out of date because the environment was updated by another client: '{0}'. Try ...
  61. The maximum number of items has already been deserialized into a single dictionary by the JavaScriptSerializer. To change ...
  62. The maximum number of unique Web test request URLs to report on has been exceeded; performance data for other requests will ...
  63. The member '%1!ls!' either overrides/implements other members or is overridden/implemented by members in other types where ...
  64. The member '%1!ls!' either overrides/implements other members or is overridden/implemented by members in other types. The ...
  65. The member '%1!ls!' was defined in a referenced assembly. Renaming its references will result in build errors. Do you want ...
  66. The member '%1!ls!' was defined in a referenced assembly. Updating its references will result in build errors. Do you want ...
  67. The member '{0}' is used in an invalid way. A use of '{1}' has been inferred prior to its definition at or near '{2}'. This ...
  68. The member '{0}' is used in an invalid way. A use of '{1}' has been inferred prior to the definition of '{2}', which is an ...
  69. The member named '{0}' was found as both a property and an event on type '{1}'. Members with the same name are not supported. ...
  70. The member or object constructor '{0}' is not {1}. Private members may only be accessed from within the declaring type. Protected ...
  71. The member or object constructor '{0}' requires {1} additional argument(s). The required signature is '{2}'. Some names for ...
  72. The member or object constructor '{0}' requires {1} argument(s) but is here given {2} unnamed and {3} named argument(s). ...
  73. The member or object constructor '{0}' requires {1} argument(s). The required signature is '{2}'. Some names for missing ...
  74. The member or object constructor '{0}' takes {1} type argument(s) but is here given {2}. The required signature is '{3}'. ...
  75. The member or object constructor '{0}' taking {1} arguments are not accessible from this code location. All accessible versions ...