Visual Studio 2013

  1. The member specified ({0}) could not be found. You might need to regenerate your private accessor, or the member may be private ...
  2. The merge operation will take place when you select the "Finish" button below. The merge will be staged in your workspace ...
  3. The message has a column number that is out of range. It can be -1 to indicate no starting column number, or non-negative ...
  4. The message has a line number that is out of range. It can be -1 to indicate no starting line number, or non-negative in ...
  5. The message has an ending column number that is out of range. It can be -1 to indicate no ending column number, or non-negative ...
  6. The message has an ending line number that is out of range. It can be -1 to indicate no ending line number, or non-negative ...
  7. The message queue transport could not be initialized. This is typically caused by not using the provided TfsmqServiceHost ...
  8. The MessageSort property value for the following Message element is not supported: {0}. This value was imported into the ...
  9. The method "{0}" in class "{1}" marked as a server-level trigger cannot be auto deployed because server-level trigger deployment ...
  10. The method "{0}" in class "{1}" marked as a table-valued function must define a table definition in the SqlFunction attribute. ...
  11. The method '{0}' has curried arguments but has the same name as another method in this type. Methods with curried arguments ...
  12. The method or function '{0}' should not be given explicit type argument(s) because it does not declare its type parameters ...
  13. The method you are renaming may be an event handler. If it is, and it is attached to an event in html markup, the markup ...
  14. The method {0} is defined in an assembly that has AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute and calls {1}, which is defined in ...
  15. The MethodInstance with name '{0}' has an invalid Type '{1}'. A MethodInstance of Type AssociationNavigator, Associator, ...
  16. The MethodInstance with name '{0}' has invalid Type '{1}'. An Association element should be used while defining a MethodInstance ...
  17. The Microsoft Help Viewer is not installed. You can install it or change your help preference in Visual Studio to show online ...
  18. The Microsoft Office application has added this customization to the Disabled Items list. If you continue, the application ...
  19. The Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 enables you to create, build, run, debug and publish cloud business ...
  20. The Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio must be installed to enable SharePoint. Run setup to repair the Visual ...
  21. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer. ...
  22. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor cannot logon to the local computer: unknown user name or bad password. ...
  23. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor is either not running on the remote machine or is running in Windows ...
  24. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer cannot connect to the local computer. Unable ...
  25. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer could not connect to this computer because there ...
  26. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer does not support debugging code running in the ...
  27. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer does not support debugging code running in the ...
  28. The Microsoft.WinJS.{0} SDK version is older than the Microsoft.WinJS.{0} version installed on your machine. You are running ...
  29. The minimum priority {0} is greater than the maximum priority {1}. Change the values so that the minimum value is less than ...
  30. The model instance was found at a location other than the root of the document. The child elements of this model instance ...
  31. The module contains the constructor {0} but its signature specifies {1} the accessibility specified in the signature is more ...
  32. The module contains the field {0} but its signature specifies {1} the accessibility specified in the signature is more than ...
  33. The monitor was denied access to one of its own global objects (%1). Verify that the account used to launch the monitor has ...
  34. The monitor was unable to acquire a hardware performance counter for detection of kernel mode execution. Elapsed and Application ...
  35. The monitor was unable to create one of its global objects (%1). Verify that another application hasn't created an object ...
  36. The monitor was unable to create one of its global objects (%1). Verify that another monitor is not running, or that another ...
  37. The monitor was unable to enable user mode access to the RDPMC instruction. Performance counter data and detection of kernel ...
  38. The monitor was unable to install the VS performance driver. %1 Consider using the /Admin:Driver,Install option of VSPerfCmd ...
  39. The monitor was unable to open the VS performance driver. %1 Consider using the /Admin:Security option of VSPerfCmd from ...
  40. The monitor was unable to start the VS performance driver. %1 Consider using the /Admin:Driver,Start and /Admin:Security ...
  41. The monitor was unable to start the VS performance driver. Systems with more than 64 CPUs and multiple processor groups are ...
  42. The most likely cause of this error is that the name that you chose is either restricted or already in use. For more information, ...
  43. The most recent failed job on the Team Project Collection {0} is not a patch or upgrade job. Only patch and upgrade jobs ...
  44. The MSBuild cache file "{0}" is inaccessible. Ensure you have access to the directory and that this file is not deleted during ...
  45. The multiplicity is not compatible with the required state of the shared fields. Relationships with an optional multiplicity ...
  46. The multiplicity of a derived role cannot be ZeroMany or OneMany if the multiplicity of the base role is ZeroOne or One: ...
  47. The multiplicity of the {0} is not compatible with the required state of the shared fields. Relationships with an optional ...
  48. The mutable variable '{0}' is used in an invalid way. Mutable variables cannot be captured by closures. Consider eliminating ...
  49. The name '%1!ls!' does not seem to be a valid type name. Make sure to type a fully qualified or predefined type name. Do ...
  50. The name '%1!ls!' is not in scope on the left side of 'equals'. Consider swapping the expressions on either side of 'equals'. ...
  51. The name '%1!ls!' is not in scope on the right side of 'equals'. Consider swapping the expressions on either side of 'equals'. ...
  52. The name '({0})' should not be used as a member name because it is given a standard definition in the F# library over fixed ...
  53. The name '({0})' should not be used as a member name. If defining a static member for use from other CLI languages then use ...
  54. The name '({0})' should not be used as a member name. To define comparison semantics for a type, implement the 'System.IComparable' ...
  55. The name '({0})' should not be used as a member name. To define equality semantics for a type, override the 'Object.Equals' ...
  56. The name appears in the Ribbon of an Outlook item or as the header text in an adjoining form region. For the replacement ...
  57. The name could not be reserved for this app. Ensure this app exists in the store and that you have permission to change it, ...
  58. The name could not be reserved for this app. Ensure this app exists in {0} and that you have permission to change it, then ...
  59. The name for this type is a literal, not localized. Before shipping, please replace value '{1} = "{2}"' with an id from a ...
  60. The name in the 'file' parameter supplied to a file versioning method is not in the same format as the name required by the ...
  61. The name is not valid, it cannot be empty or contain any of the following special characters: / ? ( ) : \ " < > | # % etc. ...
  62. The name of the assembly to be included in the Package. This can be an absolute path or path relative to the Package's project's ...
  63. The name of the binding from this template to this namespace (such as a package, model, or type) and its contents. This binding ...
  64. The name of the class that contains the Main method that you want called on program startup. The (Not set) option is valid ...
  65. The name of the content type being deployed conflicts with a content type on the server. The content type on the server will ...
  66. The name of the group which is the original source of the role assignment that is inherited by this account through membership ...
  67. The name of the host deployed on Azure that the CNAME record will point to. Unless the service is not hosted under, ...
  68. The name of the project's primary output file (also known as the program image). This property reflects the current value ...
  69. The name of the resource '{0}' cannot be used as a valid identifier, because it contains one or more invalid characters: ...
  70. The name of the server running SCVMM has not been specified for this Team Foundation Server. For more information use the ...
  71. The name of the service identity for the Access Control Service namespace. Navigate to https:// /v2/mgmt/web/ServiceIdentity/Create ...
  72. The name of the service is 'Visual Studio 2013 Remote Debugger'. It is recommended that you only control the service through ...
  73. The name of the source end of the association. This is the name of the property in the target classifier whose values belong ...
  74. The name of the target end of the association. This is the name of the property in the source classifier whose values belong ...
  75. The name of the Windows Azure Hosted Service associated with the your subscription. To create a Hosted Service, login to ...