Visual Studio 2013

  1. The active load web test settings is configured to run tests using Team Foundation Service. Only load tests can be run using ...
  2. The active load web test settings is configured to run tests using Visual Studio Online. Only load tests can be run using ...
  3. The active solution has been temporarily disconnected from source control because the server is unavailable. To attempt to ...
  4. The active solution or project is controlled by a different source control plug-in than the one you have selected. If you ...
  5. The active test settings '{0}' is configured to run test using Team Foundation Service. Connect to a Team Foundation Service ...
  6. The active test settings is configured to run test using Visual Studio Online. Connect to a Visual Studio Online account ...
  7. The active test settings is configured to run tests using Team Foundation Service. Load tests with coded UI tests are currently ...
  8. The active test settings is configured to run tests using Visual Studio Online. Load tests with coded UI tests are currently ...
  9. The ActiveX type library '%1' was exported from a .NET assembly and cannot be added as a reference. Add a reference to the ...
  10. The adapter 'Code Coverage' will not be used for this test run as Microsoft Test Manager is not running as administrator. ...
  11. The adapter did not respond to the event in {0} seconds. To increase the timeout values for all diagnostic data adapters, ...
  12. The Add-in '%s' failed to load or caused an exception. Would you like to remove this Add-in? If you choose yes, the file ...
  13. The Add-in '%s' failed to load or caused an exception. Would you like to remove this Add-in? If you choose yes, you will ...
  14. The Add-in supporting this command could not be loaded. Do you wish to remove the command? If you choose yes, you can re-create ...
  15. The Add-in wizard cannot run. You must have at least one of the following products installed: Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft ...
  16. The ADO .NET data provider for Oracle does not recognize the specified provider object type - it must be of type System. ...
  17. The ADO .NET data provider for SQL Server does not recognize the specified provider object type - it must be of type Sys ...
  18. The agent '{0}' which is ready for synchronized start of the test with execution id '{1}' cannot be found. Use the Manage ...
  19. The agent can connect to the controller but the controller cannot connect to the agent because of following reason: {0}. ...
  20. The agent is a part of an existing Lab Environment '{0}'. Delete the environment before attempting to associate the agent ...
  21. The agent is already participating in the machine role '{0}'. Remove the agent from that machine role before adding it to ...
  22. The agent is already participating in the machine role '{0}'. Remove the agent from that machine role before adding it to ...
  23. The agent was able to reach controller but the controller was not able to connect back to the agent. Make sure that the firewall ...
  24. The amount of memory allocated for custom performance counters is insufficient for the number of performance counters required ...
  25. The Analysis Database does not exist and will be completely rebuilt. Provide a value for the '/reportingDataSourcePassword' ...
  26. The annotation '%1$ls' describes a situation that is not conditionally applicable. This annotation should not be used with ...
  27. The annotation '%1$ls' describes where a dynamic value (a variable) cannot be used in the condition. The expression in the ...
  28. The annotation for function %1$ls, parameter '%2$ls' when examining '%3$ls' is inconsistent with the function declaration. ...
  29. The answer to the question Can builds be triggered from the Release Management Server?' has been cleared because a subscription ...
  30. The answer to the question Can builds be triggered from the Release Management Server?' has been cleared for the following ...
  31. The API or operation {0} is not supported in the version of server being used. Use matching versions of client and server. ...
  32. The app "{0}" is already installed on this machine. If you continue with the current deployment, the existing app will be ...
  33. The app for Office/SharePoint project cannot be added for the selected web project. Check the property pages for the selected ...
  34. The app is evaluated against the Store submission requirements. Use App Analysis to further analyze the app's performance ...
  35. The app name could not be reserved because your developer account already has the maximum allowable number of reserved app ...
  36. The app name could not be reserved because your developer account already has the maximum allowable number of reserved app ...
  37. The app you are building contains an app for Office, which will not work in an autohosted environment. Before switching the ...
  38. The application associated with this project type isn't installed on this computer. You must install the Microsoft Office ...
  39. The application can not be started. The application depends on the Microsoft .NET Framework and the version of the Framework ...
  40. The application can not be started. The application depends on the Microsoft .NET Framework, however the Framework does not ...
  41. The application cannot be started because it cannot be found in the specified location, or the user does not have sufficient ...
  42. The application cannot be started because it cannot be found in the specified location, or the user does not have sufficient ...
  43. The application cannot be started. This could be due to one of the following reasons: 1) Another instance of the application ...
  44. The application cannot be started. This could be due to one of the following reasons: 1) Another instance of the application ...
  45. The application could not be launched for debugging. Ensure that the target device screen is unlocked and that the application ...
  46. The application definition file is already opened in an incompatible editor. Please close the other editor and reload the ...
  47. The application is configured to issue secure cookies. These cookies require the browser to issue the request over SSL (https ...
  48. The application is configured to issue secure cookies. These cookies require the browser to issue the request over SSL (https ...
  49. The application is unable to load because the file MSXML3.DLL cannot be loaded. Please see Knowledge base article Q306905 ...
  50. The application is unable to start because the file %s is missing or corrupted. To correct this problem, copy %s from your ...
  51. The application is using an unsupported version of DirectX or other unsupported functionality. Playback of your application ...
  52. The application is using an unsupported version of DirectX or other unsupported functionality. Playback of your application ...
  53. The application manifest has the uiAccess attribute set to 'true'. Running an Accessibility application requires following ...
  54. The application platform for the updated version of the application does not match the platform of the published version. ...
  55. The Application Pool "{0}" is already configured for IntelliTrace collection. To change settings, please stop, then start ...
  56. The Application Pool "{0}" is currently in a Stopped state. Please start the Application Pool before attempting to modify ...
  57. The application project to which the generated code is added. If this project does not exist, it will be created. The project ...
  58. The application requires connectivity to its services in order to perform functions against its server components. Please ...
  59. The application should not be published to the same folder where the build is produced. Please choose a different location ...
  60. The Application Tier is not configured. The Application Tier must be configured before you can configure Scheduled Backups. ...
  61. The application which this project type is based on was not found. Please try this link for further information: http:// ...
  62. The application will fail to run in the selected zone because of this requested elevated permission. Click the help link ...
  63. The application you are debugging has insufficient privileges to allow the use of custom visualizers. Please see the documentation ...
  64. The application {0} is not configured to run out of the browser. You need to enable running out of the browser or you need ...
  65. The applications Microsoft Test Manager (mtm.exe) and Microsoft Feedback Client (mfbclient.exe) cannot run simultaneously. ...
  66. The applications Microsoft Test Manager (mtm.exe) and Microsoft Feedback Client (mfbclient.exe) cannot run simultaneously. ...
  67. The area does not exist or you do not have permission to save work items in the area '{0}'. Change the value for field '{1}' ...
  68. The argument '%1$ls' is being passed to a function that expects a pointer to an object (not a pointer to a pointer): The ...
  69. The Argument field has been modified. To prevent loosing configuration, this change will not propagate to components and ...
  70. The arguments for this tool have been modified. These changes will not be reflected in any existing components or actions ...
  71. The arguments passed to the annotation tool cannot be blank. The arguments should have "%f" as a placeholder for representing ...
  72. The artifact is not understood by this application. Either the artifact supplied is invalid or the application doesn't have ...
  73. The ASP.NET Profiler was not able to prepare profiling data in the allotted time. No profiling data will be available for ...
  74. The ASP.NET Web application at '{0}' is already configured for testing by another test run. Only one test run at a time can ...
  75. The assembly '{0}' could not be loaded. This assembly may have been downloaded from the web. See ...