Visual Studio 2013

  1. The InteractionOperator value for the following CombinedFragment has been changed to Alt because {1} does not support multiple ...
  2. The interface '{0}' is included in multiple explicitly implemented interface types. Add an explicit implementation of this ...
  3. The Internet Explorer process appears to be running at a lower integrity level than the current process. Please run Internet ...
  4. The invitation code provided has reached maximum capacity. We love onboarding new customers, so if you are interested, register ...
  5. The IP address will be determined when the corresponding deployer service first communicates with the release management ...
  6. The ISearchLanguageSupport interface could not be loaded. Fallback method will be used instead. This might affect search ...
  7. The ISearchLanguageSupport interface could not be loaded. Fallback method will be used instead.?This might affect search ...
  8. The ISearchLanguageSupport interface could not identify an appropriate wordbreaker. Language-neutral word breaking will be ...
  9. The ISearchLanguageSupport interface could not identify an appropriate wordbreaker. Language-neutral word breaking will be ...
  10. The item %0 you are adding is also part of a project (%1) that is currently under source control. The source-controlled project ...
  11. The item %1 you are about to delete is a source-controlled Web item. Do you want to delete this item in the source control ...
  12. The item %1 you are about to rename or move is a source-controlled Web item. Do you want to rename this item in the source ...
  13. The item %1 you are about to rename or move is a source-controlled Web item. Do you want to rename this item in the source ...
  14. The item %s already exists on the server. Do you want to Overwrite the server version, Add your copy as a new version, Skip ...
  15. The item %s that you are adding to source control is stored in a file encoding (UTF-8) that your source control system may ...
  16. The item %s was not renamed in the source control database because there is already an item with this name in the destination ...
  17. The item '%0' cannot be added to source control because the item has no source control mapping. If you choose one of the ...
  18. The item '%0' cannot be added to source control because the item path has one or more invalid characters. If you choose one ...
  19. The item '%0' is already under source control at the selected location. If you are trying to rebind a project that you have ...
  20. The item content and encoding have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item being rolled ...
  21. The item content and properties have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item being rolled ...
  22. The item content, encoding and properties have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item ...
  23. The item could not be added because the storage media was unavailable. Ensure that removable drives are in place and network ...
  24. The item encoding and properties have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item being rolled ...
  25. The item encoding, content and properties have changed between the unshelved and original workspace versions of this item ...
  26. The item name and content have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item being rolled back ...
  27. The item name and encoding have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item being rolled back ...
  28. The item name and properties have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item being rolled ...
  29. The item name encoding and properties have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item being ...
  30. The item name, content and encoding have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item being ...
  31. The item name, content and properties have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item being ...
  32. The item name, content, encoding and properties have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the ...
  33. The item name, encoding, content and properties have changed between the unshelved and original workspace versions of this ...
  34. The item {0} could not be checked out. The check-out will be retried at the next available opportunity. Further information: ...
  35. The item {0} has been renamed to {1}. Security changes will not be applied to {1}. Do you still want to apply security changes ...
  36. The item {0} was not checked out because your Team Foundation Server is unavailable. The check-out will be retried at the ...
  37. The item(s) %1 you are about to delete locally cannot be deleted in the source control database at this time because you're ...
  38. The item(s) %1 you are about to rename locally cannot be renamed in the source control database at this time because you're ...
  39. The items requested either do not exist on the server at the specified versions, or you do not have permission to access ...
  40. The items you selected cannot be checked out, so this modification cannot be completed. The items have probably been checked ...
  41. The JavaScript language service has encountered an error and has been shut down. Please save your changes, exit, and restart ...
  42. The JavaScript profiler has dropped some events, data may be incomplete or invalid. This warning will only be reported once. ...
  43. The JavaScript runtime audited the app's current memory usage in order to determine which objects aren't being referenced ...
  44. The job '{0}' was associated with the upgraded server. This job could not be deleted, the job is no longer needed and can ...
  45. The job agent is not configured correctly. The application setting {0} in the configuration file {1} must be a valid connection ...
  46. The job agent is not configured correctly. The application setting {0} in the configuration file {1} must be a valid guid. ...
  47. The job agent is not configured correctly. The configuration file {0} does not exist or the job agent service account doesn't ...
  48. The Just-In-Time debugger is not properly installed. Use 'Add or Remove Programs' to repair the Microsoft Visual Studio 64-bit ...
  49. The Just-In-Time debugger was launched without necessary security permissions. This is most likely because User Account Control ...
  50. The KernelTraceControl.dll does not support the required functions, collection cannot proceed. Please repair your installation. ...
  51. The key name cannot: - contain any of the following characters: / ? : \ " < > | - contain Unicode control characters - be ...
  52. The key that identifies the section that you want to add the message to. This can be a new section or an existing section. ...
  53. The lab agent is a background process that runs on a machine to configure, monitor, and report on status and errors. The ...
  54. The lab agent received instruction to restart test agent but that instruction was ignored because test agent process is not ...
  55. The lab agent received instruction to start test agent but that instruction was ignored because test agent is configured ...
  56. The lab agent received instruction to start test agent service but that instruction was ignored because startup mode for ...
  57. The lab agent received instruction to start test agent service but that instruction was ignored because test agent service ...
  58. The lab agent received instruction to start the build agent service but that instruction was ignored because startup mode ...
  59. The lab agent received instruction to start the build agent service but that instruction was ignored because the build agent ...
  60. The label has been modified since it was opened in the editor and you no longer have the latest version. Please close the ...
  61. The label name '{0}' is not supported. It must be less than 64 characters, and cannot contain any of the following characters: ...
  62. The Language element specified in the app manifest is invalid. It must be one of the values supported by the Windows Phone ...
  63. The language identifier (LCID) specified in the process template does not exist on the server running SharePoint Products. ...
  64. The language identity (ID) specified in the process template cannot be validated. If the SharePoint Web application does ...
  65. The language of the localized version of Visual Studio that is installed on your computer does not match the language of ...
  66. The language to use for the generated code. Choose from 'CS', 'VB', 'JS', 'VJS', 'CPP' or provide a fully-qualified name ...
  67. The Language you are debugging, %s, is not compatible with the current debugger settings. To change this configuration, check ...
  68. The language-neutral word breaker could not be loaded. (Default simple word breaking is used.) This might affect search relevancy. ...
  69. The language-neutral word breaker could not be loaded. (Default simple word breaking is used.)?This might affect search relevancy. ...
  70. The last breakpoint hit. If multiple breakpoints were hit simultaneously, it is undefined which breakpoint in particular ...
  71. The last Configuration Manager action caused SCC to reload the solution and one or more projects and was cancelled. Please ...
  72. The last Win32 error can be reset as a result of making managed calls, due to P/Invokes called by the runtime itself. In ...
  73. The latest build could not be selected for one or more component that are built independently. The errors messages are: {0} ...
  74. The latest version of Silverlight must be installed prior to installing this application. Please install Silverlight, then ...
  75. The latest version of the solution or project file containing the item(s) will not reflect this change until your next checkin. ...