Visual Studio 2013

  1. The files you are renaming or moving will be located in a IIS Virtual Directory outside of the project's binding root. The ...
  2. The filter for the link control is defined so that no work items of any type can be added. Modify the filter definition and ...
  3. The FilterDescriptor named '{0}' is associated with a TypeDescriptor that has an incompatible data type. Because the Type ...
  4. The FilterDescriptor named '{0}' is missing properties. Because the Type property of the FilterDescriptor is set to '{1}', ...
  5. The FilterDescriptor named '{1}' with type '{2}' is associated with a TypeDescriptor that has an incompatible data type. ...
  6. The filters file for project %s has been modified outside the environment. Do you want to reload the filters structure from ...
  7. The Finalize method should call its base class' Finalize method. This is done automatically with the C# destructor syntax. ...
  8. The first operand of an overloaded shift operator must have the same type as the containing type, and the type of the second ...
  9. The FocusedTask context item is set automatically when a task is focused through the BeginFocus method on the task. Do not ...
  10. The folder %s' cannot be accessed. The folder may be password protected, the location may be unavailable, or the file name ...
  11. The folder '%0' cannot be used for the solution or project you are trying to open because it is already in use to store part ...
  12. The folder name that you specified contains supplementary characters or other unsupported characters that are not permitted ...
  13. The folder that you specified contains characters such as '%' or surrogate characters that are not permitted in the path ...
  14. The folder you chose is not a valid binding root for the projects you have selected. You attempted to retarget a solution ...
  15. The folder you specified for installing Help content cannot be accessed by all users on this computer. Please choose a different ...
  16. The folder you specified for installing Help content is reserved for the operating system. Please choose a different folder. ...
  17. The following account does not have sufficient permissions to complete the operation: {0}. Check the permissions for the ...
  18. The following agents could not be restarted: {0}; Some agents may need to be manually restarted. Check the controller log ...
  19. The following alias is not valid: '{0}'. For more information about valid naming conventions, see the topic "Naming Restrictions ...
  20. The following ApplicationUrl value is invalid: {0}. This value must be a URL of type http:// or https://, or a fully qualified ...
  21. The following assemblies are installed SDK assemblies but could not be shown in the customize toolbox dialog because they ...
  22. The following attachment cannot be found: {0}. The test case or the session might be in progress, or the attachment might ...
  23. The following builds cannot be deleted because they are marked as Retain Indefinitely: {0}. Remove the Retain Indefinitely ...
  24. The following Code Analysis rules were removed from the project: {0}. They are obsolete in the current version of Visual ...
  25. The following configuration variables are already defined in the parameters. You can safely removed them from the configuration ...
  26. The following control could not be found on the document: {0}. Refresh the project, and then close and reopen the designer. ...
  27. The following data source already exists in the report folder: {0}. The data source in the folder will be deleted so that ...
  28. The following data type properties of column ' ' do not match those of ' '. Select a column with the same data type properties ...
  29. The following database already exists, but cannot be used as part of this installation of Team Foundation Server: {0}. The ...
  30. The following database is a pre-release database from a previous release: {0}. The database cannot be updated by this application ...
  31. The following diagnostic data adapter(s) are enabled in test settings. Disable the diagnostic data adapters(s) from your ...
  32. The following directory cannot be found: {0}. Please verify that specified directory exists and the account that SQL Server ...
  33. The following email address is not valid: '{0}'. Please specify a valid email address in the form 'user@host' or 'Display ...
  34. The following email address is not valid: '{0}'. Please specify a valid email address in the form 'user@host' or 'Display ...
  35. The following endpoints will not be removed from TFS Proxy, but also will not be verified and reconfigured as part of setup. ...
  36. The following environment already exists: {0}. The environment name must be unique for a team project and a test controller. ...
  37. The following environment is not updated as it is already deleted from team project in Team Foundation Server 11: {0} from ...
  38. The following error has occurred during XML parsing: File: %s Line: %d Column: %d Error Message: %s The file '%s' has failed ...
  39. The Following executable is registered to a different session or debugger: %1. Use the /force switch to force the registration ...
  40. The following extension(s) referenced by the project has (have) been reinstalled and now available for this version of Visual ...
  41. The following features were already configured and were skipped. To change their configuration, you must configure the features ...
  42. The following field that you selected for tracking the Work Item Type is already in use by the project: {0}. If you continue, ...
  43. The following fields are about to saved empty for the selected work items. Are you sure you want to continue the save operation? ...
  44. The following file name is not valid: {0}. It contains a file extension that is a blocked file extension on the server running ...
  45. The following file or files failed to convert to the current format and will not be added to the solution: {0} Refer to the ...
  46. The following file or files were created in an earlier version of Visual Studio and must be converted to the current format: ...
  47. The following file or files were created in an earlier version of Visual Studio and must be converted to the current format: ...
  48. The following file or files were created in an earlier version of Visual Studio. These files must be converted to the current ...
  49. The following files cannot be saved because they are write-protected. Click OK to attempt to remove the write-protection ...
  50. The following files were specified on the command line: {0} {1} These files could not be opened to do the comparison and ...
  51. The following folder name is not valid: {0}. It contains a file extension that has been added as a blocked file extension ...
  52. The following frameworks will be selected automatically because they support all of the available functionality that is portable ...
  53. The following GenerateBootstrapperOutputPath value is invalid: {0}. This value must be a local relative path (for example ...
  54. The following host is unusable for lab management: {0} in host group {1}. To make it usable, select this host group under ...
  55. The following host is unusable for Lab Management: {0} in host group: "{1}". To make it usable, connect at least one of its ...
  56. The following host is unusable for Lab Management: {0} in host group: "{1}". To make it usable, create a internal virtual ...
  57. The following host is unusable for Lab Management: {0} in host group: "{1}". To make it usable, use VMM to create an external ...
  58. The following IIS Virtual Directories cannot be added to source control at this time because their files do not reside under ...
  59. The following Interaction was imported but might not match its original: {0}. You might want to review this element for any ...
  60. The following interface stubs could not be generated: {0} Interface stubs for these members will need to be manually defined ...
  61. The following is the list of commands that are available. Type 'tfsadmin command /?' or 'tfsadmin help command]' and press ...
  62. The following is the list of commands that are available. Type 'tfsadmin ProjectServer command /?' or 'tfsadmin help ProjectServer ...
  63. The following is the list of commands that are available. Type 'tfsadmin {0} command /?' or 'tfsadmin help {0} command]' ...
  64. The following is the list of commands that are available. Type '{0} command /?' or '{0} help command]' and press Enter to ...
  65. The following items are not located in the current solution. To pass the Code Analysis policy for this Team Project, check ...
  66. The following items have dependencies inside this file that were not met. Failing to import these items could result in a ...
  67. The following items must be modified to change the source control bindings. They cannot be checked out from source control, ...
  68. The following layoutPath does not exist: "{0}". Verify the location to the LayoutPath property in the PackageFiles and LayoutFiles ...
  69. The following library share could not be verified because of one or more errors: name: '{0}' path: '{1}' . Possible causes ...
  70. The following literal could not be parsed and was assigned a default value: {0}. The literal did not have the expected value: ...
  71. The following machine is a Domain Controller for the network isolated environment: {0}. If you remove this machine, you must ...
  72. The following modeling adapter does not support the output item that was produced by template {1}: {0}. This template is ...
  73. The following modeling adapter manager does not provide an item template for creating new diagrams: {0}. This manager handles ...
  74. The following modeling adapter manager must be annotated with the attribute {0}: {1}. You must use the overloaded constructor ...
  75. The following module was built either with optimizations enabled or without debug information: %s To debug this module, change ...