Visual Studio 2013

  1. The following network path is not accessible: {0}. The user is not a member of the Administrators group on this machine: ...
  2. The following package does not exist: {0}. Execute 'TfsConfig unattend /createPkg /Inputs:PackageName={1}' to create the ...
  3. The following package for Coded UI Test is in an inconsistent state: {0}. Remove this package and restart Visual Studio to ...
  4. The following package has not been published: {0}. Execute 'TfsConfig unattend /createPkg /Inputs:PackageName={0}' to create ...
  5. The following previously configured Team Foundation Server ports did not have existing firewall exceptions: {0}. You may ...
  6. The following programs also appear to be locking files that need updating. Please shut them down to enable the update / uninstall. ...
  7. The following project does not exist: {0}. Verify that the name of the project is correct and that the project exists on ...
  8. The following project file(s) will also be updated to reflect the renaming of the namespace: %1!ls! Proceeding with the rename ...
  9. The following project has been changed to Full Trust during project migration: {0}. The permission set requested by the application ...
  10. The following project(s) uses an earlier version of the Visual C++ compiler and libraries. The project(s) will be upgraded ...
  11. The following projects cannot be added to source control because either these project types don't support source control ...
  12. The following projects need to be converted in order to complete this operation. After conversion your projects will no longer ...
  13. The following projects need to be converted in order to complete this operation. After conversion your projects will no longer ...
  14. The following properties are not valid on the virtual machines or templates: '{1}'. Use System Center Virtual Machine Manager ...
  15. The following property already exists in the Filter Properties: {0}. You must remove it from the Filter Properties before ...
  16. The following property already exists in the Search Properties: {0}. You must remove it from the Search Properties before ...
  17. The following report already exists in the report folder: {0}. The report in the folder will be deleted so that the new version ...
  18. The following resources have already been configured for this build service: {0}. Would you like to keep these resources? ...
  19. The following resources have already been configured for this build service: {0}. Would you like to keep these resources? ...
  20. The following role in environment is already configured to run Coded UI tests: {1} in {0}. Ignoring this entry in configuration ...
  21. The following role in your test settings does not limit the agents used for that role: {0}. This allows all agents to be ...
  22. The following roles in your test settings do not limit the agents used for these roles: {0} and {1}. This allows all agents ...
  23. The following sample code creates a simple custom workflow association form that allows users to set workflow parameter values ...
  24. The following sample code creates a simple workflow Initiation Form that allows end users to enter values for workflow parameters ...
  25. The following Service Reference will be added and all of the objects it returns will be available in the Data Sources Window: ...
  26. The following settings generate a button control for Ribbon to execute the custom action. You can replace the button to any ...
  27. The following shared steps are not defined in this test case: {0}. Code cannot be generated for the action recording associated ...
  28. The following shared steps do not have an associated action recording: '{0}'. Code cannot be generated for these shared steps. ...
  29. The following shared steps in this test case do not exist: {0}. Code cannot be generated from the action recording for this ...
  30. The following shared steps in this test case do not have an associated action recording: '{0}'. Code cannot be generated ...
  31. The following shared steps referenced in this test case do not have an associated action recording: {0}. Code cannot be generated ...
  32. The following SharePoint Web application was saved successfully: {0}. However, the following issues might need to be addressed: ...
  33. The following special keywords will be replaced with their current values: $ADDRESS - Current Instruction, $CALLER - Previous ...
  34. The following team project collection is not ready for servicing: {0}. The error is: {1}. Either ensure that the team project ...
  35. The following team project does not exist: {0}. No project with that name exists in the following team project collection: ...
  36. The following team project URL is not valid: {0}. It might contain one or more characters that are not allowed, or the server ...
  37. The following templates and virtual machines do not have any logical network specified on them. When working with SCVMM 2012, ...
  38. The following templates do not have any virtual hard disk that is marked to contain the Operating System. To specify which ...
  39. The following templates in team projects were not upgraded completely. Some properties such as Product Key might not be available ...
  40. The following templates were successfully upgraded to use SCVMM 2012. For each template in the list, a new templates was ...
  41. The following test agents are no longer available for use by the test controller in this environment: {0} You must either ...
  42. The following test case does not have an associated action recording: '{0}'. Code cannot be generated for this test case. ...
  43. The following test project is configured to run on an older version of the .NET Framework: {0}. The version of the .NET framework ...
  44. The following test run cannot be upgraded: {0}. The following error occurred during upgrading and uploading attachments for ...
  45. The following tests cannot be loaded because they have been deleted, or you do not have the appropriate permissions to access ...
  46. The following users will have your privileges when they connect on your computer. This is a security risk. Users: '%s' Are ...
  47. The following virtual machine templates in the environment have computer name conflicts: {0}. Machine names must be unique. ...
  48. The following Web projects must be converted to the new Web Site format. The conversion process will remove all source control ...
  49. The following web projects were not added to source control at this time because they contain no items that can be checked ...
  50. The following Web Reference will be added and all of the objects it returns will be available in the Data Sources Window: ...
  51. The following window is protected by Digital Rights Management: {0}. You must close or minimize this window before you can ...
  52. The following work item type is not valid: {1}. You must specify a valid work item type that belongs to the category with ...
  53. The following work item type is not valid: {2}. You must specify a valid work item type that belongs to a category with reference ...
  54. The following work item types have been successfully removed from participating in synchronization for team project {0}: ...
  55. The following work item was not saved: {0} {1}: {2} {3} Review the unsaved work item for required actions. Also, you may ...
  56. The font, {0}, is embedded in your project, but is not referenced by any text controls and will not be displayed in your ...
  57. The font, {0}, is embedded in your project, but is not referenced by any text controls and will not be displayed in your ...
  58. The font, {0}, is not a built-in Silverlight font and will not be displayed to users who run your Silverlight application. ...
  59. The font, {0}, isn't a built-in Silverlight font. You must embed this font for it to display in your Silverlight application. ...
  60. The Foreign Identifier Association Entity defined with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' on the TypeDescriptor '{2}' could not ...
  61. The form region version number that appears in the "Choose Form" dialog box in Outlook for Replace and ReplaceAll form regions. ...
  62. The format definition is missing a background pen. If you provide a background brush, you must also provide a background ...
  63. The format list argument position specified by the annotation is incorrect. It must be either a parameter name or an integer ...
  64. The format of the installation path is not supported. Enter a local path (C:\foldername\filename), a URL (HTTP or HTTPS), ...
  65. The format of the installation path is not valid. Enter a local path (C:\foldername\filename), a URL (HTTP or HTTPS), or ...
  66. The format of the publish location is not valid. Enter a local path (C:\foldername\filename), a URL (FTP, HTTP or HTTPS), ...
  67. The format used for '{0}' is incorrect. Please use the '{1}' as a separator between the server item and the version spec. ...
  68. The fragment appears at the end of the URL and is identified by the hash sign (#). For HTTP, the fragment is typically used ...
  69. The Framework at path "{0}" tried to include the framework at path "{1}" as part of its reference assembly paths but there ...
  70. The full API to the {0}. To use the service via the full API, create an instance of one of the types {1}. You may need to ...
  71. the full-text for , which in full-text indexing on table ' '. After this change, will no longer participate in the table's ...
  72. The fully qualified name for '%1!ls!' exceeds the debug information size limit. Some operations may not succeed when debugging ...
  73. The function being assigned or passed should have a _Function_class_ annotation for at least one of the class(es) in: '%1$ls': ...
  74. The function class(es) '%1$ls' on this function do not match the function class(es) '%2$ls' on the typedef used to define ...
  75. The function is not permitted to be called at a high IRQ level. Prior function calls are inconsistent with this constraint ...