Visual Studio 2013

  1. The 'Additional Dependencies' property for custom build rule '%s' assigned to file '%s' is invalid. The property contained ...
  2. The 'Additional Dependencies' property for the custom build step for file '%s' contained '%s' which evaluates out to '%s'. ...
  3. The 'Additional Dependencies' property for the project-level custom build step contained '%s' which evaluates out to '%s'. ...
  4. The 'AddressOf' expression has no effect in this context because the method argument to 'AddressOf' requires a relaxed conversion ...
  5. The 'await' operator can only be used when contained within a method or lambda expression marked with the 'async' modifier ...
  6. The 'await' operator can only be used within an async anonymous method. Consider marking this anonymous method with the 'async' ...
  7. The 'await' operator can only be used within an async lambda expression. Consider marking this lambda expression with the ...
  8. The 'await' operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking this method with the 'async' modifier and ...
  9. The 'await' operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking this method with the 'async' modifier and ...
  10. The 'await' operator may only be used in a query expression within the first collection expression of the initial 'from' ...
  11. The 'base' keyword is used in an invalid way. Base calls cannot be used in closures. Consider using a private member to make ...
  12. The 'Fallback Location' is configurable under C++ Advanced Options. Press OK to continue without C++ browsing information ...
  13. The 'Fallback Location' is configurable under C++ Advanced Options. Press OK to use this location. Press Cancel to disable ...
  14. The 'h' or 'H' in this format specifier is unnecessary. You can use %d, %x, %o or %u instead, which are overloaded to work ...
  15. the 'init_priority' attribute can only be used for definitions of static data members and namespace scope variables of class ...
  16. The 'l' or 'L' in this format specifier is unnecessary. In F# code you can use %d, %x, %o or %u instead, which are overloaded ...
  17. The 'Outputs' property for custom build rule '%s' assigned to file '%s' is invalid. The property contained '%s' which evaluates ...
  18. The 'Outputs' property for custom build rule '%s' assigned to file '%s' is not set. The execution of the rule will be skipped. ...
  19. The 'ReferenceEquality' attribute cannot be used on structs. Consider using the 'StructuralEquality' attribute instead, or ...
  20. The 'Remote (no authentication)' transport should never be used on a network that might have hostile traffic. This transport ...
  21. The 'Remote (no authentication)' transport should never be used on a network that might have hostile traffic. Use 'Default' ...
  22. The 'StructuralEquality' attribute must be used in conjunction with the 'NoComparison' or 'StructuralComparison' attributes ...
  23. The 'this' parameter (or 'Me' in Visual Basic) of {0} is never used. Mark the member as static (or Shared in Visual Basic) ...
  24. The 'UseNullAsTrueValue' attribute flag may only be used with union types that have one nullary case and at least one non-nullary ...
  25. The 'WorkflowPartId' property is required to package workflow and custom activity artifacts. A new ID was generated for this ...
  26. The '{0}' Entity contains more than one default MethodInstance of type '{1}'. Make sure that the Default property is set ...
  27. The '{0}' operator should not normally be redefined. To define equality semantics for a type, override the 'Object.Equals' ...
  28. The '{0}' operator should not normally be redefined. To define overloaded comparison semantics for a particular type, implement ...
  29. The '|' tokens separating rules of this pattern match are misaligned by one column. Consider realigning your code or using ...
  30. The .NET debugger has not been installed properly. The most probable cause is that mscordbi.dll is not properly registered. ...
  31. The .NET debugger has not been installed properly. The most probable cause is that mscordbi.dll is not properly registered. ...
  32. The .NET Runtime Event Provider requires setting COMPLUS_ETWEnabled=1 in your process' environment. Please be certain to ...
  33. The .ofs file that you selected is locked by the Forms Designer in Outlook, or else is corrupted or otherwise invalid (file ...
  34. The .svcmap file cannot be found. It may have been moved or deleted. To generate a new .svcmap file, delete the service reference ...
  35. The /ALIGN option specifies the alignment of each section within the linear address space of the program. The number argument ...
  36. The /ASSEMBLYLINKRESOURCE option creates a link to a .NET Framework resource in the output file; the resource file is not ...
  37. The /ASSEMBLYMODULE option allows you to add a module reference to an assembly. Type information in the module will not be ...
  38. The /FORCE option tells the linker to create an .exe file or DLL even if a symbol is referenced but not defined or is multiply ...
  39. The /LARGEADDRESSAWARE option tells the linker that the application can handle addresses larger than 2 gigabytes. By default, ...
  40. The /MAPINFO option tells the linker to include the specified information in a mapfile, which is created if you specify the ...
  41. The /MERGE option combines the first section (from) with the second section (to), naming the resulting section to. For example, ...
  42. The /NOASSEMBLY option tells the linker to create an image for the current output file without a .NET Framework assembly. ...
  43. The /NODEFAULTLIB option tells the lib to remove one or more default libraries from the list of libraries it searches when ...
  44. The /NODEFAULTLIB option tells the linker to remove one or more default libraries from the list of libraries it searches ...
  45. The /NOENTRY option is required for creating a resource-only DLL.Use this option to prevent LINK from linking a reference ...
  46. The /ORDER option tells LINK to optimize your program by placing certain COMDATs into the image in a predetermined order. ...
  47. The /PDBSTRIPPED option creates a second program database (PDB) file when you build your program image with any of the compiler ...
  48. The /SECTION option changes the attributes of a section, overriding the attributes set when the .obj file for the section ...
  49. The /SUBSYSTEM option tells the operating system how to run the .exe file.The choice of subsystem affects the entry point ...
  50. The /SWAPRUN option tells the operating system to first copy the linker output to a swap file, and then run the image from ...
  51. The /SWAPRUN option tells the operating system to first copy the linker output to a swap file, and then run the image from ...
  52. The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: / ...
  53. The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. ...
  54. The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be = type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly ...
  55. The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be = type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" ...
  56. The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 ...
  57. The /TSAWARE option sets a flag in the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER DllCharacteristics field in the program image's optional header. ...
  58. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the ...
  59. The /VERSION option tells the linker to put a version number in the header of the .exe or .dll file. Use DUMPBIN /HEADERS ...
  60. The 32-bit version of the Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) cannot be used to debug 64-bit processes or ...
  61. The 64-bit version of the Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) cannot be used to debug 32-bit processes or ...
  62. The ?define VSWindowsSDKVersion = "Visual Studio 2013 Prerequisites" ? requirements to install LocProductName for this system ...
  63. The above user will be configured to log on automatically on the selected machines. The screen saver will be disabled. The ...
  64. The accept channel operation timed out after {0}. The time allotted to this operation may be a portion of a larger timeout. ...
  65. The access control list for the item {0} could not be retrieved. The item may not exist on the server, or you do not have ...
  66. The account for following user is currently disabled: {0}. Error code: {1}. Error message: {2}. Click 'Repair/Install Agents' ...
  67. The account name either starts with a reserved character (e.g. a period) or contains unsupported characters (e.g. underscore). ...
  68. The account name specified is not valid. The account name either contains an illegal character, starts with a . or _. The ...
  69. The account of this Windows Service does not have Read/Write Access to temp location. The error received during the test ...
  70. The account running this Windows Service is not a valid user in the Release Management Server. Please add the user and try ...
  71. The action cannot be performed because the parent test suite has been deleted. You must refresh the test suite hierarchy. ...
  72. The action recording cannot be loaded for the test '{0}'. Changes have been made to the test steps or parameters for this ...
  73. The action you are trying to perform requires a connection to Team Foundation Service. Connect to a Team Foundation Service ...
  74. The action you are trying to perform requires a connection to Visual Studio Online. Connect to a Visual Studio Online account ...
  75. The active deployment configuration '{0}' cannot be located. Specify a valid deployment configuration in the Project Properties. ...