Visual Studio 2013

  1. The build definition {0} cannot be configured to batch gated check-ins because the configured process template {1} does not ...
  2. The build definition {0} must be configured for Gated Check-in to support submitting changes to source control on a successful ...
  3. The build drop for location '{0}' could not be downloaded. Error: {1}. Verify that the Build drop exists from Team Foundation ...
  4. The build information will not contain the TFS project collection URI or the symbol path. The resulting experience to go ...
  5. The build machine is not able to receive messages from the configured server because the message queue does not exist or ...
  6. The build machine {0} has at least one controller or agent that is currently Enabled and executing a build. In Progress builds ...
  7. The build machine {0} has at least one controller or agent that is currently Enabled. During Configuration, the build service ...
  8. The build machine {0} will be stopped because an unhandled exception was thrown. Type: {1} Message: {2} Stack Trace: {3} ...
  9. The build process could not checkin a shelveset because of missing information. Details: the BuildInformationNode Type {0} ...
  10. The build process could not find the run settings file '{0}' for test execution. Make sure that the file exists at the given ...
  11. The build process failed because all the worksheets in the workbook you are using in this solution are protected. Turn off ...
  12. The build process failed because the document you are using in this solution is protected. Turn off document protection and ...
  13. The build request cannot be retried because it is currently queued or in progress. Wait for the current request to complete ...
  14. The build request cannot be retried because it no longer exists or the associated build controller is deleted. Request a ...
  15. The build service encountered an error while it read the registry for the status of the operating system customization. Exception ...
  16. The build service encountered an error while it updated the registry node with the following information: Key name: {0}; ...
  17. The build service encountered an error while reading the registry node with the following key name: {0}. Exception type: ...
  18. The build service is using the same credentials under which it is running to connect to the Team Foundation Server application-tier. ...
  19. The build service will run as the account you select above, but it will authenticate with the hosted service using the default ...
  20. The build tools for {0} cannot be found. To build using the {1} build tools, either click the Project menu or right-click ...
  21. The build type {0} has been upgraded to a build definition without configuring a build controller. You must configure a build ...
  22. The Burndown dashboard displays critical information to help you track progress toward completing an iteration. For information ...
  23. The byref-typed variable '{0}' is used in an invalid way. Byrefs cannot be captured by closures or passed to inner functions. ...
  24. The C/C++ compiler default settings have been modified to be more compliant with ISO Standard C++. Included in those changes ...
  25. The C/C++ compiler switch /Og has been deprecated and has been removed from your project settings. It is recommended that ...
  26. The cabinet file '[2]' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, ...
  27. The Cached attribute on the following member is in error because the member is not public, static, read-only, or is a parameterized ...
  28. The call to method '%1!ls!' needs to be dynamically dispatched, but cannot be because it is part of a base access expression. ...
  29. The CallerFilePathAttribute applied to parameter '%1!ls!' will have no effect because it applies to a member that is used ...
  30. The CallerFilePathAttribute cannot be applied because there are no standard conversions from type '%1!ls!' to type '%2!ls!' ...
  31. The CallerLineNumberAttribute applied to parameter '%1!ls!' will have no effect because it applies to a member that is used ...
  32. The CallerLineNumberAttribute cannot be applied because there are no standard conversions from type '%1!ls!' to type '%2!ls!' ...
  33. The CallerMemberNameAttribute applied to parameter '%1!ls!' will have no effect because it applies to a member that is used ...
  34. The CallerMemberNameAttribute cannot be applied because there are no standard conversions from type '%1!ls!' to type '%2!ls!' ...
  35. The certificate name is invalid. It must contain a comma-separated list of name=value pairs. Please check with the publisher ...
  36. The certificate presented by the server during the Autodiscover process is not valid. If you know and trust this server you ...
  37. The certificate with thumbprint {0} could not be used for client authentication. The current user may not have permission ...
  38. The certificate you selected is not valid for signing because it is either expired or has another issue. For more information, ...
  39. The change being redone depends on another change from '{0}'. Redoing the change from '{1}' is likely to result in a broken ...
  40. The change being undone depends on another change from '{0}'. Undoing the change from '{1}' is likely to result in a broken ...
  41. The changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid. .Net Framework Data Type: {0} Error Message: {1} Type a value ...
  42. The changes you made to links and attachments have not been saved to the Team Foundation Server. Do you want to continue ...
  43. The changesets you are tracking include a large number of items. You should specify a path to a smaller number of items to ...
  44. The character encoding for the file %s has changed. Your source control provider may have problems managing files with this ...
  45. The character set tag in this file defines a code page which is not valid or not installed on your system. You can install ...
  46. The character was incomplete at stream offset {0:d}. The file labeled '{1}' might be in a different encoding than {2}, or ...
  47. The chart below combines the average queue time and run time for jobs; you can also view how many jobs were run at each hour. ...
  48. The chart below describes the job queue; it provides the counts for each queue type. The possible values are: InProgress, ...
  49. The chart below displays the number of different result types over the time period. Click on any of the result types to display ...
  50. The chart below displays the number of times a job has run combined with the number of result types for that particular job. ...
  51. The chart below displays total amount of run time this particular job has taken over the time period. Click on any of the ...
  52. The checkout has failed or been cancelled. Any subsequent edits made to the file must be saved to a different file using ...
  53. The checkout has failed or been cancelled. Any subsequent edits made to the file must be saved to a different file using ...
  54. The child test '{0}' with id '{1}' of test '{2}' with id '{3}' could not be found. Make sure that child test container exists. ...
  55. The chosen buffer size is not large enough to support overhead calculations. Try using fewer counters or larger buffers. ...
  56. The chosen file has incorrect file type {0}. Please choose a file whose type matches {1}, or change the logical name ({2}) ...
  57. The class cannot be exposed to VBA code because the document does not contain a VBA project, or because you do not have permission ...
  58. The class cannot be exposed to VBA code because the GuidAttribute declaration is missing or corrupt in the following file: ...
  59. The class cannot be exposed to VBA code because the version number specified by the AssemblyVersionAttribute is not valid ...
  60. The Class Designer allows you to visualize and work with types in your code. Create new types by dragging items from the ...
  61. The Class Designer allows you to visualize types in your code. Visualize existing types by dragging items from the {0} or ...
  62. The client certificates configuration was affected by machine-wide settings. To inspect and modify machine-wide settings, ...
  63. The client is not configured to use cookies. Support for cookies is required by the client when using Windows authentication ...
  64. The Client Libraries feature of the Silverlight {0} SDK is required before creating a Silverlight project. Re-run the Silverlight ...
  65. The clipboard cannot be accessed. Close this dialog box and attempt the Clipboard operation again. If this failure occurs ...
  66. The clock on this device does not match the clock on the licensing service and can cause errors when licensing this product. ...
  67. The Code Analysis policy requires rules not included in the Express version of Visual Studio. Double-click this message for ...
  68. The Code Analysis settings for one or more projects are not compatible with Code Analysis policy. Double-click this message ...
  69. The Code Analysis window does not support the platform toolset version of one or more projects. See the Error List for results ...
  70. The code could not be generated because the cursor in the source code file is not located within a method. Place the cursor ...
  71. The Code Coverage Analysis Service could not analyze the code coverage data for build {0} ({1}/{2}). This is frequently caused ...
  72. The code coverage data could not be written to the BuildCoverage or RunCoverage table in the Team Foundation Build database ...
  73. The code coverage data could not be written to the BuildCoverage or RunCoverage table in the Team Foundation Build database: ...
  74. The code coverage results to update could not be read from the BuildCoverage, RunCoverage, or Platforms_Flavors table in ...
  75. The code file for the coded UI test has been added to your test project. To generate code for this test, you can select from ...