Visual Studio 2010

  1. TF221088: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. The fact {0} has more than one distinct ...
  2. TF221089: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. The name {0} has more than {1} characters. ...
  3. TF221090: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. View {0} has no fact reference. Use ...
  4. TF221091: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. View {0} has more than one fact reference. ...
  5. TF221092: Cube {0} does not contain a measure group with id {1}. Use Team Foundation Administration Console to rebuild reporting. ...
  6. TF221093: DimensionUse '{1}.{2}' for fact {0} refers to dimension {2}, which is not defined. Use Team Foundation Administration ...
  7. TF221094: The selected database is not compatible with the current version of TFS. Please select a different database. The ...
  8. TF221095: The selected database is not compatible with the current version of TFS. Please select a different database or ...
  9. TF221097: The warehouse for Team Foundation Server cannot be configured while reporting is online. Use the Team Foundation ...
  10. TF221099: The installation parameters specify the use of the existing database {0} on the server {1}, but it does not have ...
  11. TF221102: Reporting for the Team Foundation server {0} is not configured. Use the Team Foundation Administration Console ...
  12. TF221103: Reporting is not configured for team project collection {0}. Use the Team Foundation Administration Console to ...
  13. TF221104: The warehouse is not configured for Team Foundation Server. Use the Team Foundation Administration Console to configure ...
  14. TF221105: Reporting for Team Foundation Server failed to apply configuration changes. See the event log for more details. ...
  15. TF221106: Reporting for Team Foundation Server cannot execute job {0} for {1} because the Analysis Services processing is ...
  16. TF221107: Reporting for Team Foundation Server cannot execute job {0} for team project collection {1} because the warehouse ...
  17. TF221108: The warehouse data access component for Team Foundation Server cannot find the resources for the cube in the locale ...
  18. TF221109: The warehouse data access component for Team Foundation Server cannot prepare a batch because one has already been ...
  19. TF221110: The warehouse data access component for Team Foundation Server cannot execute a null, empty, or blank SQL statement. ...
  20. TF221111: The parameter direction {0} for the warehouse data access component for Team Foundation Server is not supported. ...
  21. TF221112: The command type {0} for the warehouse data access component for Team Foundation Server is not supported. Use StoredProcedure ...
  22. TF221115: The warehouse data access component for Team Foundation Server failed to create a compensating record because the ...
  23. TF221116: The warehouse data access component for Team Foundation Server cancelled an attempt to backfill a record for a ...
  24. TF221117: The warehouse data access component for Team Foundation Server found no changes when backfilling a record for a ...
  25. TF221118: The warehouse data access component for Team Foundation Server did not find a work item in the collection database ...
  26. TF221119: Reporting for Team Foundation Server does not have any warehouse jobs defined for collection {0}. Use the Team ...
  27. TF221121: Column '{0}' of the warehouse table {1} cannot be used as a watermark for measure group {2}, because it is not ...
  28. TF221125: There is more than one data source view in use in the Analysis Services database for Team Foundation Server, so ...
  29. TF221161: There are conflicting definitions of the following work item fields in the warehouse: {1}. These conflicting definitions ...
  30. TF221162: The conflicting definitions of fields that blocked updating work items from project collection {0} has been resolved. ...
  31. TF221164: The number of fields for work items that are reportable in the warehouse has exceeded the limit ({0}). Work items ...
  32. TF221165: The warehouse database cannot be configured because reporting jobs are still running. Make sure the warehouse database ...
  33. TF221166: The Analysis Services database cannot be configured because reporting jobs are still running. Make sure the Analysis ...
  34. TF222050: You cannot connect to Team Foundation Server 2010 by using this tool because it uses an obsolete class (ManageTfsList) ...
  35. TF223000: The identity object returned by ReadIdentities contains a null value for the following registered security identifier ...
  36. TF223002: The update package contains more than one entry that sets the value of field {0} for a new work item with the temporary ...
  37. TF223006: You cannot modify the definition of a work item tracking object with your version of command-line tools as they ...
  38. TF223007: You attempted to modify a link between work items that could not be found. The link might be hosted on a more recent ...
  39. TF223008: A column name is specified more than once in the query XML. Check the list of fields defined for ORDER BY, and ...
  40. TF223009: The query hierarchy is out-of-date. The changes you requested to the hierarchy would result in a circular logic ...
  41. TF223010: The Web service request to Team Foundation Server failed. The update XML contains an invalid field for a computed ...
  42. TF225001: Creating a build definition requires a build controller be defined for this team project collection. There may ...
  43. TF225003: The collection administrators group does not exist for this collection. Permissions may not be set on groups that ...
  44. TF225004: The build services group does not exist for this collection. Permissions may not be set on groups that do not exist. ...
  45. TF226000: After you change the port that is used by Team Foundation Build, you must also update the build service on the ...
  46. TF227010: Item versions in the VSS repository are incorrect. This can be caused by a corrupted VSS repository. For example, ...
  47. TF227013: Items were moved from a location that is not under the migration path. Either it is not mapped or the parent has ...
  48. TF227015: The versions of this file or folder are out of order. Users made changes to the database when they had different ...
  49. TF227020: The converter cannot scan the history of following files and folders, and these files and folders may not migrate ...
  50. TF227022: Only the source folder is intended for migration, but one of its subfolders was moved to another (destination) ...
  51. TF227023: Only the source folder was intended for migration, but one of its subfolders was moved to another (destination) ...
  52. TF227024: The following items are moved from a non-existent location. VSSConverter will create the original item in the 'Moved ...
  53. TF227025: The following items are moved from a non-existent location. VSSConverter has created the original item in the 'Moved ...
  54. TF227027: List of files that were checked out during the migration process. Check-out status information is not preserved. ...
  55. TF227028: Label names will be changed as a result of migration because they contain characters not supported by Team Foundation ...
  56. TF227029: The following is the list of files that have the VSS property Keep latest version only' enabled. Since previous ...
  57. TF227030: Shared files will be migrated by copying the version of the file at the time of sharing began to the destination ...
  58. TF227031: Shared files are migrated by copying the version of the file at the time sharing began to the destination folder. ...
  59. TF227032: VSSConverter has detected that Visual SourceSafe does not have the recommended updates installed. To ensure optimal ...
  60. TF227033: Label names were changed as a result of migration because they contain characters not supported by Team Foundation ...
  61. TF228000: The account in the data source {0} cannot be updated because the data source does not exist or cannot be accessed. ...
  62. TF228001: The account in the data source {0} cannot be updated. SQL Server Reporting Services returned the following error: ...
  63. TF228006: You specified an account that is not the service account for Team Foundation Server. Verify that the account and ...
  64. TF229001: Team Explorer cannot open the document because the WebClient service is not running on this computer. Install Desktop ...
  65. TF229002: Team Explorer cannot open the document because the WebClient service is not running on this computer. You must ...
  66. TF229003: No response was received from the following SharePoint site: {0}. Verify that it is operational, or specify another ...
  67. TF229004: The team project cannot use the following SharePoint site: {0}. That site is hosted by a Web application that does ...
  68. TF229005: The following document libraries are marked as the process guidance library in the template: {0}, {1}. Only one ...
  69. TF229006: Your user account does not have sufficient permissions to cause reports and dashboards to show data from a different ...
  70. TF229007: Your changes could not be saved. Your user account might not have permissions to change the source of data for ...
  71. TF229008: The following SharePoint library could not be found: {0}. This library was just created. Try refreshing Team Explorer ...
  72. TF233000: Cannot download Microsoft Project field mappings because there are no field mappings defined for this team project. ...
  73. TF233001: The value specified for the IfSummaryRefreshOnly attribute for field {0} is not valid. Change the value to either ...
  74. TF233002: Cannot upload the specified file as it is not a correctly formatted Team Foundation Server Field Mapping file. ...
  75. TF233003: Cannot upload the specified file as it either contains invalid elements or the elements are not in the correct ...