Visual Studio 2010

  1. TF237187: More than one set of permissions was provided for the same query or query folder. You can only provide one set ...
  2. TF237199: You cannot set query or query folder permissions with this version of Team Foundation Server. Upgrade to a newer ...
  3. TF237200: You cannot add a {0} link from work item {1} to work item to {2}. Adding a link between these work items will increase ...
  4. TF238001: The name that you typed contains one or more characters that are not valid, or it contains Unicode control characters. ...
  5. TF239000: Internet Information Services (IIS) has returned a value that is not valid. The value for ServerBinding was null ...
  6. TF239001: An error in the binding type caused report creation to fail. The binding type was not valid: {0}. Bindings must ...
  7. TF239002: The following binding string is not valid: {0}. The binding string must contain three parts, separated by colons. ...
  8. TF24003: The query or query folder name you entered contains characters that are not supported. Correct the name and try ...
  9. TF24023: Team Foundation Server Configuration Failure. The New Team Project Wizard work item component could not connect ...
  10. TF24042: You do not have permission to create work items in project '{0}'. Contact your Team Foundation System administrator. ...
  11. TF241004: A termination of the network connection caused the reconnect operation to server {0} to fail. Retry the operation ...
  12. TF241005: An unknown error caused the reconnect operation to fail. Close the file without saving it and retry the operation. ...
  13. TF241006: The reconnect operation failed because the team project collection you selected does not host the team project ...
  14. TF241008: The following field(s) contain invalid values: {0}. Click 'Correct this error' to open a field correction form ...
  15. TF241011: Project has reset the value for the Publish to Team Project column to Yes. You cannot change the value for Publish ...
  16. TF241012: After auto-correcting the '{0}' custom field to Yes, Project detected that the value assigned to the Publish to ...
  17. TF241013: Invalid {0} attribute value in mapping. This attribute value should be a task text custom field between pjTaskText1 ...
  18. TF241016: The following fields are not modified because the value(s) you selected for them are either not available in the ...
  19. TF241017: Your local enterprise project plan does not have access to recently provisioned custom fields. To update your plan, ...
  20. TF242400: Cannot open the Outlook mail folder. Check that you are logged on to Outlook and can successfully see your e-mail ...
  21. TF242402: Could not start or connect to Outlook. This problem can occur if Visual Studio is running with full administrator ...
  22. TF242402: Could not start or connect to {0}. This problem can occur if Visual Studio is running with full administrator access ...
  23. TF242408: The query you selected does not return any work items. Select a query that contains at least one work item, and ...
  24. TF243000: Verify that the TFS service account has full permission to MachineKeys folder on server (for example, C:\Documents ...
  25. TF243001: An error occurred initializing the proxy for the team project collection at {0}. The message returned from the ...
  26. TF244000: An error occurred while creating enterprise custom field: {0}. Project Server returned the following error: "{1}". ...
  27. TF244001: An error occurred while deleting enterprise custom field: {0}. Project Server returned the following error: "{1}". ...
  28. TF244002: The number of core enterprise custom fields is not valid. You must provide the name for all {0} core custom fields. ...
  29. TF244003: The version for Project Server is not valid. Team Foundation Server can only integrate with Project Server 2007 ...
  30. TF244004: Cannot connect to the PWA instance. The URL might not be valid, a network problem might exist, or you might not ...
  31. TF244005: An error occurred while creating lookup table: {0}. Project Server returned the following error: "{1}". You might ...
  32. TF244006: An error occurred while deleting lookup table: {0}. Project Server returned the following error: "{1}". You can ...
  33. TF244009: Cannot connect to Team Foundation Server: {0}. The server name might not be valid, a network problem might exist, ...
  34. TF244011: The following PWA instance is not currently registered: {0}. If this PWA was previously registered under a different ...
  35. TF244016: Team project collection '{0}' is mapped to the following PWA instance: {1}. You must unmap this project collection ...
  36. TF244022: Could not access enterprise project: '{0}'. Project Server returned the following error: "{1}". Verify that the ...
  37. TF244023: An error occurred while reading a Project Server lookup table. The error is: "{0}". Perform the corrective action ...
  38. TF244024: The following enterprise project is either not valid or cannot be accessed: {0}. Verify that the project exists ...
  39. TF244027: An error occurred while updating a Project Server lookup table. The error is: "{0}". Perform the corrective action ...
  40. TF244029: Unable to successfully register the PWA instance. Review the messages logged during the registration process for ...
  41. TF244040: Your Project Server synchronization mapping contains an invalid project ID. Verify that your plan is mapped to ...
  42. TF244043: Cannot create custom field '{0}' because a custom field with the same name already exists. Delete the custom field ...
  43. TF244044: Cannot create lookup table '{0}' because a lookup table with the same name already exists. Delete the lookup table ...
  44. TF244047: Cannot access the following PWA instance: {0}. Project Server returned this error: "{1}". The URL might not be ...
  45. TF244054: The following team project collection is not mapped to a PWA instance: {0}. Check the mapping for the team project ...
  46. TF244059: The value for the following custom field should be a Text field in Project Server: {0}. You can specify a text ...
  47. TF244062: The following PWA instance is not registered correctly: {0}. To correct the registration, you must unregister the ...
  48. TF244065: An error occurred while retrieving the list of event handlers for event ID: {0}. Project Server returned the following ...
  49. TF244068: An error occurred while provisioning the reporting database schema for a PWA instance. Project Server returned ...
  50. TF244069: An error occurred while checking the provisioning status of the reporting database schema for a PWA instance. Project ...
  51. TF244070: An error occurred while dropping the reporting database schema for a PWA instance. Project Server returned the ...
  52. TF244077: An error occurred while retrieving enterprise custom fields. Project Server returned the following error: "{0}". ...
  53. TF244078: An error occurred while retrieving lookup tables. Project Server returned the following error: "{0}". Contact your ...
  54. TF244081: A syntax error was detected in the field mapping definition file that you tried to upload. Correct the field mapping ...
  55. TF244082: The namespace that you specified in the field mapping definition file is incorrect. The namespace must be either ...
  56. TF244083: The following syntax error occurred in the field mapping definition file that you tried to upload: "{0}". Correct ...
  57. TF244085: The following PWA instance is registered to Team Foundation Server "{1}": {0}. You must unregister it from that ...
  58. TF244086: You cannot unmap the following team project from the enterprise project plan while tasks are actively synchronizing ...
  59. TF244087: The Feature Pack for Team Foundation Server 2010 and Project Server Integration must be installed on those machines ...
  60. TF244087: You cannot unmap the specified types of work items while work items of these types are actively synchronizing with ...
  61. TF244088: To run this command, you must have been granted the Administer Project Server integration permission on Team Foundation ...
  62. TF244089: To run this command, you must be a member of the Team Foundation Administrators group on Team Foundation Server ...
  63. TF245000: You must specify attributes for the following XML element: . Correct the field mapping for Team Foundation Server ...
  64. TF245001: The contents of the field mapping file are not valid. The expected XML element is '{0}', but the actual element ...
  65. TF245002: An error occurred while validating the following section in the field mapping file: . Correct and upload the field ...
  66. TF245003: For each field that you map, you must specify a provider for the tfsToTarget element and the targetToTfs element. ...
  67. TF245004: An unexpected error occurred while validating the associations in the section in the field mapping file. Correct ...
  68. TF245009: The following provider is not supported: {0}. Correct the field mapping for Team Foundation Server and Project ...
  69. TF245010: The field mapping file contains a duplicate reference for enterprise custom field '{0}' from the following provider: ...
  70. TF245011: The field mapping file contains a duplicate reference of Team Foundation work item field: {0}. Correct the field ...
  71. TF245012: A validation error occurred for the following element '{0}'. Type "{1}" is already defined. You cannot add type ...
  72. TF245013: A validation error occurred for the following element '{0}'. Type "{1}" does not contain a default constructor. ...
  73. TF245014: A validation error occurred for the following element '{0}'. Type "{1}" does not implement IFactoryProduct interface. ...
  74. TF246017: Team Foundation Server could not connect to the database. Verify that the server that is hosting the database is ...
  75. TF246018: The database operation exceeded the timeout limit and has been cancelled. Verify that the parameters of the operation ...