Visual Studio 2010

  1. TF218008: A feature for SharePoint Products could not be activated for the team project site. The feature ID is :"{0}". The ...
  2. TF218009: The XML in the process template is malformed. Team Foundation Server does not support the permission class '{0}'. ...
  3. TF218012: A server running SharePoint Products has been found, but a SharePoint site could not be created to act as the team ...
  4. TF218013: SQL Server Reporting Services is installed on this computer, but the team project could not be created because ...
  5. TF218014: The project was created, but the following plug-in did not run successfully: {0}. The following error occurred: ...
  6. TF218015: An error occurred after the SharePoint site was created. A document library could not be found with the following ...
  7. TF218015: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the SID for the application group or account: '{0}'. Contact the ...
  8. TF218016: The Area or Iteration path '{0}' specified in the process template GroupsandPermissions.xml file is not valid. ...
  9. TF218016: The team project could not be created because there was an error with the following SharePoint Web application: ...
  10. TF218018: The XML in the process template is malformed. A problem exists with the following permission class: {0}. The permission ...
  11. TF218020: The following team project could not be found: {0}. The project is a member of the following team project collection: ...
  12. TF218023: A report folder already exists and has items for the following team project: {0}. SQL Server Reporting Services ...
  13. TF218026: Adding features to an existing project is not supported. The following element in the XML file is not supported: ...
  14. TF218027: The following reporting folder could not be created on the server that is running SQL Server Reporting Services: ...
  15. TF218028: The Groups and Permissions plug-in file contains an entry that is not valid. You cannot add members to the following ...
  16. TF218029: The Groups and Permissions plug-in file contains an entry that is not valid. You cannot add group member, {0}, ...
  17. TF218030: The Groups and Permissions plug-in file contains an entry that could not be validated. The following error occurred: ...
  18. TF218031: The macros could not be replaced in the following entry from the Groups and Permissions plug-in file: {0}. The ...
  19. TF218032: The Groups and Permissions plug-in file contains an entry that is not valid. You cannot add group member, {0}, ...
  20. TF221005: The new value '{0}' for the property '{1}' was not saved because the value is not a time string. You can specify ...
  21. TF221007: The value '{0}' is out of the supported range for the property '{1}'. The value should be between {2} and {3} inclusive. ...
  22. TF221022: The Team Foundation warehouse is offline. To call {0}(), the warehouse must be online. Use the Team Foundation ...
  23. TF221023: The Team Foundation Analysis Services processing is offline. To call {0}(), the Analysis Services processing must ...
  24. TF221024: The team project collection {0} cannot be found. Use the Team Foundation Administration Console to see the complete ...
  25. TF221025: There are no team project collections that are online. Use the Team Foundation Administration Console to see the ...
  26. TF221026: The team project collection {0} is offline, so it cannot process any requests. Use the Team Foundation Administration ...
  27. TF221027: Reporting for Team Foundation Server does not have a job named {1} for team project collection {0} . Call the web ...
  28. TF221028: Reporting for Team Foundation Server does not have a job named {0}. Call the web method GetJobProperties() to see ...
  29. TF221029: Reporting for Team Foundation Server does not have any warehouse jobs defined. Use the Team Foundation Administration ...
  30. TF221030: Reporting for Team Foundation server {0} does not have a job named {1}. Call the web method GetJobProperties() ...
  31. TF221031: Reporting for Team Foundation Server does not have the jobs necessary to process the Analysis Services database. ...
  32. TF221034: The team project collection {0} is offline. You can start the team project collection by using the Team Foundation ...
  33. TF221035: Job {0} for team project collection {1} stopped making schema changes to the warehouse for Team Foundation Server, ...
  34. TF221036: The JobCategory property for job {0} is {1}. Reporting for Team Foundation Server will only process jobs whose ...
  35. TF221037: The schema of the Analysis Services database for Team Foundation Server is not valid. Element {0} of the DataSourceView ...
  36. TF221038: The schema of the Analysis Services database for Team Foundation Server is not valid. The calculation script does ...
  37. TF221039: The schema of the Analysis Services database for Team Foundation Server is not valid. No measure group partition ...
  38. TF221040: The warehouse table {0} does not have a watermark column named {1}. The dimension {2} will always be processed ...
  39. TF221041: Column '{0}' of the warehouse table {1} cannot be used as a watermark for the table, because it is not a datetime ...
  40. TF221043: The dimension {0} is bound to data table {1}, which does not exist. Use the Team Foundation Administration Console ...
  41. TF221043: The measure group {0} is bound to data table {1}, which does not exist. Use the Team Foundation Administration ...
  42. TF221044: The dimension attribute {2} in dimension {1} does not have a ColumnBinding source, which is required by the Analysis ...
  43. TF221045: The measure group {2} has a binding type {0}, but only binding type {1} is supported in the Analysis Services processing. ...
  44. TF221046: The dimension {0} does not have a data source view, which is required by the Analysis Services processing. Use ...
  45. TF221046: The measure group {0} does not have a data source view, which is required by the Analysis Services processing. ...
  46. TF221047: The measure {0} cannot be added to measure group {1} because the source table {2} cannot be found. Use the Team ...
  47. TF221049: The warehouse database for Team Foundation Server does not contain the data source {0}. Create the data source, ...
  48. TF221050: The binding element {0} does not exist in data source view {1}. Use the Team Foundation Administration Console ...
  49. TF221052: The Analysis Services database for Team Foundation Server does not have a dimension with ID {0}. Use the Team Foundation ...
  50. TF221053: Reporting for Team Foundation Server was unable to parse the calculations scripts to preserve custom calculations. ...
  51. TF221054: The measure name {1} is not the same as it's ID - {0}, which is inconsistent with the guidelines for the Analysis ...
  52. TF221062: Reporting for Team Foundation Server cannot add measure {0} to measure group {1}. There may be a measure by the ...
  53. TF221063: The name '{0}' has {1} parts, but the warehouse for Team Foundation Server requires the name to be in the form ...
  54. TF221064: {1} is the server portion of the name '{0}', but it does not match the name of the server with the warehouse database: ...
  55. TF221065: {1} is the catalog portion of the name '{0}', but it does not match the name of the server with the warehouse database: ...
  56. TF221067: '{0}' is not a valid name. If any part of the name contains white space, a comma (,), or square bracket ([]), then ...
  57. TF221068: '{0}' is not a valid name. If any part of the name contains white space, a comma (,), or square bracket ([]), then ...
  58. TF221069: The character '{0}' (hexadecimal value {1}) at position {2} in the name '{3}' is not valid for names in the warehouse. ...
  59. TF221071: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. Dimension member {0} does not contain ...
  60. TF221072: The Analysis Services processing is not configured for Team Foundation Server. Use the Team Foundation Administration ...
  61. TF221074: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. Fact {0} does not include a business ...
  62. TF221075: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. Fact {0} is not defined. Use Team Foundation ...
  63. TF221076: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. The type {1} for field {0} is not valid. ...
  64. TF221077: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. A field name cannot be null. Use Team ...
  65. TF221078: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. The length {1} of field {0} is out of ...
  66. TF221079: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. The Analysis Services processing for ...
  67. TF221079: The Analysis Services processing for Team Foundation Server does not support the aggregation function {0} used ...
  68. TF221080: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. The measure {0} of type {1} can only ...
  69. TF221081: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. A dimension name cannot be null. Use ...
  70. TF221082: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. CalculatedMember {0} is invalid: a calculation ...
  71. TF221083: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. The key field {1} for dimension {0} ...
  72. TF221084: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. The parent field {1} for dimension {0} ...
  73. TF221085: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. Fact {0} is not valid. Use Team Foundation ...
  74. TF221086: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. Dimension {0} is not defined. Use Team ...
  75. TF221087: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. The white space at the beginning or ...